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StackStorm in Docker containers

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  • Check the CHANGELOG.rst file for any potential changes that may require restarting containers.
  • Be sure to use the latest docker-compose.yml. Run git pull in your st2-docker workspace!
  • Run st2ctl reload --register-all to reload all services.
  • For information on how the stackstorm docker image is versioned, see
  • If a specific image is required, it is always best to be explicit and specify the Image ID. For example:


make env
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec stackstorm bash

Open https://localhost in your browser. StackStorm Username/Password can be found in: cat conf/stackstorm.env

Running on Kubernetes? See runtime/kubernetes-1ppc



  • Docker Engine 1.13.0+

Container configuration

The default container configuration is as follows:

  • stackstorm (st2 + st2web + st2mistral)
  • mongo
  • rabbitmq
  • postgres
  • redis

Step by step instructions

We use Version 3 of the compose file format, so if you want to run docker-compose, you'll need to ensure you're running Docker Engine release 1.13.0+.

First, execute

make env

to create the environment files used by docker-compose. You may want to change the values of the variables as necessary, but the defaults should be okay if you are not using any off-cluster services (e.g. mongo, redis, postgres, rabbitmq).

NOTE: make env only needs to be run once.

As an example, if you want to change the username and password used by StackStorm, change the ST2_USER and ST2_PASSWORD variables in conf/stackstorm.env prior to bringing up your docker environment.

Second, start the docker environment. execute

docker-compose up -d

This will pull the required images from docker hub, and then start them.

However, if you find need to modify the stackstorm image, you will need to build it. Run:

docker build --build-arg ST2_REPO=${REPO} -t stackstorm/stackstorm:${REPO} images/stackstorm

where REPO is one of 'stable', 'unstable', 'staging-stable', 'staging-unstable'. Otherwise, the following docker-compose command will download the specified image from docker hub.

To stop the docker environment, run:

docker-compose down

Getting started: Simple Tutorial Tour

After you spin up the environment, you can play around with st2 in container-ized environment by following this tutorial guide.

Data persistence

It's designed to suffice the ordinary use case by default. If you need to customize it, check below and modify docker-compose.yml

  • The mongo, rabbitmq, postgres and redis containers store their data on persistent storage
  • The stackstorm container persists the contents in following directories
    • /var/log
    • /opt/stackstorm/packs
    • /opt/stackstorm/virtualenvs
    • /opt/stackstorm/configs

Since data directories may persist between invocations of docker-compose, you may see the following error:

2018-02-21 16:36:21.453 UTC [1] FATAL:  database files are incompatible with server
2018-02-21 16:36:21.453 UTC [1] DETAIL:  The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version 9.6, which is not compatible with this version 10.2 (Debian 10.2-1.pgdg90+1).

In docker-compose.yml, pin the postgres version to 9.6 and you will not see the error again.

-    image: postgres:latest
+    image: postgres:9.6

Environment variables

Below is the complete list of available options that can be used to customize your container.

Parameter Description
ST2_USER StackStorm account username
ST2_PASSWORD StackStorm account password
MONGO_HOST MongoDB server hostname
MONGO_PORT MongoDB server port (typically 27017)
MONGO_DB (Optional) MongoDB dbname (will use st2 if not specified)
MONGO_USER (Optional) MongoDB username (will connect without credentials if this and MONGO_PASS are not specified)
MONGO_PASS (Optional) MongoDB password
RABBITMQ_HOST RabbitMQ server hostname
RABBITMQ_PORT RabbitMQ server port (typically 5672)
POSTGRES_HOST PostgreSQL server hostname
POSTGRES_PORT PostgreSQL server port (typically 5432)
POSTGRES_DB PostgreSQL database
POSTGRES_USER PostgreSQL username
REDIS_HOST Redis server hostname
REDIS_PORT Redis server port
REDIS_PASSWORD (Optional) Redis password

Running custom shell scripts on boot

The stackstorm container supports running arbitrary shell scripts when the container launches:

  • Scripts located in /st2-docker/entrypoint.d are executed before the init process starts any stackstorm services.
  • Scripts located in /st2-docker/st2.d are executed after stackstorm services are running.

NOTE: Only scripts with a suffix of .sh will be executed, and in alphabetical order of the file name.


For example, if you want to modify /etc/st2/st2.conf to set system_packs_base_path parameter, create with the follwing content:

crudini --set /etc/st2/st2.conf content system_packs_base_path /opt/stackstorm/custom_packs

Then bind mount it to /st2-docker/entrypoint.d/

  • via docker run

    docker run -it -d --privileged \
      -v /path/to/ \
  • via docker-compose.yml

        image: stackstorm/stackstorm:${TAG:-latest}
         : (snip)
          - /path/to/

The above example shows just modifying st2 config but basically there is no limitation so you can do almost anything.

You can also bind mount a specific directory to /st2-docker/entrypoint.d then place scripts as much as you want.


Scripts in this directory can be used to register packs, reload or restart services, etc. You can bind mount these scripts as mentioned in the previous section.

NOTE: These scripts are currently not available when running in 1ppc mode.

To enable chatops

Chatops is installed in the stackstorm image, but not started by default.

To enable chatops, delete the file /etc/init/st2chatops.override using a script in /st2-docker/entrypoint.d.


sudo rm /etc/init/st2chatops.override

You also need to configure it either

  • by passing all required parameters for st2chatops to the stackstorm container via environment variables
  • by replacing /opt/stackstorm/chatops/st2chatops.env with the one that is properly configured. The easiest way is to use bind-mount. directory

By default, ./ directory is bind-mounted to /opt/stackstorm/ in stackstorm container and registered as a secondary pack location. This is done by the startup script at ./runtime/entrypoint.d/

This feature exists just for convenience, for testing and developing packs, and for tutorial. You can use it for arbitrary purpose, or ignore, or even disable it completely by removing corresponding entries and files. Refer to the official StackStorm document for the list of available configuration parameters for st2chatops.

Advanced: using 1ppc image

Official image now supports running in 1ppc mode: stands for One Process Per Container. Interested? Check runtime/compose-1ppc


Official docker container for StackStorm.







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  • Shell 74.0%
  • Smarty 20.9%
  • Python 3.5%
  • Makefile 1.6%