This is an imatation of the Tencent Weather of mobile web version. Considering the high cost of weather API, here I just used koa to write a simple server which can respond with the mock data. You can get API documentions here.
- Code Split
- Functionnal Components, Hooks, React 17 JSX Tranform
- CSS in JS
- Flux (Hooks)
- Progressive Web Application
- App Manifest
- Offline Cache
Koa 2
Mock Data
git clone
cd tencent-weather
npm install
npm run dev
# in another bash tab
npm run server
Then open the link http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.
APIs in this path will return the requested weather infomation, judging the client location by user's IP.
Returns the real-time weather infomation.
Reponse Example:
city: string, // "重庆市 南岸区"
temperature: number, // 20
weather: string, // "晴"
tip: string, // "光芒透过云缝,洒向大地~"
details: Array<Array<string>(2)>
["东北风", "1级"],
["湿度", "50%"]
Returns the weather infomation of recent 24 hours.
Reponse Example:
time: string, // "15:00",
weather: string, // "yun",
temperature: number, // 20
Returns the weather infomation of recent days, which starts from yesterday, and is 7 days in total.
Reponse Example:
day: string, // "昨天", "今天", "周二"
date: string, // "05/28"
daytime_weather: string, // "阴"
daytime_icon: string, // "yin"
night_weather: string, // "阴"
night_icon: string, // "yin"
max_t: number, // 28
min_t: number, // 20
wind: string, // "东南风"
wind_speed: number, // 4
Returns the suggestions, 8 ones in total in this version.
Reponse Example:
icon: string, // "t_shirt"
state: string, // "热"
for: string, // "穿衣"