Simple library which will allow you to generate shapefiles (.shp, .shx, .dbf) using OpenLayers 3 Geometry - ol.source.Vector Library based on great work of @harry-gibson modified by Adam Kaput
var shapefile = new Shapefile();
var pointfile = shapefile.getShapefile('POINT'); // output shapefile will use point graphics only
var linefile = shapefile.getShapefile('POLYLINE'); // output shapefile will use the polyline graphics only
var polygonfile = shapefile.getShapefile('POLYGON'); //output shapefile will use the polygons graphics only
var pointShp = pointfile.shapefile.shp; //Blob
var pointShx = pointfile.shapefile.shx; //Blob
var pointDbf = pointfile.shapefile.dbf; //Blob
var lineShp = linefile.shapefile.shp; //Blob
var lineShx = linefile.shapefile.shx; //Blob
var lineDbf = linefile.shapefile.dbf; //Blob
var polygonShp = polygonfile.shapefile.shp; //Blob
var polygonShx = polygonfile.shapefile.shx; //Blob
var polygonDbf = polygonfile.shapefile.dbf; //Blob
So you have 9 Blob files containing all geometry types in shapefiles, now you can for example zip it using and download