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FIRRTL Dialect Rationale

This document describes various design points of the FIRRTL dialect, why it is the way it is, and current status and progress. This follows in the spirit of other MLIR Rationale docs.


The FIRRTL project is an existing open source compiler infrastructure used by the Chisel framework to lower ".fir" files to Verilog. It provides a number of useful compiler passes and infrastructure that allows the development of domain specific passes. The FIRRTL project includes a well documented IR specification that explains the semantics of its IR, an ANTLR grammar includes some extensions beyond it, and a compiler implemented in Scala which we refer to as the Scala FIRRTL Compiler (SFC).

The FIRRTL dialect in CIRCT is designed to provide a drop-in replacement for the SFC for the subset of FIRRTL IR that is produced by Chisel and in common use. The FIRRTL dialect also provides robust support for SFC Annotations.

To achieve these goals, the FIRRTL dialect follows the FIRRTL IR specification and the SFC implementation almost exactly. Where the FIRRTL specification allows for undefined behavior, FIRRTL dialect and its passes will choose the SFC interpretation of specific undefined behavior. The small deviations we do make are discussed below. Early versions of the FIRRTL dialect made heavy deviations from FIRRTL IR and the SFC (see the Type Canonicalization section below). These deviations, while elegant, led to difficult to resolve mismatches with the SFC and the inability to verify FIRRTL IR. The remaining small deviations introduced in the FIRRTL dialect are done to simplify the CIRCT implementation of a FIRRTL compiler and to take advantage of MLIR's various features.

This document generally assumes that you've read and have a basic grasp of the FIRRTL IR spec, and it can be occasionally helpful to refer to the ANTLR grammar.


The FIRRTL dialect and FIR parser is a generally complete implementation of the FIRRTL specification and is actively maintained, tracking new enhancements. The FIRRTL dialect supports some undocumented features and the "CHIRRTL" flavor of FIRRTL IR that is produced from Chisel. The FIRRTL dialect has support for parsing an SFC Annotation file and converting this to operation or argument attributes.


An auxillary spec has been written, shipped with the firrtl spec, which is the firrtl ABI spec. This spec was co-developed with the CIRCT implementation and the CIRCT implementation conforms to that spec. That spec covers the effects of several annotations, naming, verilog structure, and other issues.


While this section is a useful discussion, it has been replaced by formally defining the FIRRTL ABI, which we confirm too.

Names in Verilog form part of the public API of a design and are used for many purposes and flows. Many things in verilog may have names, and those names specify points of interaction with the design. For example, a wire has a name, and one can monitor the value on the wire from a testbench by knowing this name. Instances have names and form the core of hierarchical references through designs. Even always blocks and loops can have names, which are required and used.

It is therefore critical that Chisel, and by extension FIRRTL, have language-level semantics about how entities are named and how named entities are used and transformed. This must specify which entities with names in Chisel generate predictable output. Since names serve multiple purposes in a design, for example, debugging, test-bench attachment, hooks for physical layout, etc, we must balance multiple needs. This section describes the base semantics, which are conservative and aimed at enabling debugging. The CIRCT implementation of a FIRRTL compiler provides options to change the name preservation behavior to produce more debuggable or more optimized output.

Modules shall use the name given in Chisel, unless they conflict with a Verilog reserved word, not withstanding de-duplication or relevant annotations on the module.

Instances shall use the name given in Chisel, unless they conflict with a Verilog reserved word. Instances have preferential use of the name in the output in case of a conflict, after ports.

Chisel provides a "Don't Touch" annotation to protect entities from transformation. A "Don't Touch" on a wire or node produces a wire in Verilog and preserves the data-flow through that wire. Even a wire driven by a constant shall not have the constant forwarded around the wire. This is because a "Don't Touch" annotation signals the possible public use of a wire and one common use is to provide a place to drive a new value into the logic from an external test-bench. If the node or wire is named (and it always should be for Chisel "Don't Touch"), this name is used, unless it conflicts with a Verilog reserved word. This wire has preferential use of the name in the output in case of a conflict, after ports and instances.

Named wires and nodes in FIRRTL shall appear as a wire in the output verilog. There is no requirement that data-flow through a wire be maintained, only that the data-flow into a wire be maintained. This allows bypassing and forwarding around wires who exist solely because of their name. An implementation may choose to not bypass trivial wires to reduce unused wire lint warnings, but shouldn't cause other lint warnings to avoid unused wire warnings. A named wire without a symbol is thus equivalent to a named read-probe in the circuit.

Any name of an entity inside a module which starts with _ may be discarded. This name pattern indicates the name is for convenience in the Chisel code (often temporaries are required) and there is no expectation it exist in the output.

Mandatory Renaming

We want the naming of Verilog objects to match the names used in the original Chisel, but in several passes, there is mandatory renaming. It is important that this be a predictable transformation. For example, after bundles are replaced with scalars in the lower-types pass, each field should be prefixed with the bundle name:

circuit Example
  module Example
    reg myreg: { a :UInt<1>, b: UInt<1> }, clock
; firrtl-lower-types =>
circuit Example
  module Example
    reg myreg_a: UInt<1>, clock
    reg myreg_b: UInt<1>, clock

The name transformations applied by the SFC have become part of the documented API, and people rely on the final names to take a certain form.


There are names for temporaries generated by the Chisel and FIRRTL tooling which are not important to maintain. These names are discarded when parsing, which saves memory during compilation. New names are generated at Verilog export time, which has the effect of renumbering intermediate value names. Names generated by Chisel typically look like _T_12, and names generated by the SFC look like _GEN_12. The FIRRTL compiler will not discard these names if the object has an array attribute annotations containing the attribute {class = "firrtl.transforms.DontTouchAnnotation}.

Chisel-generated temporaries will not be discarded in compilation modes which preserve all names.

Name Preservation Modes

Name preservation modes, compiler options that produce different name preservation behavior, was implemented as a compromise between two divergent and seemingly irreconcilable goals:

  1. A FIRRTL to Verilog compiler should apply heavy optimizations to improve its own performance (early optimizations produce smaller IR which means later passes need to do less work) and to improve the performance of tools consuming output Verilog, e.g., Verilog simulator compilation and run time.

  2. Chisel users (design and verification engineers) want to see a one-to-one correspondence between what they write in Chisel and the Verilog that a FIRRTL compiler produces to enable debuggability.

These two goals are viewed as irreconcilable because certain increases to optimizations (1) necessarily detract from debuggability (2).

Currently CIRCT's FIRRTL compiler, firtool, provides two optimization modes, debug and release, as well as finer grained options with lower-level flags:

  1. -O=release (or -preserve-values=none) may delete any component as part of an optimization.
  2. -O=debug (or -preserve-values=named) keeps components with names that do not begin with a leading underscore.
  3. -preserve-values=all, which has no exposed -O option, keeps all components.

As an example of these modes consider the following FIRRTL circuit:

circuit Foo:
  module Foo:
    input a: UInt<1>
    output b: UInt<1>

    node named = a
    node _unnamed = named

    b <= _unnamed

When compiled with -O=release (or --preserve-values=none), no intermediary nodes/wires are preserved because CIRCT inlines the usages of a into the assignment to b:

module Foo(
  input  a,
  output b);

  assign b = a;

When compiled with -O=debug (or -preserve-values=named), the _unnamed node is removed, but the named node is preserved:

module Foo(
  input  a,
  output b);

  wire named = a;
  assign b = named;

When compiled with -preserve-values=all this produces the following Verilog that preserves all nodes, regardless of name:

module Foo(
  input  a,
  output b);

  wire named = a;
  wire _unnamed = named;
  assign b = _unnamed;

Design teams are expected to use -O=debug debuggabilty. Verification teams and downstream tools are expected to use/consume -O=release.

This split of two different Verilog outputs initially created reproducibility problems that CIRCT has attempted to solve with a guarantee of stable randomization. Consider a situation where a verification team trips an assertion failure using a release build with a particular seed. Because release Verilog is highly optimized and difficult to debug, they want to switch to a debug build. If the release build seed does not reproduce the failure in debug mode, the verification team needs to search for a failure. This proved to be a drag on Chisel users. Towards alleviating this, CIRCT will now guarantee that registers in debug or release mode will be randomized to the same value for the same seed.

It is important to note that the debug/release split was born out of our inability to reconcile the goals at the top of this section. Discussion in the subsequent section involves approaches to unify these two approaches.

Alternative Approaches to Name Preservation Modes and Historical Background

The following alternatives were implemented or considered instead of the debug/release solution.

First, we created dead wire taps with symbols for all "named" things in the original FIRRTL design. We would then try to use these dead wire taps in place of unnamed things when possible. This simple solution produced much more readable Verilog. However, this also had a number of problems. Namely, leaving in dead wire taps would result in situations where ports that downstream users were expecting to be removed were not. E.g., a module with dead wire taps would result in more ports at a physical design boundary. Additionally, leaving in dead wire taps may introduce coverage holes for verification teams. We attempted to remove dead wire taps when possible. However, this was problematic as we had given them symbols which indicates that they may have external readers (e.g., from a manually written testbench) and was intended to indicate that later passes could never remove these. We considered using an alternative to a symbol, but this was rejected due to its highly special-cased nature---it was forcing us to communicate a Chisel expectation/semantic all the way to HW/SV dialects.

These drawbacks are unfortunate because they stem from learned expectations of how the Scala-based FIRRTL Compiler worked. A negative view of this is that some level of optimization was required for a learned definition of correctness. If CIRCT was the first FIRRTL compiler, we may have been able to circumvent these problems with alternative means that included modifications to Chisel.

Second, we considered having CIRCT create "debug modules" that included all named signals in the design. An instance of this debug module would then be instantiated, via a SystemVerilog bind statement, inside the original module. This was an early suggestion. However, a concern of users of any "debug module" is that the debug module would not show usages of the named signals. E.g., the example circuit shown above would compile to something like:

module Foo_debug(
  input _0;

  wire named = _0;

bind Foo Foo_debug Foo_debug (

module Foo(
  input  a,
  output b);

  assign b = a;

The main concern is that while users can see the value of named in a waveform, they cannot trace back its usage in the computation of port b in module Foo. This approach also suffers from the issues of the first approach of leaving in ports and dead logic (that is only used when a debug instance is bound in).

This approach may be revisited in the future as it provides benefits of unifying debug and release builds into a single release build with run-time debugging information that can be bound in. Additionally, use of FIRRTL RefTypes that lower to Verilog cross-module references (XMRs) may alleviate some of the issues above.

Third, a single build that always preserved names was considered. At the time, this introduced long Verilog compilation and simulation times. We were not able to discern an optimization design point which balanced the needs of debuggability with compilation and simulation performance. This does not mean that such a point does not exist, only that we were not able to find it. Such a design point may exist and should be investigated.

Since all these efforts happened, other work has occurred which may make reviving these efforts a fruitful endeavor. FIRRTL now has RefTypes which are operations which lower to Verilog cross-module references (XMRs). This may provide a mechanism to implement the "bound debug instance" approach above without perturbing port optimizations. Reliance on symbols to encode optimization blocking behavior has been largely rolled back. A DontTouchAnnotation is now encoded as an annotation as opposed to a symbol. A new inter-module dead code elimination (IMDCE) pass was implemented which handles port removal. The approaches above, or new approaches, may be able to build a better name preservation approach, but with certain optimizations enabled.

Symbols and Inner Symbols

Symbols and Inner Symbols are documented in Symbol Rationale. This documents how symbols are used, their interaction with "Don't Touch", and the semantics imposed by them.

Public Symbols indicate there are uses of an entity outside the analysis scope of the compiler. This requires the entity be preserved in such a way as the operations possible in the target language have the expected effect. For example, a wire or port with a public symbol may be used by name in a test bench to read or write new values into the circuit. Therefore, these wires cannot be detached form their original dataflow as this would break the remote write case, nor can their input dataflow be changed, as this would break the remote read case. They cannot be renamed, as this would break all remote access.

Private Symbols indicate there are symbolic references to the entity, but they are all within the scope of the compiler's IR and analysis. An entity with a private symbol may be arbitrarily transformed, so long as the transformation is semantic preserving with respect to all uses of the private symbol. If it can be proved a wire with a private symbol is only read from via its symbol and not written to, for example, the input can forwarded to the output (bypassing the wire) safely. If a private symbol is unused, it may be removed. Private symbols impose no restriction on output; they only exist to enable non-local effects in the IR.

"Don't Touch" is implemented as a public symbol on an entity. A conservative interpretation of "Don't Touch", and a common use case, is that the entity is referred to by a testbench in unknown ways. This implies no transformation which would change observed behavior if the entity was arbitrarily read or written to remotely. This further implies the existence of the entity in the output.

Importantly, the existence of a symbol doesn't specify whether something is read-only, write-only, or read-write. Without analysis, a pass must assume the most conservative case, and in the case of public symbols, must always assume the most conservative case. To do better, all uses must be analyzed and understood (e.g. a symbol used by a verbatim has unknown use).

Hierarchical Path

In the FIRRTL dialect, it might be necessary to identify specific instances of operations in the instance hierarchy. The FIRRTL HierPathOp operation (firrtl.hierpath) can be used to describe the path through an instance hierarchy to a declaration, which can be used by other operations or non-local annotations. Non-local anchors can refer to most declarations, such as modules, instances, wires, registers, and memories.

The firrtl.hierpath operations defines a symbol and contains a namepath, which is a list of InnerRefAttr and FlatSymbolRefAttr attributes. A FlatSymbolRefAttr is used to identify modules, and is printed as @Module. InnerRefAttr identifies a declaration inside a module, and is printed as @Module::@wire. Each element along the Paths's namepath carries an annotation with class circt. nonlocal, which has a matching circt. nonlocal field pointing to the global op. Thus instances participating in nonlocal paths are readily apparent.

In the following example, @nla specifies instance @bar in module @Foo, followed by instance @baz in module @Bar, followed by the wire named @w in module @Baz.

firrtl.circuit "Foo" {
  firrtl.hierpath @nla [@Foo::@bar, @Bar::@baz, @Baz::@w]
  firrtl.module @Baz() {
    %w = firrtl.wire sym @w {annotations = [{circt.nonlocal = @nla, class = "ExampleAnno"}]} : !firrtl.uint
  firrtl.module @Bar() {
    firrtl.instance baz sym @baz {annotations = [{circt.nonlocal = @nla, class = "circt.nonlocal"}]} @Baz()
  firrtl.module @Foo() {
    firrtl.instance bar sym @bar {annotations = [{circt.nonlocal = @nla, class = "circt.nonlocal"}]} @Bar()

Type system

Not using standard types

At one point we tried to use the integer types in the standard dialect, like si42 instead of !firrtl.sint<42>, but we backed away from this. While it originally seemed appealing to use those types, FIRRTL operations generally need to work with "unknown width" integer types (i.e. !firrtl.sint).

Having the known width and unknown width types implemented with two different C++ classes was awkward, led to casting bugs, and prevented having a FIRRTLType class that unified all the FIRRTL dialect types.

Not Canonicalizing Flip Types

An initial version of the FIRRTL dialect relied on canonicalization of flip types according to the following rules:

  1. flip(flip(x)) == x.
  2. flip(analog(x)) == analog(x) since analog types are implicitly bidirectional.
  3. flip(bundle(a,b,c,d)) == bundle(flip(a), flip(b), flip(c), flip(d)) when the bundle has non-passive type or contains an analog type. This forces the flip into the subelements, where it recursively merges with the non-passive subelements and analogs.
  4. flip(vector(a, n)) == vector(flip(a), n) when the vector has non-passive type or analogs. This forces the flip into the element type, generally canceling it out.
  5. bundle(flip(a), flip(b), flip(c), flip(d)) == flip(bundle(a, b, c, d). Due to the other rules, the operand to a flip must be a passive type, so the entire bundle will be passive, and rule #3 won't be recursively reinvoked.

While elegant in a number of ways (e.g., FIRRTL types are guaranteed to have a canonical representation and can be compared using pointer equality, flips partially subsume port directionality and "flow", and analog inputs and outputs are canonicalized to the same representation), this resulted in information loss during canonicalization because the number of flip types can change. Namely, three problems were identified:

  1. Type canonicalization may make illegal operations legal.
  2. The flow of connections could not be verified because flow is a function of the number of flip types.
  3. The directionality of leaves in an aggregate could not be determined.

As an example of the first problem, consider the following circuit:

module Foo:
  output a: { flip a: UInt<1> }
  output b: { a: UInt<1> }

  b <= a

The connection b <= a is illegal FIRRTL due to a type mismatch where { flip a: UInt<1> } is not equal to { a: UInt<1> }. However, type canonicalization would transform this circuit into the following circuit:

module Foo:
  input a: { a: UInt<1> }
  output b: { a: UInt<1> }

  b <= a

Here, the connection b <= a is legal FIRRTL. This then makes it impossible for a type canonical form to be type checked.

As an example of the second problem, consider the following circuit:

module Bar:
  output a: { flip a: UInt<1> }
  input b: { flip a: UInt<1> }

  b <= a

Here, the connection b <= a is illegal FIRRTL because b is a source and a is a sink. However, type canonicalization converts this to the following circuit:

module Bar:
  input a: { a: UInt<1> }
  output b: { a: UInt<1> }

  b <= a

Here, the connect b <= a is legal FIRRTL because b is now a sink and a is now a source. This then makes it impossible for a type canonical form to be flow checked.

As an example of the third problem, consider the following circuit:

module Baz:
  wire a: {flip a: {flip a: UInt<1>}}
  wire b: {flip a: {flip a: UInt<1>}}

  b.a <= a.a

The connection b.a <= a.a, when lowered, results in the reverse connect a.a.a <= b.a.a. However, type canonicalization will remove the flips from the circuit to produce:

module Baz:
  wire a: {a: {a: UInt<1>}}
  wire b: {a: {a: UInt<1>}}

  b.a <= a.a

Here, the connect b.a <= a.a, when lowered, results in the normal connect b.a.a <= a.a.a. Type canonicalization has thereby changed the semantics of connect.

Due to the elegance of type canonicalization, we initially decided that we would use type canonicalization and CIRCT would accept more circuits than the SFC. The third problem (identified much later than the first two) convinced us to remove type canonicalization.

For a historical discussion of type canonicalization see:


The FIRRTL specification describes the concept of "flow". Flow encodes additional information that determines the legality of operations. FIRRTL defines three different flows: sink, source, and duplex. Module inputs, instance outputs, and nodes are source, module outputs and instance inputs are sink, and wires and registers are duplex. A value with sink flow may only be written to, but not read from (with the exception of module outputs and instance inputs which may be also read from). A value with source flow may be read from, but not written to. A value with duplex flow may be read from or written to.

For FIRRTL connect statements, it follows that the left-hand-side must be sink or duplex and the right-hand-side must be source, duplex, or a port/instance sink.

Flow is not represented as a first-class type in CIRCT. We instead provide utilities for computing flow when needed, e.g., for connect statement verification.

Non-FIRRTL Types

The FIRRTL dialect has limited support for foreign types, i.e., types that are defined outside the FIRRTL dialect. Almost all operations expect to be dealing with FIRRTL types, especially those that are sensitive to the type they operate on, like firrtl.add or firrtl.connect. However, a restricted set of operations allows for simple pass-through semantics of foreign types. These include the following:

  • Ports on a firrtl.module, where the foreign types are treated as opaque values moving in and out of the module
  • Ports on a firrtl.instance
  • firrtl.wire to allow for def-after-use cases; the wire must have a single strict connect that uniquely defines the wire's value
  • firrtl.matchingconnect to module outputs, instance inputs, and wires

The expected lowering for strict connects is for the connect to be eliminated and the right-hand-side source value of the connect being instead materialized in all places where the left hand side is used. Basically we want wires and connects to disappear, and all places where the wire is "read" should instead read the value that was driven onto the wire.

The reason we provide this foreign type support is to allow for partial lowering of FIRRTL to HW and other dialects. Passes might lower a subset of types and operations to the target dialect and we need a mechanism to have the lowered values be passed around the FIRRTL module hierarchy untouched alongside the FIRRTL ops that are yet to be lowered.

Const Types

FIRRTL hardware types can be specified as const, meaning they can only be assigned compile-time constant values or values of other const types.


Multiple result firrtl.instance operation

The FIRRTL spec describes instances as returning a bundle type, where each element of the bundle corresponds to one of the ports of the module being instanced. This makes sense in the Scala FIRRTL implementation, given that it does not support multiple ports.

The MLIR FIRRTL dialect takes a different approach, having each element of the bundle result turn into its own distinct result on the firrtl.instance operation. This is made possible by MLIR's robust support for multiple value operands, and makes the IR much easier to analyze and work with.

Module bodies require def-before-use dominance instead of allowing graphs

MLIR allows regions with arbitrary graphs in their bodies, and this is used by the HW dialect to allow direct expression of cyclic graphs etc. While this makes sense for hardware in general, the FIRRTL dialect is intended to be a pragmatic infrastructure focused on lowering of Chisel code to the HW dialect, it isn't intended to be a "generally useful IR for hardware".

We recommend that non-Chisel frontends target the HW dialect, or a higher level dialect of their own creation that lowers to HW as appropriate.

input and output Module Ports

The FIRRTL specification describes two kinds of ports: input and output. In the firrtl.module declaration we track this via an arbitrary precision integer attribute (IntegerAttr) where each bit encodes the directionality of the port at that index.

Originally, we encoded direction as the absence of an outer flip type (input) or presence of an outer flip type (output). This was done as part of the original type canonicalization effort which combined input/output with the type system. However, once type canonicalization was removed flip type only became used in three places: on the types of bundle fields, on the variadic return types of instances or memories, and on ports. The first is the same as the FIRRTL specification. The second is a deviation from the FIRRTL specification, but allowable as it takes advantage of the MLIR's variadic capabilities to simplify the IR. The third was an inelegant abuse of an unrelated concept that added bloat to the type system. Many operations would have to check for an outer flip on ports and immediately discard it.

For this reason, the IntegerAttr encoding implementation was chosen.

For a historical discussion of this issue and its development see:


The bitcast operation represents a bitwise reinterpretation (cast) of a value. It can be used to cast a vector or bundle type to an int type or vice-versa. The bit width of input and result types must be known. For an aggregate type, the bit width of every field must be known. This always synthesizes away in hardware, and follows the same endianness policy as hw.bitcast.


Unlike the SFC, the FIRRTL dialect represents each memory port as a distinct result value of the firrtl.mem operation. Also, the firrtl.mem node does not allow zero port memories for simplicity. Zero port memories are dropped by the .fir file parser.

In the FIRRTL pipeline, the firrtl.mem op can be lowered into either a external module for macro replacement or a register of vector type. The conditions for macro replacement are as follows:

  1. –replSeqMem option is passed and
  2. readLatency == 1 and
  3. writeLatency == 1 and
  4. width(data) > 0

Any MemOp not satisfying the above conditions is lowered to Register vector.

MemToRegOfVec transformation outline:

The MemToRegOfVec pass runs early in the pipeline, after the LowerCHIRRTL pass and right before the InferResets pass.

  1. Select all MemOps that are not candidates for macro replacement,
  2. Create a reg
  3. Read ports return the value at the address when the enable signal is high.
if (enable) {
  readOut = register[address]
  1. Write ports store the value at the address when the mask signal is high.
if (enable) {
  if (mask[0])
    register[0] = dataIn[0]
  if (mask[1])
    register[1] = dataIn[1]

Handling of MemTaps

The sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.MemTapAnnotation annotation is attached to the MemOp and the corresponding Memtap module ports. After lowering the memory to registers, this annotation must be properly scattered such that GrandCentralTaps can generate the appropriate code.

The memtap module has memtap annotations, where the number of ports with the annotation is equal to the memory depth. In the MemToRegOfVec transformation, after lowering the memory to the register vector, a subannotation is created for each sub-field of the data and the sifive.enterprise.grandcentral.MemTapAnnotation annotation is copied from the original MemOp. The LowerTypes pass will handle the subannotations appropriately.

Interaction with AsyncReset Inference

The AsyncReset pass runs right after the MemToRegOfVec. It will transform the memory registers to async registers if the corresponding annotations are present. Only if a MemOp had sifive.enterprise.firrtl.ExcludeMemFromMemToRegOfVec, annotation, then it is not converted to an async reset register.

firrtl.mem Attributes

A firrtl.mem has the following properties:

  1. Data type
  2. Mask bitwidth
  3. Depth
  4. Name
  5. Number of read ports, write ports, read-write ports
  6. Read under write behavior
  7. Read latency
  8. Write latency
Mask bitwidth

Any aggregate memory data type is lowered to ground type by the LowerTypes pass. After lowering the data type, the data bitwidth must be divisible by mask bitwidth. And we define the property granularity as: mask granularity = (Data bitwidth)/(Mask bitwidth).

Each mask bit can guard the write to mask granularity number of data bits. For a single-bit mask, one-bit guards write to the data, hence mask granularity = data bitwidth.

Macro replacement

Memories that satisfy the conditions above are candidates for macro replacement.

A memory generator defines the external module definition corresponding to the memory for macro replacement. Memory generators need metadata to generate the memory definition. SFC uses some metadata files to communicate with the memory generators.

<design-name>.conf is a file, that contains the metadata for the memories which are under the "design-under-test" module hierarchy. Following is a sample content of the file:

name dir_ext depth 512 width 248 ports mrw mask_gran 31
name banks_0_ext depth 2048 width 72 ports rw
name banks_1_ext depth 2048 width 72 ports rw
  1. name followed by the memory name.
  2. depth followed by the memory depth.
  3. width followed by the data bitwidth.
  4. ports followed by the mrw for read-write port, mwrite for a write port and read for a read port.
  5. mask_gran followed by the mask granularity.

CHIRRTL Memories

FIRRTL has two different representations of memories: Chisel cmemory operations, smem and cmem, and the standard FIRRTL mem operation. Chisel memory operations exist to make it easy to produce FIRRTL code from Chisel, and closely match the Chisel API for memories. Chisel memories are intended to be replaced with standard FIRRTL memories early in the pipeline. The set of operations related to Chisel memories are often referred to as CHIRRTL.

The main difference between Chisel and FIRRTL memories is that Chisel memories have an operation to add a memory port to a memory, while FIRRTL memories require all ports to be defined up front. Another difference is that Chisel memories have "enable inference", and are usually inferred to be enabled where they are declared. The following example shows a CHIRRTL memory declaration, and the standard FIRRTL memory equivalent.

smem mymemory : UInt<4>[8]
when p:
  read mport port0 = mymemory[address], clock
mem mymemory:
    data-type => UInt<4>
    depth => 8
    read-latency => 0
    write-latency => 1
    reader => port0
    read-under-write => undefined

mymemory.port0.en <= p
mymemory.port0.clk <= clock
mymemory.port0.addr <= address

FIRRTL memory operations were created because it was thought that a concrete memory primitive, that looks like an instance, is a better design for a compiler IR. It was originally intended that Chisel would be modified to emit FIRRTL memory operations directly, and the CHIRRTL operations would be retired. The lowering from Chisel memories to FIRRTL memories proved far more complicated than originally envisioned, specifically surrounding the type of ports, inference of enable signals, and inference of clocks.

CHIRRTL operations have since stuck around, but their strange behavior has lead to discussions to remove, improve, or totally redesign them. For some current discussion about this see 1, 2. Since CIRCT is attempting to be a drop in replacement FIRRTL compiler, we are not attempting to implement these new ideas for Chisel memories. Instead, we are trying to implement what exists today.

There is, however, a major compatibility issue with the existing implementation of Chisel memories which made them difficult to support in CIRCT. The FIRRTL specification disallows using any declaration outside of the scope where it is created. This means that a Chisel memory port declared inside of a when block can only be used inside the scope of the when block. Unfortunately, this invariant is not enforced for memory ports, and this leniency has been abused by the Chisel standard library. Due to the way clock and enable inference works, we couldn't just hoist the declaration into the outer scope.

To support escaping memory port definitions, we decided to split the memory port operation into two operations. We created a chirrtl.memoryport operation to declare the memory port, and a chirrtl.memoryport.access operation to enable the memory port. The following is an example of how FIRRTL translates into the CIRCT dialect:

smem mymem : UInt<1>[8]
when cond:
  infer mport myport = mymem[addr], clock
out <= myport
%mymem = chirrtl.seqmem Undefined  : !chirrtl.cmemory<uint<1>, 8>
%myport_data, %myport_port = chirrtl.memoryport Infer %mymem {name = "myport"}  : (!chirrtl.cmemory<uint<1>, 8>) -> (!firrtl.uint<1>, !chirrtl.cmemoryport)
firrtl.when %cond : !firrtl.uint<1> {
  chirrtl.memoryport.access %myport_port[%addr], %clock : !chirrtl.cmemoryport, !firrtl.uint<3>, !firrtl.clock
firrtl.connect %out, %myport_data : !firrtl.uint<1>, !firrtl.uint<1

The CHIRRTL operations and types are contained in the CHIRRTL dialect. The is primary reason to move them into their own dialect was to keep the CHIRRTL types out of the FIRRTL dialect type hierarchy. We tried to have the CHIRRTL dialect depend on the FIRRTL dialect, but the flow checking in FIRRTL had to know about CHIRRTL operations, which created a circular dependency. To simplify how this is handled, both dialects are contained in the same library.

For a historical discussion of this issue and its development see llvm/circt#1561.

More things are represented as primitives

We describe the mux expression as "primitive", whereas the IR spec and grammar implement it as a special kind of expression.

We do this to simplify the implementation: These expressions have the same structure as primitives, and modeling them as such allows reuse of the parsing logic instead of duplication of grammar rules.

invalid Invalidate Operation is an expression

The FIRRTL spec describes an is invalid statement that logically computes an invalid value and connects it to x according to flow semantics. This behavior makes analysis and transformation a bit more complicated, because there are now two things that perform connections: firrtl.connect and the is invalid operation.

To make things easier to reason about, we split the is invalid operation into two different ops: an firrtl.invalidvalue op that takes no operands and returns an invalid value, and a standard firrtl.connect operation that connects the invalid value to the destination (or a firrtl.attach for analog values). This has the same expressive power as the standard FIRRTL representation but is easier to work with.

During parsing, we break up an x is invalid statement into leaf connections. As an example, consider the following FIRRTL module where a bi-directional aggregate, a is invalidated:

module Foo:
  output a: { a: UInt<1>, flip b: UInt<1> }

  a is invalid

This is parsed into the following MLIR. Here, only a.a is invalidated:

firrtl.module @Foo(out %a: !firrtl.bundle<a: uint<1>, b: flip<uint<1>>>) {
  %0 = firrtl.subfield %a[a] : !firrtl.bundle<a: uint<1>, b: flip<uint<1>>>
  %invalid_ui1 = firrtl.invalidvalue : !firrtl.uint<1>
  firrtl.connect %0, %invalid_ui1 : !firrtl.uint<1>, !firrtl.uint<1>

Inline SystemVerilog through verbatim.expr operation

The FIRRTL dialect offers a firrtl.verbatim.expr operation that allows for SystemVerilog expressions to be embedded verbatim in the IR. It is lowered to the corresponding sv.verbatim.expr operation of the underlying SystemVerilog dialect, which embeds it in the emitted output. The operation has a FIRRTL result type, and a variadic number of operands can be accessed from within the inline SystemVerilog source text through string interpolation of {{0}}-style placeholders.

The rationale behind this verbatim operation is to offer an escape hatch analogous to asm ("...") in C/C++ and other languages, giving the user or compiler passes full control of what exactly gets embedded in the output. Usually, though, you would rather add a new operation to the IR to properly represent additional constructs.

As an example, a verbatim expression could be used to interact with yet-unsupported SystemVerilog constructs such as parametrized class typedef members:

firrtl.module @Magic (out %n : !firrtl.uint<32>) {
  %0 = firrtl.verbatim.expr "$bits(SomeClass #(.Param(1))::SomeTypedef)" : !firrtl.uint<32>
  firrtl.connect %n, %0 : !firrtl.uint<32>, !firrtl.uint<32>

This would lower through the other dialects to SystemVerilog as you would expect:

module Magic (output [31:0] n);
  assign n = $bits(SomeClass #(.Param(1))::SomeTypedef);

Interpretation of Undefined Behavior

The FIRRTL Specification has undefined behavior for certain features. For compatibility reasons, FIRRTL dialect always chooses to implement undefined behavior in the same manner as the SFC.


The SFC has multiple context-sensitive interpretations of invalid. Failure to implement all of these can result in formal equivalence failures when comparing CIRCT-generated Verilog with SFC-generated Verilog. A list of these interpretations is enumerated below and then described in more detail.

  1. An invalid value driving the initialization value of a register (looking through wires and connections within module scope) removes the reset from the register.
  2. An invalid value used in a when-encoded multiplexer tree results in a direct connection to the non-invalid leg of the multiplexer.
  3. Any other use of an invalid value is treated as constant zero.

Interpretation (1) is a mechanism to remove unnecessary reset connections in a circuit as fewer resets can enable a higher performance design. The SFC implementation of this works as a dedicated pass that does a module-local analysis looking for registers with resets whose initialization values come from invalidated signals. This analysis only looks through wires and connections. It is legal to use an invalidated output port or instance input port.

As an example, the following module should have register r converted to a reset-less register:

wire inv: UInt<8>
inv is invalid

wire tmp: UInt<8>
tmp <= inv

reg r: UInt<8>, clock with : (reset => (reset, tmp))

Notably, if tmp is a node, this optimization should not be performed.

Interpretation (2) means that the following circuit should be optimized to a direct connection from bar to foo:

foo is invalid
when cond:
  foo <= bar

Note that the SFC implementation of this optimization is handled via two passes. An ExpandWhens (later refactored as ExpandWhensAndCheck) pass converts all when blocks to multiplexer trees. Any invalid values that arise from this conversion produce validif expressions. (This is the "conditionally valid" expression which is an internal detail of the SFC which was removed from the FIRRTL specification.) A later pass, RemoveValidIfs optimizes/removes validif by replacing it with a direct connection.

It is important to note that the above formulations using when or the SFC-internal representation using validif are not equivalent to a mux formulation like the following. The code below should be optimized using Interpretation (3) of invalid as constant zero:

wire inv: UInt<8>
inv is invalid

foo <= mux(cond, bar, inv)

A legal lowering of this is only to:

foo <= mux(cond, bar, UInt<8>(0))

Interpretation (3) is used in all other situations involving an invalid value.

Critically, the nature of an invalid value has context-sensitive information that relies on the exact structural nature of the circuit. It follows that any seemingly mundane optimization can result in an end-to-end miscompilations where the SFC is treated as ground truth.

As an example, consider a reformulation of the when example above, but using a temporary, single-use, invalidated wire:

wire inv: UInt<8>
inv is invalid

b <= inv
when cond:
  b <= a

This should not produce a direction connection to b and should instead lower to:

b <= mux(cond, a, inv)

It follows that interpretation (3) will then convert the false leg of the mux to a constant zero.


Intrinsics are implementation-defined constructs. Intrinsics provide a way to extend the system with functionality without changing the language. They form an implementation-specific built-in library. Unlike traditional libraries, implementations of intrinsics have access to internals of the compiler, allowing them to implement features not possible in the language.


