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LocalVocal - Speech AI assistant OBS Plugin

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LocalVocal lets you transcribe, locally on your machine, speech into text and simultaneously translate to any language. ✅ No GPU required, ✅ no cloud costs, ✅ no network and ✅ no downtime! Privacy first - all data stays on your machine.

Internally the plugin is running OpenAI's Whisper to process real-time the speech and predict a transcription. It's using the Whisper.cpp project from ggerganov to run the Whisper network efficiently on CPUs and GPUs. Translation is done with CTranslate2.


Do more with LocalVocal:

Current Features:

  • Transcribe audio to text in real time in 100 languages
  • Display captions on screen using text sources
  • Send captions to a .txt or .srt file (to read by external sources or video playback) with and without aggregation option
  • Sync'ed captions with OBS recording timestamps
  • Send captions on a RTMP stream to e.g. YouTube, Twitch
  • Bring your own Whisper model (any GGML)
  • Translate captions in real time to major languages (with cloud prviders, Whisper built-in translation as well as NMT models)
  • CUDA, hipBLAS (AMD ROCm), Apple Arm64, AVX & SSE acceleration support
  • Filter out or replace any part of the produced captions
  • Partial transcriptions for a streaming-captions experience
  • 100s of fine-tuned Whisper models for dozens of languages from HuggingFace


Check out the latest releases for downloads and install instructions.

Available Versions

LocalVocal is available in multiple versions to cater to different hardware configurations and operating systems. Below is a brief explanation of the different versions you can download:

  • Windows CUDA: This version is optimized for systems with NVIDIA GPUs and utilizes CUDA for accelerated performance. Make sure you have the latest NVidia GPU drivers installed.
  • Windows CPU: This version is designed for systems without dedicated GPUs, running solely on the CPU.
  • Windows HIPBLAS: This version utilizes the HIP framework from AMD that accelerates computation on AMD GPUs. (⚠️ Experimental ⚠️ Please provide feedback)
  • Windows Vulkan: This version uses Vulkan for GPU-based acceleration across many vendors like NVidia, AMD, and Intel. (⚠️ Experimental ⚠️ Please provide feedback)
  • macOS Intel (x86_64): This version is for Mac computers with Intel processors.
  • macOS Apple Silicon (arm64): This version is optimized for Mac computers with Apple Silicon (M1, M2, etc.) processors.
  • Linux x86_64: This version is for Linux systems with x86_64 architecture.

Make sure to download the version that matches your system's hardware and operating system for the best performance.


The plugin ships with the Tiny.en model, and will autonomously download other Whisper models through a dropdown. There's also an option to select an external GGML Whisper model file if you have it on disk.

Get more models from and HuggingFace, follow the instructions on whisper.cpp to create your own models or download others such as distilled models.


The plugin was built and tested on Mac OSX (Intel & Apple silicon), Windows (with and without Nvidia CUDA) and Linux.

Start by cloning this repo to a directory of your choice.


Using the CI pipeline scripts, locally you would just call the zsh script, which builds for the architecture specified in $MACOS_ARCH (either x86_64 or arm64).

$ MACOS_ARCH="x86_64" ./.github/scripts/build-macos -c Release


The above script should succeed and the plugin files (e.g. obs-localvocal.plugin) will reside in the ./release/Release folder off of the root. Copy the .plugin file to the OBS directory e.g. ~/Library/Application Support/obs-studio/plugins.

To get .pkg installer file, run for example

$ ./.github/scripts/package-macos -c Release

(Note that maybe the outputs will be in the Release folder and not the install folder like pakage-macos expects, so you will need to rename the folder from build_x86_64/Release to build_x86_64/install)



For successfully building on Ubuntu, first clone the repo, then from the repo directory:

$ sudo apt install -y libssl-dev
$ ./.github/scripts/build-linux

Copy the results to the standard OBS folders on Ubuntu

$ sudo cp -R release/RelWithDebInfo/lib/* /usr/lib/
$ sudo cp -R release/RelWithDebInfo/share/* /usr/share/

Note: The official OBS plugins guide recommends adding plugins to the ~/.config/obs-studio/plugins folder. This has to do with the way you installed OBS.

In case the above doesn't work, attempt to copy the files to the ~/.config folder:

$ mkdir -p ~/.config/obs-studio/plugins/obs-localvocal/bin/64bit
$ cp -R release/RelWithDebInfo/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/obs-plugins/* ~/.config/obs-studio/plugins/obs-localvocal/bin/64bit/
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/obs-studio/plugins/obs-localvocal/data
$ cp -R release/RelWithDebInfo/share/obs/obs-plugins/obs-localvocal/* ~/.config/obs-studio/plugins/obs-localvocal/data/

Other distros

For other distros where you can't use the CI build script, you can build the plugin as follows

  1. Clone the repository and install these dependencies using your distribution's package manager:

    • libssl (with development headers)
  2. Generate the CMake build scripts (adjust folders if necessary)

    cmake -B build-dir --preset linux-x86_64 -DUSE_SYSTEM_CURL=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./output_dir
  3. Build the plugin and copy the files to the output directory

    cmake --build build-dir --target install
  4. Copy plugin to OBS plugins folder

    mkdir -p ~/.config/obs-studio/plugins/bin/64bit
    cp -R ./output_dir/lib/obs-plugins/* ~/.config/obs-studio/plugins/bin/64bit/

    N.B. Depending on your system, the plugin might be in ./output_dir/lib64/obs-plugins instead.

  5. Copy plugin data to OBS plugins folder - Possibly only needed on first install

    mkdir -p ~/.config/obs-studio/plugins/data
    cp -R ./output_dir/share/obs/obs-plugins/obs-localvocal/* ~/.config/obs-studio/plugins/data/


Use the CI scripts again, for example:

> .github/scripts/Build-Windows.ps1 -Configuration Release

The build should exist in the ./release folder off the root. You can manually install the files in the OBS directory.

> Copy-Item -Recurse -Force "release\Release\*" -Destination "C:\Program Files\obs-studio\"

Building with CUDA support on Windows

LocalVocal will now build with CUDA support automatically through a prebuilt binary of Whisper.cpp from The CMake scripts will download all necessary files.

To build with cuda add ACCELERATION as an environment variable (with cpu, hipblas, or cuda) and build regularly

> $env:ACCELERATION="cuda"
> .github/scripts/Build-Windows.ps1 -Configuration Release
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