See the Tinted theming repository for more information. This theme was built with Tinted Builder Rust.
Base24 and base16 color schemes for use in lua scripting.
Modifying the neovim
color palette to be base24
This assumes lazy.nvim
is used to manage plugin.
Copy over a base24
color scheme file to ~/.config/nvim/lua/config/colors-base24.lua
In ~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/catppuccin.lua
return {
name = "catppuccin",
lazy = false,
opts = function(_, opts)
local base24 = require("config.colors-base24")
local utils = require("catppuccin.utils.colors")
local steps = 2
local interpolated = {}
for i = 1, steps do
local t = i / (steps + 1)
table.insert(interpolated, utils.blend(base24.base04, base24.base05, t))
opts.color_overrides = {
mocha = {
rosewater = base24.base14,
flamingo = base24.base0F,
pink = base24.base17,
mauve = base24.base0E,
red = base24.base08,
maroon = base24.base12,
peach = base24.base09,
yellow = base24.base0A,
green = base24.base0B,
teal = base24.base0C,
sky = base24.base15,
sapphire = base24.base16,
blue = base24.base0D,
lavender = base24.base13,
text = base24.base07,
subtext1 = base24.base06,
subtext0 = base24.base05,
overlay2 = interpolated[1],
overlay1 = interpolated[2],
overlay0 = base24.base04,
surface2 = base24.base03,
surface1 = base24.base02,
surface0 = base24.base01,
base = base24.base00,
mantle = base24.base10,
crust = base24.base11,