Here you can see how to create single page application based on Vue and Laravel with most common features.
- Registration/login
- Pagination
- Navigation
- Flash messages
- Simple CRUD (example for articles)
- Laravel validation (backend validation)
- Preloader for async actions
- ES6 (including stage-3)
- Bootstrap
- Vue
- Vuex (common FLUX implementation for Vue)
- Vue Router
- Axios
- Laravel Mix (API for Webpack)
- Auth controllers based on default auth controllers, but for the JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
- Simple typical Laravel migrations, seeds, models, controllers, routes, tests, middlewares, requests etc
- Laravel 5.4
- Package "tymon/jwt-auth" - laravel JWT implementation
- Packages "laravel-debugbar", "laravel-ide-helper" - just for development
- Routes
- Controllers
- Jwt middleware
- Validation via request
- Models
- Tests
- Migrations
- Factories
- Seeds
- Docker
- File webpack.mix.js
- Laravel views
- App initializing
- App structure
- Vue components
- Main component
- Vue store structure
- Vue router
Vue components
- Login/register
- CRUD example
- Flash messages
- Navigation bar
- Pagination (via Laravel pagination)
- Form inputs
- Mixin for auth checking in component
There is the GraphQL branch
Just copy and past:
git clone
cd laravel-vue/
# frontend:
docker run -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app node:8 npm rebuild node-sass --force && yarn install && yarn run dev
# backend:
cd docker/
docker-compose up -d
# ensure the container name "docker_app_1" via "docker-compose ps" command and run:
docker exec docker_app_1 bash -c "sh docker/app/"
# open http://localhost:8081/
You need any LAMP/LEMP with PHP5.6+ and MySQL 5.7+
git clone
# copy .env.example to .env and add your database credentials
# add vhost to your web-server for public folder
# run your composer, artisan, npm/yarn:
sh sh/
npm run watch
If "npm run" doesn't work:
rm -rf node_modules
npm install
Or just try to update node and npm:
sudo npm install n -g
sudo n stable
sudo npm install npm@latest -g