A small library which allows for the serialization of LogicNG datastructures like formulas or whole SAT solvers as Google Protocol Buffers.
To serialize and deserialize a formula as Protocol Buffer use the following code:
final FormulaFactory f = new FormulaFactory();
Formula formula = ...
PBFormulas serialized = Formulas.serializeFormula(formula);
Formula deserialized = Formulas.deserializeFormula(f, serialized);
Alternatively you can serialize formulas directly from and to streams or files:
final FormulaFactory f = new FormulaFactory();
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Formulas.serializeFormulaToStream(formula, outputStream);
byte[] byteArray = outputStream.toByteArray();
Formula deserialized = Formulas.deserializeFormulaFromStream(f, new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray));
You can also serialize a whole constructed SAT solver to Protocol Buffer, stream, or file. The following code constructs a solver, serializes it to a zipped file and deserializes it again. The solver has then the exact same state as when serialized.
MiniSat solver = MiniSat.miniSat(f);
SolverSerializer serializer = SolverSerializer.withoutPropositions(f);
serializer.serializeSolverToFile(solver, tempFile, true);
MiniSat deserialized = SolverSerializer.withoutPropositions(new FormulaFactory())
.deserializeMiniSatFromFile(tempFile, true);