Pry clipboard utility.
Copy history/result to clipboard.
$ gem install pry-clipboard2
Your ~/.pryrc
require 'pry-clipboard2'
# aliases
Pry.config.commands.alias_command 'ch', 'copy-history'
Pry.config.commands.alias_command 'cr', 'copy-result'
rescue LoadError => e
warn "can't load pry-clipboard"
require 'pry-clipboard2'
copy-history --help
copy-result --help
paste --help
pry(main)> def fib(n)
pry(main)* n < 2 ? n : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
pry(main)* end
> nil
pry(main)> fib(10)
=> 55
pry(main)> copy-history
-*-*- Copy history to clipboard -*-*-
[5] pry(main)> fib(10)
=> 55
[6] pry(main)> copy-history -l
-*-*- Copy history to clipboard -*-*-
#=> 55
pry(main)> 'hello' * 3
=> "hellohellohello"
pry(main)> copy-result
-*-*- Copy result to clipboard -*-*-
pry(main)> Clipboard.copy '3 * 5'
=> "3 * 5"
pry(main)> paste
=> 15
pry(main)> history --tail 10
4: fib(10)
5: copy-history
6: copy-history -l
7: fib(10)
8: copy-history -l
9: 'hello' * 3
10: copy-result
11: history --tail 10
12: copy-result --tail 3
13: copy-history --tail 3
pry(main)> copy-history 9
-*-*- Copy history to clipboard -*-*-
'hello' * 3
pry(main)> copy-history -tail 5
-*-*- Copy history to clipboard -*-*-
history --tail 10
copy-result --tail 3
copy-history --tail 3
history --tail 10
pry(main)> history --head 10
1: def fib(n)
2: n < 2 ? n : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
3: end
4: fib(10)
5: copy-history
6: copy-history -l
7: fib(10)
8: copy-history -l
9: 'hello' * 3
10: copy-result
pry(main)> copy-history --range 1..4
-*-*- Copy history to clipboard -*-*-
def fib(n)
n < 2 ? n : fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
pry(main)> copy-history --grep def
-*-*- Copy history to clipboard -*-*-
def fib(n)
def hello
- Rob Galanakis, based on work by Yuichi Tateno