A theatre performance incorporating a sensor network used by performers to control lighting and sound. ESP8266 based sensors are used to output OSC messages to a PC over wifi. Lighting software on the PC then converts this OSC into Artnet lighting commands to control fixtures, LED matrices and sound.
All elements of the network can be controlled by a handheld, wireless OSC master controller.
Sends any changes in output of the analog pin as an integer over osc with the address "/sensor".
Outputs a compass heading from a HMC5883L compass.
Outputs a peak to peak voltage reading from a microphone.
Outputs distances in cm from 0-400.
Outputs a pressure value (mapped from 0-255) from a velostat pressure sensor. This data is used to change the color and intensity of a 24 pixel neopixel ring as visual feedback.
Artnet is sent to ESP8266 based nodes to control lighting either through PWM or DMX and WS2812 pixels.
Motors can be controlled by PWM pins - pins need to be pulled low to prevent motor spinning if no DMX is available!