We've been asked to build a series of logger objects. The logger should be able to output messages at different levels of severity.
Those levels are info
, warn
and error
The simplest logger we need is one that can output a message with a label so that we can see which level of logging it is.
const logger = new Logger();
logger.info("notice") // => "[INFO]: notice"
logger.warn("warning") // => "[WARN]: warning"
logger.error("explosion") // => "[ERROR]: explosion"
This logger should output its messages in uppercase.
const logger = new UppercaseLogger();
logger.info("notice") // => "[INFO]: NOTICE"
logger.warn("warning") // => "[WARN]: WARNING"
logger.error("explosion") // => "[ERROR]: EXPLOSION"
This logger shifts the first character of the label to the end.
const logger = new ShiftedLabelLogger();
logger.info("notice") // => "[NFOI]: notice"
logger.warn("warning") // => "[ARNW]: warning"
logger.error("explosion") // => "[RRORE]: explosion"
Now, we've been given a new requirement for a logger that outputs its messages in uppercase and also shifts the labels.
const logger = new UppercaseShiftedLabelLogger();
logger.info("notice") // => "[NFOI]: NOTICE"
We would now like to build a React app that pulls logs from an API.
We have created an API for you to use here: https://my-json-server.typicode.com/lkwd/gfw-ts-react-code-test/logs.
We may want to output the logs in any of the following forms:
The browser console
A web service such as Sentry or Papertrail
How might we change our output destination?
How would we test this new output method?
Below is a list of commands you will probably find useful.
Runs the test watcher (Jest) in an interactive mode. By default, runs tests related to files changed since the last commit.
Starts the React app.