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⚠️⚠️⚠️This is still pretty much work in progress, API/naming will likely be changing very quickly

Build Status


Install via npm

$ npm install wikidata-elements

or just include the umd build using the CDN url

<script src=""></script>


Import the package if you installed it from npm:

import 'wikidata-elements'


  • Render entity's label
<wd-entity entity-id="Q42" label lang="en">

=> Douglas Adams

  • Render entity's description
<wd-entity entity-id="Q42" description lang="en"/>

=> British author and humorist

  • Render entity's property
<wd-entity entity-id="Q42" property="P345" />

=> nm0010930

<a is="wd-link">

wd-entity only render text content, what if you want render things a link of P856 or one's twitter url? Don't worry, we got you covered 😀.

So We extend the built-in a tag to support this custom beahviour. All the attributes for a would still work, you can continue use target="_blank" to control in the link to be open in a new tab.

  • Render property url (like P856), by passing a P value to property attribute
<a is="wd-link" entity-id="Q80" property="P856">
  Tim Berners-Lee's website


  is="wd-link" entity-id="Q80" property="P856"
  Tim Berners-Lee's website
  • Render external id as link(like twitter username P2002 ), using the same propery attribute.
<a is="wd-link" entity-id="Q80" property="P2002">
  Tim on twitter


  is="wd-link" entity-id="Q80" property="P2002"
  Tim on twitter
  • Render wikimedia site link, by passing the sitename to the site attribute
<a is="wd-link" entity-id="Q80" site="jawiki">


  is="wd-link" entity-id="Q80" site="jawiki"

You can also pass a comma separated list of sitename, this we will render the first one it's available in the same order.

<a is="wd-link" entity-id="Q80" site="zhwikiquote, enwikiquote">
  Tim's quote


  is="wd-link" entity-id="Q80" site="jawiki"
  Tim's quote

1st Example: Make your own wikipedia infobox

Simple markup for access the data you need from Wikidata

<section id="douglas">
    <wd-entity entity-id="Q42" label lang="en"/>
      <td><wd-entity entity-id="Q42" description lang="en"/></td>
      <th>Place of Birth</td>
      <td><wd-entity entity-id="Q42" property="P19" lang="en"/></td>
      <td><wd-entity entity-id="Q42" property="P2048" lang="en"></wd-entity>m</td>
      <td><wd-entity entity-id="Q42" property="P856" lang="en"/></td>

Style it whatever you want it, using the tool you have

    #douglas h1 {
      color: #BF6766;
    #douglas table {
      text-align: center;
      color: #e9e9e9;
      background: #AF5F3C;
    #douglas table th {
      padding: 10px;
      background-color: #F05E1C;


Then you would have this not so bad infobox in the page, try this in JSBin if you wanna play with it.

Your infobox


We're using pollyjs to record and replay all the http requests to wikidata in the test suits, this make the test cases more reliable.

To run our tests locally, first start the pollyjs process to record network request

npm run listen-request

and then just run the normal

npm run test

See also

  • qLabel is a jQuery plugin to translate labels in a Website based on translations from Wikidata


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub.