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Simple python script to fetch a story/web novel from and convert it to epub ebook format.
- Retrieve automatically all the chapters of the given story
- Support table of content for ebook conversion
- Support author note at both end and start of the chapter
- Support images
- Support CSS rules for different stories (e.g. "Everybody Love Large Chest")
- Very low memory and performance footprint
This script uses requests_html python package. Install it :
pip install requests url_of_chapter number_of_chapters name_of_ebook
Parameters :
- url_of_chapter : The URL of the chapter (not of the story homepage!)
- number_of_chapters : You guessed. If you want the whole book, just enter something like 99999
- name_of_ebook : The name of the ebook, .html extension will be added when the file is written on the filesystem.
It reads the chapter content of the URL given ( url_of_chapter ) and goes to the next chapter, and it loops number_of_chapters times.
name_of_ebook is the name of the file where the HTML source will be stored.
If you want to fetch the best rated story Mother of Learning from the first chapter, execute the following command :
python 102 MOL
In the example above, MOL.html is written a the working directory.
Note : this script has been primaly designed to fetch the story "Everybody Love Large Chest", so different stories could be appears wrong in the final file. In particular CSS-designed structure.
To convert to your preferred ebook format (AZW3,MOBI,EPUB..) you need to use Calibre :
Simply import the html file into Calibre (it automatically creates an epub ebook) and you will be able to convert it to your preferred format.
PS : To have all the images in your kindle, you need to download them manually (otherwise they will be in URL format in the kindle, and you will need an internet connexion to view them). To do so, in calibre, convert the ebook to your format, edit the book, and then tools->download ressources.