Stand alone version of the inferior olive model (without network generation & tuning)
Currently works with Arbor v0.6
Run a simulation:
import iopublic
selected = '2021-12-08-shadow_averages_0.01_0.8_d1666304-c6fc-4346-a55d-a99b3aad55be'
time, vs = iopublic.simulate_tuned_network(selected, tfinal=1, dt=0.025, gpu_id=0, spikes=())
Get voltage traces of all cells connected to a certain gid
gid = ?
network = iopublic.get_network_for_tuning(selected)
idmap = {neuron.old_id:new_id for new_id, neuron in enumerate(network.neurons)}
neighbours = [idmap[trace.global_to] for trace in network.neurons[gid].traces]
# neighbours = [786, 709, 514, 514, 526, 831, 342, 173, 454, 633]
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