etcd plugin for dokku.
This plugin is not production ready yet.
- dokku 0.4.0+
# on 0.4.x
dokku plugin:install etcd
etcd:create <name> Create new ETCD container
etcd:destroy <name> Destroy ETCD container
etcd:expose <name> [port] Expose on a custom port if provided (random port otherwise)
etcd:link <name> <app> Link etcd service to the app
etcd:logs <name> [-t] Print the most recent log(s) for this service
etcd:restart <name> Graceful shutdown and restart of the etcd service container
etcd:start <name> Start a previously stopped etcd service
etcd:stop <name> Stop a running etcd service
etcd:unexpose <name> Unexpose a previously exposed etcd service
etcd:unlink <name> <app> Unlink etcd service from the app
# create an etcd service named lolipop
dokku etcd:create lolipop
# another service can be linked to your app
dokku etcd:link lolipop playground
# you can tail logs for a particular service
dokku etcd:logs lolipop
dokku etcd:logs lolipop -t # to tail
# finally, you can destroy the container
dokku etcd:destroy lolipop
Feel free to contribute to this project if you want to fix/extend/improve it.
- Implement/test etcd cluster
- ...