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Rat rsfMRI Preprocessing Toolbox

Preprocessing codes for the rat rs-fMRI database (

Quick Start

This section is a quick-start guide to this toolbox. More details can be found in code comments.

Step 1: Download prerequisites:

Download the following software packages before using the toolbox:

Step 2: Organize your data into the following structure.

  • ratxxx is the label for the subject. You can use other labels, but all labels should have the same length and subjname_len parameter in copy_labels.m needs to be changed.
  • Folder rfmri_unprocessed under ratxxx contains raw EPI scans (e.g. xx.nii) for the subject. File name of the scans should have the format 'xx.nii'.
├── rat001
│   ├── rfmri_unprocessed
│   │   ├── 01.nii
│   │   ├── 02.nii
│   │   ├── 03.nii
│   │   └── 04.nii
├── rat002

Step 3: Despiking (motion scrubbing)

This step discards frames with excessive motion.

  • Change data_dir parameter in despiking.m to the path to your data.

  • Run despiking.m.

  • The script will create a folder rfmri_intermediate in each subject folder ratxxx and generate the following files:

    • xx_despiked.json: despiking information for xx.nii in rfmri_unprocessed, containing framewise displacements, scrubbing criterion, and scrubbed frames.
    • xx_despiked.nii.gz: despiked fMRI scan.
  • Notes on JSON: "JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is text, written with JavaScript object notation. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate." The .json files generated by this toolbox track the preprocessing steps through which the corresponding scans went.

Step 4: Rigid-body registration

  • Use alignment_checking_tool.m (a graphical user interface) to manually register a rsfMRI scan to a built-in anatomical template.
  • A detailed manual is here.
  • alignment_checking_tool.m generates the following files under rfmri_intermediate in each subject folder ratxxx:
    • xx_tform.mat: rigid-body registration matrix.
    • xx_registered.json: add rigid-body registration matrix to xx_despiked.json.
    • xx_registered.nii.gz: registered fMRI scan.

Step 5: Motion correction

This step corrects motion (by registering every frame to the first one) in xx_registered.nii.gz using SPM built-in functions.

  • Change data_dir parameter in motion_correction.m to the path to your data.
  • Run motion_correction.m.
  • motion_correction.m generates the following files under rfmri_intermediate in each subject folder ratxxx:
    • xx_motioncorrected.json: add SPM settings for motion correction to xx_registered.json.
    • xx_motion.json and xx_motion.txt: motion parameters in .json format and text format respectively.
    • xx_motioncorrected.nii.gz: motion-corrected fMRI scan.
    • xx_motioncorrected_frame1.nii: the 1st frame of xx_motioncorrected.nii.gz for spatial normalization.

Step 6: Spatial normalization (warping)

This step corrects distortions in fMRI images by nonlinearly (deformable) registering them to a structural template.

  • Change path parameter in to the path to your data.
  • Change prefix_len parameter in to the length of your initial scan name. For example, for scan ../rfmri_unprocessed/01.nii, prefix_len=2; for scan ../rfmri_unprocessed/scan1.nii, prefix_len=5.
  • Run in terminal.
  • generates the following files:
    • xx_affine.txt: affine transformation matrix.
    • xx_warp_field.nii.gz: field to warp fMRI.
    • xx_warped.nii.gz: warped fMRI from xx_motioncorrected.nii.gz.
    • xx_warped.json: add deformation info to xx_motioncorrected.json.

Step 7: ICA cleaning

In this step, we will run ICA (IC=50) on individual scans (xx_motioncorrected.nii.gz), manually label bad components, and regress out time courses of these components.


  • Change data_dir parameter in ica_cleaning.m to the path to your data.
  • Adjust FWHM_ica parameter in ica_cleaning.m based on your need. It controls the strengh of spatial smoothing prior to ICA, via adjusting full-width-at-half-maximum of Gaussian kernel for spatial smoothing (default = 0.7 mm). Smoothing helps to make spatial IC maps look cleaner and easier to label. fMRI scans with high signal/contrast-to-noise ratio don't need smoothing (set FWHM_ica to 0).
  • ica_cleaning.m generates a folder xx.gift_ica under rfmri_intermediate in each subject folder ratxxx, which contains ICA outputs by SPM:
    • ica__ica.mat: time courses and spatial maps of indepedent components.

Organize results of ICA

ICA labeling

Copy ICA labels back to data_dir

Step 8: Soft regression + spatial/temporal filtering

This step 'soft' regresses bad IC components and 'hard' regresses motion parameters and white matter (WM) and cerebral spinal fluid(CSF) signals. After regression, spatial smoothing and temporal filtering will be done.

  • Change data_dir parameter in last_steps.m to the path to your data.
  • Change regression_option parameter in last_steps.m based on your need.
    • 1: hard-regress average WM/CSF signal and motion parameters
    • 2: hard-regress principal components of WM/CSF signals and motion parameters
  • Run last_steps.m.
  • last_steps.m generates the following files under rfmri_intermediate:
    • xx_WMCSF_timeseries.txt and xx_WMCSF_timeseries.json: WM/CSF signals and format description respectively.
    • xx_motion.txt: motion parameters.
    • xx_cleaned.nii.gz and xx_cleaned.json: cleaned fMRI and its preprocessing info. and the following files under rfmri_processed:
    • xx.nii and xx.json: preprocessed fMRI and its preprocessing info.

Example folder structure after preprocessing

├── rat001
│   ├── rat001_info.json  [Sequence names, acquisition dates, number of frames, and corresponding names inside folders]
│   ├── raw  [Nifti files converted from raw Bruker data using Bru2Nii (]
│   │   ├── X2P1.nii
│   │   ├── X4P1.nii
│   │   ├── X7P1.nii
│   │   ├── X8P1.nii
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── rfmri_unprocessed  [rsfMRI scans from the folder 'raw']
│   │   ├── 01.nii
│   │   ├── 02.nii
│   │   ├── 03.nii
│   │   └── 04.nii
│   ├── rfmri_intermediate  [Intermediate files generated from preprocessing] 
│   │   ├── 01_despiked.json	[Contains framewise displacements, scrubbing criterion, and scrubbed frames]
│   │   ├── 01_despiked.nii.gz  [Not further processed since more than 10% of the frames were motion-scrubbed]
│   │   ├── 02_despiked.json
│   │   ├── 02_despiked.nii.gz  [Despiked image] 
│   │   ├── 02_registered.json	[Contains rigid-body registration matrix]
│   │   ├── 02_registered.nii.gz  [Manually coregistered image] 
│   │   ├── 02_motioncorrected.json
│   │   ├── 02_motioncorrected.nii.gz  [Motion corrected image]
│   │   ├── 02_warped.json
│   │   ├── 02_warped.nii.gz  [Warped image]
│   │   ├── 02_warp_field.nii.gz  [Deformation field]
│   │   ├── 02_warp_affine.txt  [Affine transformation applied with the deformation field]
│   │   ├── 02_motion.json
│   │   ├── 02_motion.txt  [Motion parameters]
│   │   ├── 02.gift_ica  [Results from single-scan ICA]
│   │   │   ├── ica__ica_br1.mat
│   │   │   ├── ica__ica_c1-1.mat
│   │   │   ├── ica__ica.mat
│   │   │   ├── ica__icasso_results.mat
│   │   │   ├── ica_Mask.hdr
│   │   │   ├── ica_Mask.img
│   │   │   ├── ica__pca_r1-1.mat
│   │   │   ├── ica__postprocess_results.mat
│   │   │   ├── ica__results.log
│   │   │   ├── ica__sub01\_component\_ica\_s1_.mat
│   │   │   ├── ica__sub01\_component\_ica\_s1_.nii
│   │   │   ├── ica__sub01\_timecourses\_ica\_s1_.nii
│   │   │   ├── ica_Subject.mat
│   │   │   └── labels.csv  [IC labels: only the ones labeled with 'noise' were soft-regressed] 
│   │   ├── 02\_WMCSF_timeseries.json
│   │   ├── 02\_WMCSF_timeseries.txt  [Averaged signal and PCs from white matter and ventricle voxels]
│   │   ├── ...
│   └── rfmri_processed  [Preprocessed images]
│       ├── 02.json
│       ├── 02.nii
│       ├── 04.json
│       └── 04.nii
├── rat002
│   ├── ...