For amd64 aarch machine to directly using libbpf-bootstrap framwork to write ebpf programs both kernel and user space.And you don't need to have CONFIG_BTF_DEBUG_INFO
support by using externel BTF file in BTFhubForAndroid instead.For this goal,I did some changes on libbpf-bootstrap,and have done some embedded features.Wish this can help you sth.Best regards.
- Android NDK
- gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
- Android phone with root and unlock BL
- deps
cd libbpf-bootstrap-android
sudo apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu llvm clang
unzip android-ndk-r25c-linux
- set NDK env to
vim ~/.bashrc
export your android-ndk-r25c/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin to PATH
- compile and push to phone
cd examples/c && make
adb devices
adb remount # may fail, you can leave with issure.
adb push examples/c/btf_file/* example/c/your_executable_file /data/local/tmp
adb shell #into android kernel shell
- in android shell
cd /data/local/tmp && chmod +x your_excutable_file
- libelf,libz on aarcj64 embedded.
- x86 -> android13(aarch64) cross-compile you can directly write ebpf both kernel-program and user-program on x86 machine.
- FlameGraph embedded to monitor performance.
- For None BTF/vmlinux android-kernel(CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF not set) support.
- adb debug (after compiling&linking, directly push into android-phone) embedded.
- change the static link to ShareLib.
- Measure the eBPF program's overhead by FlameGraph.
- Add more Android features into support.
- Test for lower Android version.