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Liquid Investigations: Software Stack Setup

This repository contains ansible scripts that set up the software stack for liquid investigations. It's designed to work in two scenarios: installation on a server or VPS, and preparing an OS image for a cloud server or ARM64 microboard.

Build an OS image

You can build a full system image, based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, that includes the liquid software bundle. This is done using Factory.

First, set up factory and make sure you can log into an instance. It should be an arm64 instance running on arm64 hardware if you want to target a microboard, or an x86_64 image running on x86_64 hardware if you want a server/cloud image.

Next, run the build script in a factory instance:

$ git clone
$ echo 'liquid_domain:' > setup/ansible/vars/config.yml
$ factory run --share setup:/mnt/setup /mnt/setup/bin/build_image cloud

If all goes well, the image should be saved in the shared/output folder. You can add the --debug flag to introspect any failures.

Convert the image

The build scripts produce "raw" images. You can convert them to VMware or VirtualBox format. Append -p to get progress report.

qemu-img convert liquid-20170627-x86_64.img -O vmdk liquid-20170627-x86_64.vmdk
qemu-img convert liquid-20170627-x86_64.img -O vmi liquid-20170627-x86_64.vmi

Set up on existing server

These instructions assume Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. They work on Debian systems with some adaptations, YMMV.

$ add-apt-repository ppa:ansible/ansible -y # for Ansible 2.2 or newer
$ apt-get update
$ apt install ansible -y
$ cd /opt
$ git clone
$ cd setup
$ bin/install

First boot

On first (re)boot, the bundle will configure the system, the apps and their databases. This will take a few minutes. You can follow the progress in the log file:

tail -f /var/log/rc.local.log

When the initialization scripts compete successfully, they will create the file /opt/common/first_boot_done, so they don't run on the next boot.


On ARM system images, after the first-boot scripts complete, the system will attempt to create a wireless hotspot, if it detecs any AP-capable wireless interfaces. The SSID is liquid, password chocolate.

Hoover and Hypothesis

Hoover and Hypothesis are started after first boot setup and automatically started on subsequent boots.

They are accessible at subdomains of liquid_domain which was set above: and When running from a VM you may need to set up the VM network configuration and put those hosts in your hosts file.

The services can be managed via supervisorctl.

External Storage and Encryption

By default, the image looks for the first external block device (USB stick, USB or internal hard disk, virtual hard disk) that has the following characteristics:

  • it's larger than 3GB in total capacity
  • it's not mounted

The system then formats and mounts the drive. It's going to be used as external storage; all user data (documents, wiki pages, chat history) are going to be stored on it.

This functionality can be disabled by creating the file /opt/common/LIQUID_EXTERNAL_DISABLE on the image, by using the /bin/with-image-chroot script.

When running a VM with factory

The --usb-storage factory flag has to be used with a raw format virtual hard disk. Create one with:

qemu-img create -f raw the-image.raw`

External Storage Encryption

The block device that's going to be mounted into the system can be overridden by writing a file /opt/common/LIQUID_EXTERNAL_BLOCK_DEVICE that contains the path to the desired block device. Both Luks and VeraCrypt can be used, if installed and configured through the shell.

You can hook into bin/external-storage to automate the process to your specific workflow.

Development notes

The devel role sets up the following:

  • system user: liquid-admin, password: liquid, sudo enabled
  • sshd on port 22 that accepts password authentication
  • liquid-core: user liquid, password: liquid

The devel role can be enabled by putting devel: true into vars/config.yml.


To use HTTPS, create certificates using your preferred method (letsencrypt, self-signed).

To enable HTTPS functionality in nginx, set use_https: true in vars/config.yml and re-run ansible-playbook -i hosts liquid.yml. Then, supply all the certificate files under /var/lib/liquid/https/certs/ and restart nginx. To find what certificates are needed, run grep -r /https/certs ./ansible/roles.

Also, thou shalt generate a /var/lib/liquid/https/nginx/dhparams.pem file with diffie-hellman parameters.

Demo server

The bin/configure-demo-image script takes a nightly cloud image and provisions it to act as demo server. It should be run from a Factory VM.


  • The setup repo in /mnt/shared/setup.
  • An uncompressed raw nightly image, e.g. in /mnt/shared/demo.img.
  • A list of user accounts, e.g. /mnt/shared/users.json, in this format.
  • An ansible configuration file, e.g. /mnt/shared/config.yml. Interesting variables include liquid_domain, use_https and devel.

Invoke the script like this:

./factory run shared/setup/bin/configure-demo-image /mnt/shared/demo.img /mnt/shared/config.yml /mnt/shared/users.json


Ansible scripts for the Liquid Investigations Prototype.







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