This Buildout is used at the LMU IT Division to develop and deploy a Zope/Plone Cluster.
If you are familiar with Plone and Zope setup this a normal buildout based on the concepts of the unified installer and the starzel.buildout used at plone-trainings. It is a bit more modulized and the base directory consits of specific buildout configs for deployment and development as well as a base.cfg witch commen settings for all builds.
- (deprecated) - legacy support to bootstrap the buildout structure
- buildout.cfg should not exist or is a link to the actual used config
- secrets.cfg.tmpl - a template to generate a secrets.cfg, which is necessary for setting up the zope default admin
- secrets.cfg <-- should not exists on checkout, never add to version controll (is in .gitignores)
- bin/
- buildout.d/ explained in detail later
- develop-eggs/
- docs/
- etc/
- include/
- lib/
- parts/
- vars/
- zeoserver-production.cfg
- zeoserver-failover-production.cfg
- zope-clients-production.cfg
- zeoserver-staging.cfg
- zeoserver-failover-staging.cfg
- zope-clients-staging.cfg
- develop.cfg a minimal development buildout
- develop_fullstack.cfg a buildout that contains all components from the Zope Stack so a Zeo-Cluster
- buildout.d/
- bin/
- vars/
- parts/
This buildout is used by LMU to bootstrap the production and staging environment via Ansible-Playbooks (see If you use this buildout manually please follow these steps:
# download the buildout # setup a virtualenv (python2.7) inside the buildout
virtualenv .
source bin activate
# update pip setuptools and wheel if necessary
pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
# install zc.buildout via pip or easyinstall or via bootstrapping zc.buildout
pip install zc.buildout
or easy_install
easy_install zc.buildout
or bootstrapping zc.buildout
Attention this might require a buildout.cfg file or symlink to exists. See following commands
# symlink your prefered buildout config to buildout.cfg, this is probably develop.cfg (for development)
ln -s develop.cfg buildout.cfg
# create a secrets.cfg from the secrets.cfg.tmpl and supply login and password for zope default admin
for production:
cp secrets.cfg.tmpl secrets.cfg
vim secrets.cfg
for development you might stay on those very unsecure default passwords:
ln -s secrets.cfg.tmpl secrets.cfg
# run buildout
# now you could start your Plone Instance, based on the buildout:
For develop.cfg it is:
./bin/instance fg
for production / staging setups it is normally supervisord via system-supervisord:
system supervisord start
# or
sudo /etc/init.d/supervisord start