I plot COVID19 data from Austria provided by the government.
ll antibody_values_plots/
antibody_values_plots/ABvalues_output_2021-12-30.pdf I plot values for IgG RBD antibody titers over time to show the effect of antibodies after three vaccines. I do not control for variation between measurements due to lack of reference values.
ll covid_data_austria
I plot and overlay distinct datasets showing the
- number of new cases
- number of hospital beds and ICU beds taken up by COVID19 patients
- deaths caused by COVID19
- number of people vaccinated per day.
covid_data_austria/vaccinations_dose.resolved_2021-12-31.pdf I plot the number of people who received the first, second and third vaccine. The percentages show the absolute numbers relative to the population >= 12 years. This threshold was set by Austrian authorities and includes everybody that is old enough to receive the vaccination ("impfbare Bevölkerung").
covid_data_austria/vaccinations_newcases.deaths.hospitalizations.overtime_2021-12-31.pdf I plot all data available as described above.
covid_data_austria/vaccinations_ratioof.severecases.over.newcases.perwave_2021-12-31.pdf Same as before, but with waves in the last two years marked in gray. The labels contains ratio = peak.severe.sickness / sum.positive.cases per wave. with peak.severe.sickness ... max(number of deaths + hospital beds + ICU beds taken by COVID19 patients per day) sum.positive.cases ... sum(new positive cases per day)
covid_data_austria/vaccinations_newcases.overtime_2021-12-31.pdf I plot all new positive cases identified per day and the percentage of people vaccinated over time. Cases rise even though >70% of people got at least two doses.
covid_data_austria/vaccinations_newcases.vs.severecases.overtime_2021-12-31.pdf I plot the percentage of people that received at least one dose and the number of deaths per day + hospital beds and ICU beds taken by COVID19 patients over time. Vaccines do not protect from getting infected, but from having severe symptoms.