Annotations classes for java4cpp project.
Gets full informations directly on the java4cpp-core page project.
Use the java4cpp annotations for controlling the mappings between the java classes and C++ proxies directly in the source code. It is also possible to define the mappings with some externals XML mappings file.
Consider this annotated java class :
package my.package;
class MyJavaClass {
public static String myStaticField;
public static String unexportedField;
public MyJavaClass() {
public MyJavaClass(double arg) {
public void myMethod(boolean arg) {
java4cpp will generate the following C++ proxy (of course the final result may vary according to the XML templates configuration)
namespace my {
namespace package {
class MyJavaClass
static java::lang::String getMyStaticField();
virtual ~MyJavaClass();
void cppMethod(bool arg1);