A Paint app built using Tkinter package in python where you can draw either using gesture recognition by integrating OpenCV or with cursor. You can draw using two modes:
Cursor mode
Gesture mode
- Windows 64-bit
- Python 3.8.x(autopy is not available in version 3.9.x)
To run without downloading the code, checkout the release section [https://github.com/lokeswar-28/Doodle-Paint-App/releases]
install python 3.8.10 [https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3810/]
User can install all the packages from requirement.txt
Open cmd with the path where you want install the package and give the following command
pip install -r requirement.txt
This app allows you to do all the below features.
👉 Can draw with pencil🖌 in a canvas and eraser it
👉 Can change the color of the canvas and the eraser matches with that color
👉 Can draw shapes such as rectangle⬜, circle⚪, hexagon, pentagon, paralellogram and line
👉 Clear the canvas completely
👉 Open📂 and save file
👉 Can cut, copy a specific region and paste it in the canvas wherever you need
👉 Screenshot, Snipping, zoom in🔍 and zoom out🔎 option is available
👉 Undo shapes, drawings
👉 Fill colors to the available shapes
👉 Choose outline color from the color palette and fill color from bucket and then draw colorful shapes
👉 How to draw using gesture mode🖐 is given in tips in help menu
👉 Modes can be shifted using the mode menu
👉 Cursor position, current mode is shown in status bar and fps count is also shown on the canvas
❌ Fill color can be applied only to the available shapes in the doodle app and cannot fill color to any other regular or irregular shapes
❌ While using zoom in and zoom out the original position of the drawings in the canvas cannot be got
❌ When the canvas is colored and you want to change the color in the midst of drawing and you have used eraser, the path of the eraser will appear. You can change the canvas color, draw, erase and after saving, give the clear button and then change the canvas to white. Henceforth working with one particular color will not lead to any issue
doodle.jpeg https://images.app.goo.gl/e63jUD1TzZMeHK5x5
bucket.png https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/2488319/blue_paint_bucket_color_paint_bucket_tool_icon
Mario.cur http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-detail/80421
Cut.png https://www.onlinewebfonts.com/icon/517522
Paste.png https://icons8.com/icon/5416/paste
about.png https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Information_icon.svg
open.png https://icons8.com/icon/C8gfz6xPL7TZ/open-file-folder
save.png https://www.freeiconspng.com/img/36513
text.png https://www.nicepng.com/s/text-icon/
MIT License