Hubitat driver for direct control of insteon devices
• Ramp Rate - The Insteon device hardware Ramp Rates are supported, but user definition of Ramp Rates via the driver is not. Therefore, the Duration field in the driver does not serve any purpose and must be left blank. However, by activating and deactivating Insteon Scenes, you can control ramp rate. Insteon scenes can be controlled via any Insteon device that supports scene activation, and any device or rule on Hubitat Elevation.
• Instant device status
• Insteon Scene Control via HTTP Get from Button Controller or Rule Machine
• Automated Child device creation and Insteon Device ID capture
• Organized Parent/Child device structure
Compatible device types Dimming Micro Modules Door/Window contact sensors IOLinc In-wall dimmers In-wall switches Keypads Leak sensors Motion sensors On/Off Micro Modules Outlets Plug-in dimmers Plug-in switches
Minimum requirements
Insteon 2245-222 Hub (The previous 2242-222 and the newer 2243-222 HomeKit hubs are untested) Dedicated computer or Raspberry Pi with Node.js installed to run the insteonserver.js and the client.js event listener applications. Insteon devices
Insteon Server Node.js application
The insteon-server has been forked to make some changes in some of files to support Hubitat Elevation, and additional features. Please use files found here, rather than those from Scott Kuester's GitHub repository.
To install the Insteon Server Node.js application, follow these steps:
Step 1 Install Node.js (google search can help you with this part)
Step 2 Download the Insteon Server from this repository
Step 3 Select the green Clone or Download button, then press Download ZIP
Step 4 In Raspbian or your choice of linux flavor, type
cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/
Step 5 Create the directory insteon-server inside the node_modules directory with
sudo mkdir insteon-server
Step 6 Type
cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/insteon-server/
Expand the ZIP archive "insteon-server-master" to the insteon-server directory.
Step 7 Type
sudo npm -g install
Step 8 Add the required dependencies Type the following to install the dependencies (you may not need sudo, depending on your privlidge level)
sudo npm install -g home-controller
sudo npm install -g express
sudo npm install -g ws
Step 9 Copy the config-example.json file and rename it config.json
NOTE: The Insteon hub port in the config.js file must be 25105, but the node.js server port, which is labelled "server_port" in the config.js file, can be any open port you need it to be. What's important is that the node.js "server_port" specified in the config.js file must match the server port specified in the insteonserver.js file.
Step 10 When editing the config.json file, remove any devices you do not own. The username and password from your insteon hub must replace [Insteon Hub Username] and [Insteon Hub Password] in the config.json file. Atom Text editor is highly recommended for editing on MacOS, and Nano is a very easy to use editor included in the Raspbian OS.
Step 11 Name the devices the way you would like them to appear in your Hubitat Elevation hub. Replace all the [Insteon Device ID] in the config.json file with the actual device ID from your Insteon mobile app (Letters and Numbers only. Do not add periods or colons) It is important to properly enter your Insteon Device ID numbers, as this is how the child devices will be created on the Hubitat Elevation hub. If you do not enter the Insteon Device ID for each of your devices in the config.json file, its corresponding child device will not be created on your HE hub.
Step 12 For Keypads, the device type should be "scene".
NOTE: There is no need to change the device type from "lightbulb". I've been controlling multiple Instoen dimmers for years with the config.json file using "lightbulb" instead of "dimmer" regardless of whether or not it is actually a lightbulb, dimmer or switch. However, you must set "dimmable": no in the config.json file if the device type is a switch, a non-dimmable outlet, ON/OFF Micro Module, or an IOLinc.
Step 13 Save the config.json file
Start the server and client listener
Open a shell window (Raspbian) or terminal window (Mac OS), and type
cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/insteon-server/
Start the Insteon Server node.js application by typing
node insteonserver.js
You should see the following in your shell or terminal window:
Connecting to Insteon Model 2245 Hub... Initiating websocket... Connected to Insteon Model 2245 Hub...
Open a second shell window (Raspbian) or terminal window (Mac OS), and again type
cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/insteon-server/
Start the Insteon client listener by typing
node client.js
You should see the following in the client.js shell or terminal window:
Connected to Insteon Server
WARNING: If you don't start the client.js application, you won't be able to generate the child devices, get device status updates, or use Insteon motion, contact and leak sensors.
Insteon WS Parent and Child device drivers
• Through the use of web sockets, this new driver will update status immediately, and will capture the status of Insteon input devices such as contact, motion, and leak sensors. Any periodic refresh rules used with the previous driver should be removed.
Adding the Insteon driver code to Hubitat Elevation
Choose Select All on the RAW code window, then copy and paste the code into a new driver code window in Hubitat Elevation and press SAVE Repeat until you have added the parent and each of the child device drivers.
Step 14 Copy the parent driver by pressing the RAW button at the top right and paste it into a new driver window on Hubitat Elevation. Refer to the Hubitat docs for to to install devices drivers if you have never done this before. Be sure that after you select the link for the parent driver code, you then press the RAW button at the top right of the driver code window. This will ensure you have all the correct code, without any missing elements or accidentally included special characters.
Step 15 Copy each of the child device driver code files, creating a new driver file for each on your Hubitat Elevation hub. Be sure that after you select the link for the child driver, you then press the RAW button at the top right of the driver code window. This will ensure you have all the correct code, without any missing elements or accidentally included special characters.
Installing the Insteon WS Parent driver on your Hubitat Elevation hub
Step 16 Refer to the Hubitat Elevation device driver documentation if you have never installed a device driver before.
Step 17 Name your Parent device driver, and set the type to Insteon WS Parent
Step 18 Press the Save Device button
Step 19 Configure the driver as follows:
Step 20 Turn off "Enable debug logging". When you create a new device, debug logging is enabled by default. Some users have said that when debug logging was enabled in the parent device, the child devices were not created after completing the next steps.
Step 21 Press the Save Preferences button, then scroll down and select the Save Device button again.
Step 22 Press the Initialize button. You should see connected under the Current States field. If you do not see connected. ensure that both the insteonserver.js application and client.js applications have been started on your node.js server.
Your child device ID numbers (Insteon Device ID numbers) should all show up in the State Variables field. In your Hubitat Elevation devices list, you should see the Insteon WS Parent app with the name you gave it, and all of your Insteon devices with the names you assigned to each device in the config.json file. You may now include your Insteon devices in Hubitat Elevation automations. I have personally been running this new driver with all my Insteon devices since late June of 2019, and it continues to perform perfectly. Very fast with no issues or conflicts of any kind.
Controlling Insteon Scenes
This can be done by sending HTTP request directly to the Insteon hub. With this, you can control the ramp rate of Insteon devices per button, rule action, switch, mode change, etc.
ON group 11 (scene 1) http://[username]:[password]@[insteon hub IP]:25105/0?1111=I=0
OFF group 11 (scene 1) http://[username]:[password]@[insteon hub IP]:25105/0?1311=I=0
Once you have the credentials and Insteon hub IP info, it's just copy past from then on. It's only the last four digits before =I=0 that change depending on the state or the scene group ID number. So in the above example, 1111 is ON for Group ID 11 and 1311 is OFF for Group ID 11
2242-222 Hub 2243-222 Hub (HomeKit Edition) 6 button dimming keypad 6 button on/off keypad Ceiling fan/light module Mini remotes 1, 4 & 8 scene Siren Smoke bridge Thermostat
How to add and remove devices from your Insteon 2245-222 hub
Now that the ability to use the Insteon app is gone, you will need to manually add devices to the hub. There are ways to do this with open source software, but you can also do this by using the Link button on the 2245 hub, or by using the following HTTP commands. Even if you accidentally reset your Insteon hub, you should be able to re-link devices by using the buttons on the hub and the link method on the device, or recreate groups using the HTTP method below. If you need to configure embedded devices, or if just want a convenient configuraiton tool for you devices, I suggest Insteon Control Panel for Home Assistant by Tom Harris (which will soon be included with the Home Assistant Insteon driver) -
NOTE: You will need to find your Insteon hub IP address by looking at the DCHP address table, or the MAC address table of your router. Every router will be different. Consult your router manual by downloading it from the manufacturer's website or do some searching online for answers using your router's brand and model number if a manual isn't available. If your hub has never been named, it will probably show up in a DHCP table as "Smarthome". But if your router doesn't display device names in the DHCP table, look for the matching MAC Address to the one shown on the bottom of your 2245-222 hub.
Example of an Insteon MAC Address
(where the x will be two HEX values unique to your particular Insteon hub).
Before you start, it’s important to understand some basics around how to form the URL to enable linking. Since you can join devices by Group (Scene) you will have the ability to add devices to your hub and to a particular Insteon Scene. You don’t have to use Insteon Scenes, but without their use you will either get a popcorn effect from your lights when you try to control several of them at once with a non-Insteon group, or some of the Insteon devices may not respond at all if you're trying to use a non-Insteon group to control multiple at once. Insteon Scenes will send out a single group message, where all Insteon devices in that Insteon Group (Scene) will respond simultaneously, with no popcorn effect, and no missed commands by any Insteon device that is a member of that group.
The following are HTTP commands from the Insteon Developer Guide. You should probably download this for reference while you still can. The guide is from the 2242-222 hub, but the commands are the same for the 2245-222 hub.
The remainder of the URL contains the commands for linking/unlinking, together with the group you want to add the device to, or the group you want to removed the device from.
Enter Linking Mode to group 10
Enter Unlinking Mode from Group 10
Cancel Linking or Unlinking Mode
Set the hub into Linking mode to add a device to Group (Scene) 10 Here 09 is the HEX command to put the Insteon hub into Linking mode, and 10 is the Insteon Group it will join.
http://Annie:ytyYUbva@**0910**=I=0 Set the hub into Unlinking mode to remove a device from Group (Scene) 10 Here 0A is the HEX command to put the Insteon hub into Unlinking mode, and 10 is the Insteon Group it will leave.
http://Annie:ytyYUbva@**0A10**=I=0 Cancel Linking or Unlinking Mode (Group number doesn’t have to be included and will be ignored if it is included together with the Cancel Linking/Unlinking command). Here 08 is the HEX command to Cancel linking or unlinking mode, and even though 10 for the Group is still included in the URL, it is unnecessary for a Cancel command. However it can safely be left included if you just want to change the HEX value before the Group number in the URL. It will be ignored in this case.
http://Annie:ytyYUbva@**0810**=I=0` Turn OFF Group (Scene) 10 Here 11 is the HEX command to turn OFF the devices in Group 10
http://Annie:ytyYUbva@**1110**=I=0 Turn ON Group (Scene) 10 Here 12 is the HEX command to turn ON the devices in Group 10
To use the HTTP commands, first send your constructed URL via a web browser by entering it in the address bar. You must include the Hub user name and password in your URL. Nothing will happen if you don't.
After entering the URL in your browser address bar, you may need to press enter twice to get a response from the hub. Once the light is flashing on the hub, press and hold the link button on your device until you hear a quick double-beep and its light stops flashing. It should instantly join. Repeat the process for each device you want to add to a particular Group on your Insteon hub.
Use the ON and OFF URL examples above to test your devices are added to the group you intended and are all responding as expected.
How to control groups from Hubitat
You can control Insteon groups from a Hubitat Elevation hub without installing any drivers or software by sending an HTTP command using GET with Hubitat Rule Machine or Button Controller.
Send GET to: http://Annie:ytyYUbva@