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Elixir client that integrates with Correios API.


  • Calculate shipping price and deadline;
  • Search an address by postal code.


Add ExCorreios to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:ex_correios, "~> 1.1.4"}


Add the following config to your config.exs file:

config :ex_correios,
  address_url: "",
  calculator_url: "",
  proxy: {"", "8866"}

Getting started


1 - Build one or more package items

iex> dimensions = %{diameter: 40.0, height: 2.0, length: 16.0, weight: 0.9, width: 11.0}
iex> dimensions2 = %{diameter: 0.0, height: 0.0, length: 0.0, weight: 0.0, width: 0.0}

2 - Build a package with an item to calculate shipping

iex> package =, [dimensions])
  diameter: 40.0,
  format: 1,
  height: 2.0,
  length: 16.0,
  weight: 0.9,
  width: 11.0

2.1 - When the package dimensions is smaller than the min dimensions accepted, we'll use the min dimensions defined by the correios

iex> package =, [dimensions2])
  diameter: 0.0,
  format: 1,
  height: 2.0,
  length: 16.0,
  weight: 0.0,
  width: 11.0

2.2 - It's possible to pass only the weight to build a package

iex>, [%{weight: 0.3}])
  diameter: 0.0,
  format: 1,
  height: 2.0,
  length: 16.0,
  weight: 0.3,
  width: 11.0

2.3 - Build a package with one or more items to calculate shipping

iex> package =, [dimensions, dimensions2])
  diameter: 40.0,
  format: 1,
  height: 7.06,
  length: 16.0,
  weight: 0.9,
  width: 11.0

3 - Calculate shipping based on one or more services

iex> shipping_params = %{
  destination: "05724005",
  origin: "08720030",
  enterprise: "",
  password: "",
  receiving_alert: false,
  declared_value: 0,
  manually_entered: false
iex> ExCorreios.calculate([:pac], package, shipping_params)
      deadline: 5,
      declared_value: 0.0,
      error: nil,
      error_code: "0",
      error_message: "",
      home_delivery: "S",
      manually_entered_value: 0.0,
      name: "PAC",
      notes: "",
      receiving_alert_value: 0.0,
      response_status: "0",
      saturday_delivery: "N",
      service_code: "04510",
      value: 19.8,
      value_without_additionals: 19.8
iex> ExCorreios.calculate([:pac, :sedex], package, shipping_params)
      deadline: 5,
      declared_value: 0.0,
      error: nil,
      error_code: "0",
      error_message: "",
      home_delivery: "S",
      manually_entered_value: 0.0,
      name: "PAC",
      notes: "",
      receiving_alert_value: 0.0,
      response_status: "0",
      saturday_delivery: "N",
      service_code: "04510",
      value: 19.8,
      value_without_additionals: 19.8
      deadline: 2,
      declared_value: 0.0,
      error: nil,
      error_code: "0",
      error_message: "",
      home_delivery: "S",
      manually_entered_value: 0.0,
      name: "SEDEX",
      notes: "",
      receiving_alert_value: 0.0,
      response_status: "0",
      saturday_delivery: "S",
      service_code: "04014",
      value: 21.2,
      value_without_additionals: 21.2

3.1 - It's possible for a service returns an error message while the other returns a success message

iex> ExCorreios.calculate([:pac, :sedex_hoje], package, shipping_params)
     deadline: 5,
     declared_value: 0.0,
     error: nil,
     error_code: "0",
     error_message: "",
     home_delivery: "S",
     manually_entered_value: 0.0,
     name: "PAC",
     notes: "",
     receiving_alert_value: 0.0,
     response_status: "0",
     saturday_delivery: "N",
     service_code: "04510",
     value: 19.8,
     value_without_additionals: 19.8
     deadline: 0,
     declared_value: 0.0,
     error: :invalid_destination_postal_code,
     error_code: "008",
     error_message: "Serviço indisponível para o trecho informado.",
     home_delivery: "",
     manually_entered_value: 0.0,
     name: "SEDEX HOJE",
     notes: "",
     receiving_alert_value: 0.0,
     response_status: "008",
     saturday_delivery: "",
     service_code: "40290",
     value: 0.0,
     value_without_additionals: 0.0

3.2 - Returns an error

iex> ExCorreios.calculate([:pac, :sedex_hoje], package, shipping_params)
{:error, "Error fetching services."}

3.3 - Options

Available options:

  calculator_url: "", # defined in the project config.
  recv_timeout: 10_000, # timeout for establishing a TCP or SSL connection, in milliseconds.
  timeout: 10_000 # timeout for receiving an HTTP response from the socket.

Find address

1 - Find an address by a valid postal code

iex> ExCorreios.find_address("35588-000")
  city: "Arcos",
  complement: "",
  district: "",
  postal_code: "35588000",
  state: "MG",
  street: ""

1.1 - Returns an error when postal code is invalid

iex> ExCorreios.find_address("00000-000") {:error, :invalid_postal_code}

1.2 - Available options:

  address_url: "", # defined in the project config.
  recv_timeout: 10_000, # timeout for establishing a TCP or SSL connection, in milliseconds.
  timeout: 10_000 # timeout for receiving an HTTP response from the socket.

Running tests

$ git clone
$ cd ex-correios
$ mix deps.get
$ mix test --trace

Running tests coverage check

$ mix test --cover

Running code formatter

$ mix format


Credo is a static code analysis tool for the Elixir language, to run credo:

$ mix credo --strict


Check out the Contributing guide.


ExCorreios is released under the MIT license. See the License file.


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