Python plugin for linuxdeploy. Sets up miniconda inside an AppDir, and installs user-specified packages.
# get linuxdeploy and linuxdeploy-plugin-conda (see below for more information)
# configure environment variables which control the plugin's behavior
> export CONDA_CHANNELS=mychannel;myotherchannel CONDA_PACKAGES=mypackage;myotherpackage
# call through linuxdeploy
> ./linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage --appdir AppDir --plugin conda --output appimage --icon mypackage.png --desktop-file mypackage.desktop
There are many variables available to alter the behavior of the plugin. The current list can be obtained by calling the plugin with --help
You can cross-build native extensions for i[3-6]86
by installing a 32-bit compiler and instructing distutils to use those.
On Debian, Ubuntu and other derivatives:
sudo apt-get install -y gcc-multilib g++-multilib
export ARCH=i386 CC="gcc -m32" CXX="g++ -m32" LDSHARED="gcc -m32 -shared -pthread"
If your system doesn't provide multilib compilers, wrappers like i686-linux-gnu-gcc
also work fine.
Note: It's very important to also overwrite LDSHARED
See for more information.
By default, linuxdeploy-plugin-conda redownloads the miniconda installer on every execution. This is not an issue for most people, as the installers are only 50-80 MiB in size. However, it is usually not necessary to redownload the file every time, especially while developing scripts based on the conda plugin.
Therefore, you can set a custom directory via the environment variable $CONDA_DOWNLOAD_DIR
, into which downloaded files are stored then. The plugin makes use of some wget
parameters to ensure that the file is only downloaded when it is incomplete (-c
) or there is a newer version available (-N
> export CONDA_DOWNLOAD_DIR=/my/own/directory
> ./linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage --plugin conda [...]
Using user-specified download directory: /my/own/directory
Relative paths work as well.
This generates a working FreeCAD AppImage from Conda ingredients, including Qt and PyQt:
wget -c ""
wget -c ""
chmod +x linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage
cat > freecad.desktop <<\EOF
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Feature based Parametric Modeler
Comment[de]=Feature-basierter parametrischer Modellierer
GenericName=CAD Application
Exec=FreeCAD %F
GenericName[de_DE]=Feature-basierter parametrischer Modellierer
Comment[de_DE]=Feature-basierter parametrischer Modellierer
export CONDA_CHANNELS=freecad CONDA_PACKAGES=freecad
./linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage --appdir AppDir -i AppDir/usr/conda/data/Mod/Start/StartPage/freecad.png -d freecad.desktop --plugin conda --output appimage