- support-application is a library which can get the information about the app like application, applicationContext, classloader, appName, versionName, versionCode, isDebugAble without context.
- support-application is a library which can open the dest activity like url.
- support-application is a library which can control the app develop environment globally.
- support-application is a library which can get the application lifecycle(foreground/background), the activity lifecycle(onCreated/onStarted/onStopped/onDestroyed), and the top activity in activity stack etc.
- each class in support-application is independent. so you need init each of them in application method named onCreate if needed.
See details in CHANGELOG.
I have provided a sample.
See sample here on Github.
To run the sample application, simply clone this repository and use android studio to compile, install it on a connected device.
latest version
dependencies {
//noinspection GradleCompatible
compile "com.android.support:support-application:${latest_version}"
ApplicationCompat can get the information about the app like application, applicationContext, classloader, appName, versionName, versionCode, isDebugAble without context.
get application
Application application = ApplicationCompat.getApplication();
get application context
Context context = ApplicationCompat.getApplicationContext();
get classloader
ClassLoader classLoader = ApplicationCompat.getClassLoader();
get the apk appName
String appName = ApplicationCompat.getAppName();
get the apk versionName
String versionName = ApplicationCompat.getVersionName();
Get The Apk VersionCode
int versionCode = ApplicationCompat.getVersionCode();
debuggable or not
boolean isDebuggable = ApplicationCompat.isDebuggable();
RouteCompat can open the Activity like open the Url.
declare url information at intent-filter node in AndroidManifest.xml
<activity android:name=".SecondActivity">
<intent-filter android:priority="999">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
<data android:scheme="http"/>
<data android:scheme="https"/>
<data android:host="support.android.com"/>
<data android:path="/support/application/second"/>
open the activity in code like this
RouteUri routeUri = RouteUri.scheme("https")
.param("key1", "value1")
get the url information in dest activity
Intent intent = getIntent();
if (intent != null) {
Uri data = getIntent().getData();
if (data != null) {
String host = data.getHost();
String path = data.getPath();
String param = data.getQueryParameter("key1");
String fragment = data.getFragment();
Log.e("TAG", "host:" + host);
Log.e("TAG", "path:" + path);
Log.e("TAG", "param:" + param);
Log.e("TAG", "fragment:" + fragment);
see more api in RouteCompat.java
EnvironmentCompat can control the app's develop environment globally.
init in application method named onCreate
EnvironmentCompat.getInstance().onApplicationCreate(this, EnvironmentCompat.Env.RELEASE);
or use Env.RELEASE for default
get the env in app anywhere if you need
EnvironmentCompat.Env env = EnvironmentCompat.getInstance().getEnv();
change the env if you need
String[] environments = {
EnvironmentCompat.Env env = EnvironmentCompat.getInstance().getEnv();
int ordinal = env.ordinal();
AlertDialog dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(MainActivity.this)
.setTitle("Please Select Environment")
.setSingleChoiceItems(environments, ordinal, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
EnvironmentCompat.Env env = EnvironmentCompat.Env.values()[which];
EnvironmentCompat.getInstance().changeEnv(getApplicationContext(), env);
LifecycleCompat has these features
- get the activity lifecycle changed callback(onCreated/onStarted/onStopped/onDestroyed)
- get the application lifecycle changed broadcast(foreground/background)
- get the activity list count changed broadcast
- get the top activity in activity stack
- get launchedActivity count
- get launchedActivity list
- show dest activity in activity stack
init in application method named onCreate
get the top activity, launchedActivity count, launchedActivity list
int launchedActivityCount = LifecycleCompat.getInstance().getLaunchedActivityCount();
Activity topActivity = LifecycleCompat.getInstance().getTopActivity();
List<WeakReference<Activity>> launchedActivityList = LifecycleCompat.getInstance().getLaunchedActivityList();
Log.e("TAG", "launchedActivityCount:" + launchedActivityCount);
Log.e("TAG", "topActivity:" + topActivity);
if (launchedActivityList != null) {
for (WeakReference<Activity> activityWeakReference : launchedActivityList) {
if (activityWeakReference != null && activityWeakReference.get() != null) {
Log.e("TAG", "launchedActivity:" + activityWeakReference.get());
show dest activity in activity stack
or use the class name
register/unregister activity lifecycle changed callback
LifecycleCompat.LifecycleCallback lifecycleCallback = new LifecycleCompat.LifecycleCallback() {
public void onCreated(Activity activity) {
Log.e("TAG", "onCreated:" + activity);
public void onDestroyed(Activity activity) {
Log.e("TAG", "onDestroyed:" + activity);
public void onStarted(Activity activity) {
Log.e("TAG", "onStarted:" + activity);
public void onStopped(Activity activity) {
Log.e("TAG", "onStopped:" + activity);
if you need to unregister it, you need to call the method named unregisterActivityLifecycleCallback.
get the application lifecycle changed broadcast
private class ApplicationLifecycleChangedBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
boolean isBackground = intent.getBooleanExtra(LifecycleCompat.EXTRA_LIFECYCLE_STATUS, false);
String packageName = intent.getStringExtra(LifecycleCompat.EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME);
//judge packageName equal
if (TextUtils.equals(packageName, getApplicationContext().getPackageName())) {
if (isBackground) {
Log.e("TAG", "app is background");
} else {
Log.e("TAG", "app is foreground");
private ApplicationLifecycleChangedBroadcastReceiver mApplicationLifecycleChangedBroadcastReceiver = new ApplicationLifecycleChangedBroadcastReceiver();
//register broadcast receiver
registerReceiver(mApplicationLifecycleChangedBroadcastReceiver, new IntentFilter(LifecycleCompat.ACTION_APPLICATION_LIFECYCLE_CHANGED));
//unregister broadcast receiver
get the activity list count changed broadcast
private class ActivityCountChangeBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String packageName = intent.getStringExtra(LifecycleCompat.EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME);
int activityCount = intent.getIntExtra(LifecycleCompat.EXTRA_ACTIVITY_COUNT, -1);
//judge packageName equal
if (TextUtils.equals(packageName, getApplicationContext().getPackageName())) {
Log.e("TAG", "activityCountChanged:" + activityCount);
private ActivityCountChangeBroadcastReceiver mActivityCountChangeBroadcastReceiver = new ActivityCountChangeBroadcastReceiver();
//register broadcast receiver
registerReceiver(mActivityCountChangeBroadcastReceiver, new IntentFilter(LifecycleCompat.ACTION_ACTIVITY_COUNT_CHANGED));
//unregister broadcast receiver
get the activity start count and create count
TagCompat.setTag(view, "key1", "value1");
TagCompat.getTag(view, "key1", "defaultValue");
TagCompat.containsTag(view, "key1");
support-application is under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.