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Object Creation

lordmilko edited this page Jul 24, 2024 · 131 revisions




PrtgAPI is capable of creating brand new instances of all sensor types supported by PRTG. Due to the sheer number of available sensor types however, PrtgAPI only includes native support for a limited subset of this range. For all other sensor types, PrtgAPI defines an interface that allows custom sensor parameters to be generated and created.

In order to add a sensor you must first create a NewSensorParameters object of the sensor type you wish to add.

PrtgAPI natively supports the creation of the following sensor types:

  • EXE/Script Advanced
  • WMI Service
  • HTTP
  • Sensor Factory

For all other sensor types please see Dynamic Parameters

//Create a new EXE/Script Advanced sensor under the device with ID 1001
var parameters = new ExeXmlSensorParameters("testScript.ps1");

var sensors = client.AddSensor(1001, parameters);

All properties unique to a given sensor type can be passed to the parameters object's constructor. Any values that are not specified will be instantiated with their default values (shown via IntelliSense). Properties common to all sensor types will automatically be instantiated with the default values given to them across all sensors, and can be modified via an object initializer or after the object has been instantiated

var parameters = new ExeXmlSensorParameters("testScript.ps1")
    Interval = ScanningInterval.FiveMinutes

PrtgAPI is capable of querying PRTG for a list of supported sensor targets that can be used with a new sensor (such as a list of EXE/Script files present on a device's probe, or a list of WMI Services that are installed on a device). For more information, see Sensor Targets.

In order to add a sensor, call the AddSensor method with the Device or ID of the device the sensor will apply to, as well as the parameters that define the sensor to create.

//You can specify values either in the constructor, or via object initialization
var parameters = new ExeXmlSensorParameters("super important.ps1", "Super Important Script!")
    ExeParameters = "dc-1 2000",
    Mutex = "superimportant1",
    Timeout = 70,
    Interval = ScanningInterval.FiveMinutes

//Add the sensor to the device with ID 2001
var sensors = client.AddSensor(2001, parameters);

Parameters that are required by a sensor (such as the ExeFile of an EXE/Script Advanced sensor) are validated by AddSensor when the sensor is added. If a required field is missing a value, PrtgAPI will throw an InvalidOperationException specifying the property whose value was invalid.

By default PrtgAPI will resolve any new sensors to their resultant Sensor objects. Based on the type of sensor parameters specified, one or more sensors will be returned. If you do not wish to perform object resolution, this behavior can be disabled by setting the optional parameter resolve to false. If object resolution is disabled, AddSensor will return null.

//Add new sensors to the object with ID 2001 without resolving them
client.AddSensor(2001, parameters, false);

In the event your PRTG server is timing out while resolving your newly created sensors, you can increase the number of resolution attempts that PrtgAPI will make by updating the RetryCount and RetryDelay of your PrtgClient. PrtgAPI will retry resolving your sensor at least 4 times, with a 3 second delay that will double with each successive attempt. If the RetryCount and RetryDelay values specified on your PrtgClient are larger than these default values, PrtgAPI will use the values you've specified on the PrtgClient instead

//Make at most 10 attempts to resolve the newly created sensor.
//Remember, the RetryDelay will double with each retry attempt!
client.RetryCount = 9;
client.RetryDelay = 3;

When resolving added sensors, for accuracy and performance purposes PrtgAPI limits its search to sensors that have the same Type specified in the NewSensorParameters object. If you are creating a sensor with a dynamic sensor type that changes based on exact parameters that are specified (such as snmplibrary) you should set the DynamicType property of the parameters object to true.

parameters.DynamicType = true;

For information on creating custom sensor parameter objects for creating sensor types not currently supported by PrtgAPI, see Dynamic Parameters and Custom Parameters.


A brand new device can be created under an existing group or probe via the AddDevice method.

The easiest way to create a new device is to call AddDevice with a parent (GroupOrProbe or ID) and name, optionally specifying the host and optional auto-discovery mode. If the host is not specified, the name of the device will be used as a hostname.

var device = client.AddDevice(3001, "dc-1", "", AutoDiscoveryMode.Automatic);

For scenarios in which you wish to specify more advanced properties at the time of object creation, a set of NewDeviceParameters must be created specifying the settings to use on the new device.

var parameters = new NewDeviceParameters("dc-1", "")
    AutoDiscoveryMode = AutoDiscoveryMode.Automatic,
    AutoDiscoverySchedule = AutoDiscoverySchedule.Weekly

var device = client.AddDevice(3001, parameters);

While the PRTG UI allows specifying a vast array of properties on a device at the time of creation, for maintainability purposes PrtgAPI only supports the most critical properties pertinent to device objects. If you wish to modify any other properties of the device, this can be done so after the device is created via the SetObjectProperty method.

By default PrtgAPI will resolve any new devices to their resultant Device objects. As PRTG does not return any information about the created devices, PrtgAPI uses a diff based resolution mechanism to identify the newly created object. In the event an identical device is created under the specified parent object while resolution is occurring, PrtgAPI will throw an ObjectResolutionException specifying the Object IDs of the devices found. If you do not wish to perform object resolution, this behavior can be disabled by setting the optional parameter resolve to false. If object resolution is disabled, AddDevice will return null.

//Add a new device without resolving it
client.AddDevice(probe, "dc-1", resolve: false);


A brand new group can be created under an existing group or probe via the AddGroup method.

The easiest way to create a new group is to call AddGroup with just a parent (GroupOrProbe or ID) and a name.

//Create a new group named "Servers" under the object with ID 3003
var group = client.AddGroup(3003, "Servers");

For scenarios in which you wish to specify more advanced properties at the time of object creation, a set of NewGroupParameters must be created specifying the settings to use on the new group.

//Create a new group named "Servers" under the object with ID 3003
var parameters = new NewGroupParameters("Servers")
    Tags = new[] { "CoreInfrastructure" }

var group = client.AddGroup(probe, parameters);

While the PRTG UI allows specifying a vast array of properties on a group at the time of creation, for maintainability purposes PrtgAPI only supports the most critical properties pertinent to group objects. If you wish to modify any other properties of the group, this can be done so after the group is created via the SetObjectProperty method.

By default PrtgAPI will resolve any new groups to their resultant Group objects. As PRTG does not return any information about the created group, PrtgAPI uses a diff based resolution mechanism to identify the newly created object. In the event an identical group is created under the specified parent object while resolution is occurring, PrtgAPI will throw an ObjectResolutionException specifying the Object IDs of the groups found. If you do not wish to perform object resolution, this behavior can be disabled by setting the optional parameter resolve to false. If object resolution is disabled, AddGroup will return null.

//Create a new group named "Servers" under the object with ID 3003 without resolving it
client.AddGroup(3003, "Servers", false);

Notification Triggers

For information on creating new notification triggers please see Notification Triggers.


Sensors, Devices and Groups are capable of being cloned with PrtgAPI via the CloneObject method. To clone an object, the ID of the object to clone, the name to give the new object and the parent the new object should be created under should be specified. When specifying the source and parent destination, either an IPrtgObject or numeric ID can be used.

//Clone the device named "dc-1" to a new device called "dc-2" specifying the
//IP Address/HostName of the new server to be and storing the new
//device under the same group or probe as the original

var device = client.GetDevices(Property.Name, "dc-1").First();

var newDeviceId = client.CloneObject(device, "dc-2", "", device.ParentId);
//Clone the sensor with ID 1001 under its parent device, naming the new sensor
//"Clone of <original name>"
var sensor = client.GetSensor(1001);

var newSensorId = client.CloneObject(sensor, $"Clone of {sensor}", sensor.ParentId);

When an object is cloned PRTG will return the object ID of the resultant object. As cloned objects are paused by default, you will likely want to execute a Resume request via the ResumeObject method


Note: upon resuming a cloned device, PRTG may automatically perform an auto-discovery of the cloned device depending on the auto-discovery mode of the original device. This property can be modified in bulk by setting the AutoDiscoveryMode property to Manual. For more information, see Property Manipulation.

Note however that depending on the speed of your PRTG install, PRTG may take some time to actually finalize creating the object. If an object is still in the process of being created, any attempts to retrieve the new object will return nothing. This can be remediated by executing repeated requests until the object can be resolved

//Try real hard to resolve the desired object

List<Sensor> sensors;
var delay = 3;

//Loop until the object is resolved. In a real program you may wish to limit the total
//number of retries
    sensors = client.GetSensors(Property.Id, newSensorId);

    //If the object hasn't been created yet, we'll sleep for a few seconds to give the
    //object more time to create. With each successive fail we wait twice as long as
    if(sensors.Count == 0)
        Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000);
        delay *= 2;
} while(sensors.Count == 0);



If an auto-discovery has not been run on a device yet, or you wish to re-run an auto-discovery you can do so using the AutoDiscover method.

//Initiate an auto-discovery on the device with ID 1001

Auto-discoveries can be limited in scope to one or more device templates

//Perform an auto-discovery with all WMI Device Templates
var templates = client.GetDeviceTemplates().Where(t => t.Name.Contains("WMI")).ToArray();
client.AutoDiscover(1001, templates);

Depending on the size of your PRTG installation, auto-discovery operations can cause significant performance issues on your core server. As such care should be taken when programmatically initiating multiple auto-discovery operations. PRTG will only execute a maximum of 10 auto-discovery operations at once. If more than 10 auto-discovery operations are requested, PRTG will queue all operations and initiate them as slots become available.



PrtgAPI provides two ways of creating new sensors on objects

Cmdlet Pro Con
New-Sensor Outrageously easy
One line!
Limited type support
Add-Sensor Supports all sensor types Requires multiple lines

The New-Sensor cmdlet allows you to easily create sensor types natively supported by PrtgAPI. For more advanced scenarios where you wish to create unsupported sensor types or exert more control of your sensor parameters before they are created, the Add-Sensor cmdlet can be used.


To create a simple sensor of a known type to PrtgAPI, at a minimum you must specify the specify the type, name and destination of the sensor.

# Create an ExeXml sensor called "Veeam Backups" on the device with ID 1001
# that executes the script DoStuff.ps1 under the mutex "mutex1"
Get-Device -Id 1001 | New-Sensor -ExeXml "Veeam Backups" "DoStuff.ps1" -Mutex mutex1

PrtgAPI natively supports the creation of the following sensor types:

  • EXE/Script Advanced
  • WMI Service
  • HTTP
  • Sensor Factory

Any property that can be found on the sensor's parameters object can be specified as a parameter to New-Sensor. To view all sensor types that can be created, and the parameters that can be specified for each one, invoke Get-Help New-Sensor within PowerShell.

All parameter sets found on New-Sensor adhere to the following basic rules

  1. The first parameter is always a SwitchParameter specifying the sensor type
  2. The second parameter is always the Name (if applicable)
  3. Unless otherwise specified, the device the sensor should be created under is always specified via the -Device parameter, which accepts values via pipeline input
  4. Required values are positional parameters, unless they would conflict with another parameter set
  5. Unless otherwise specified, all other parameters are named parameters

Sensor types that require the use of Sensor Targets can either specify the target objects directly or specify a wildcard expression to have New-Sensor lookup these targets for you. If a wildcard expression is specified when creating sensors on multiple objects, note that New-Sensor will lookup the targets on each individual device, which could be time consuming.

# Create the same Exchange WMI Service sensors on all Exchange servers
$targets = Get-Device exch-1 | Get-SensorTarget WmiService *exchange*
Get-Device *exch* | New-Sensor -WmiService $targets

# Create WMI Service sensors for all Exchange servers using whatever
# Exchange services exist on each server
Get-Device *exch* | New-Sensor -WmiService *exchange*

When creating sensor factory objects, New-Sensor incorporates the functionality of the New-SensorFactoryDefinition cmdlet, allowing you to

  • dynamically generate the sensor's ChannelDefinition
  • specify additional sensor parameters, and
  • create the sensor

all in one line!

Get-Sensor -Tags wmicpu* | New-Sensor -Factory "CPU Overview" { $_.Device } -sn "Average CPU" -se Average -FactoryErrorMode WarnOnError -DestinationId 1001

Unlike other sensor types, New-Sensor creates sensor factories by specifying a -DestinationId rather than a -Device, allowing the pipeline to be used for piping in a collection of sensors to make a factory out of.

To view the parameters New-Sensor will use without actually creating your sensor, specify the -WhatIf parameter. This can be useful for validating your sensor factory channel definition.

C:\> Get-Sensor -Tags wmicpu* | New-Sensor -Factory "CPU Overview" { $_.Device } -sn "Average CPU" -se Average -DestinationId 1001 -WhatIf

What if: Performing the operation "New-Sensor: Name = 'CPU Overview', ChannelDefinition =

#1:Average CPU
avg(channel(2020,0), channel(2047,0), channel(2059,0))

" on target "Device ID: 1001".

Advanced: Parameters

PrtgAPI is capable of creating brand new instances of all sensor types supported by PRTG. Due to the sheer number of available sensor types however, PrtgAPI only includes native support for a limited subset of this range. For all other sensor types, PrtgAPI defines an interface that allows custom sensor parameters to be generated and created.

In order to add a sensor you must first create a NewSensorParameters object of the sensor type you wish to add.

Sensor parameters can be created with the New-SensorParameters cmdlet.

# Create a new set of parameters for creating a new EXE/Script Advanced sensor
$params = New-SensorParameters ExeXml "Awesome Sensor"

For information on creating sensor types not natively supported by PrtgAPI please see Dynamic Parameters.

When creating native sensor parameters, at a minimum the sensor type must be specified. New-SensorParameters supports specifying two values (-First and -Second) for populating the most critical fields of the sensor (typically its name and target). If a name is required and -First is not specified, the parameters will use the default name PRTG would use for the specified sensor type.

For more information on how -First and -Second are used for each sensor type, see Get-Help SensorParameters

# Create a new set of sensor parameters, specifying the script name as a
# cmdlet parameter
$params = New-SensorParameters ExeXml "Awesome Sensor" "testScript.ps1"

# Create a new set of sensor parameters, specifying the script name at a
# later point in time
$params = New-SensorParameters ExeXml "Awesome Sensor"
$params.ExeFile = "testScript.ps1"

PrtgAPI is capable of querying PRTG for certain sensor types for a list of all supported sensor targets that can be used with that sensor (such as a list of EXE/Script files present on a device's probe, or a list of WMI Services that are installed on a device). For more information, see Sensor Targets.

Advanced: Creation

Once a set of sensor parameters have been constructed, sensors can be added to one or more objects via the Add-Sensor cmdlet.

# Add a new EXE/Script Advanced sensor to the device with ID 1001
C:\> $params = New-SensorParameters ExeXml "Test" "test.ps1"
C:\> Get-Device -Id 1001 | Add-Sensor $params

Name               Id      Device      Group           Probe           Status
----               --      ------      -----           -----           ------
Test               2010    dc1         Servers         Local Probe     Up

By default Add-Sensor will attempt to resolve the new sensor created under the parent device. As PRTG does not return the ID of the created object, PrtgAPI achieves this by diffing the sensors present under the device before and after the sensor is created. While this is generally very reliable, in the event something or someone else creates another new sensor with the same name under the parent device in the time period between the first and second diff, that object will also be returned in objects returned by Add-Sensor. If you do not wish to resolve the created object, this behavior can be disabled by specifying -Resolve:$false.

Parameters that are required by the sensor (such as the ExeFile of an EXE/Script Advanced sensor) are validated by Add-Sensor when the sensor is added. If a required field is missing a value, PrtgAPI will throw an InvalidOperationException specifying the property whose value was invalid.

In the event your PRTG server is timing out while resolving your newly created sensors, you can increase the number of resolution attempts that PrtgAPI will make by updating the RetryCount and RetryDelay of your PrtgClient. PrtgAPI will retry resolving your sensor at least 4 times, with a 3 second delay that will double with each successive attempt. If the RetryCount and RetryDelay values specified on your PrtgClient are larger than these default values, PrtgAPI will use the values you've specified on the PrtgClient instead

# Make at most 10 attempts to resolve the newly created sensor.
# Remember, the RetryDelay will double with each retry attempt!
Set-PrtgClient -RetryCount 9 -RetryDelay 3

When resolving added sensors, for accuracy and performance purposes PrtgAPI limits its search to sensors that have the same Type specified in the NewSensorParameters object. If you are creating a sensor with a dynamic sensor type that changes based on exact parameters that are specified (such as snmplibrary) you should set the DynamicType property of the parameters object to true. This can be done at the time of parameter creation via the -DynamicType parameter

$params = $device | New-SensorParameters -RawType snmplibrary -DynamicType

or after the object has been created by setting the DynamicType property to $true

$params.DynamicType = $true

For information on creating custom sensor parameter objects for creating sensor types not currently supported by PrtgAPI, see Dynamic Parameters and Custom Parameters.


A brand new device can be created under an existing group or probe via the Add-Device cmdlet.

# Add a new device named "dc-1" with IP Address under the
# probe named "contoso", performing an auto-discovery when created
C:\> Get-Probe contoso | Add-Device dc-1 -AutoDiscover

Name                Id      Status            Group           Probe
----                --      ------            -----           -----
dc-1                2197    Up                Contoso         Contoso

If a Host is not specified, Add-Device will automatically use the Name of the device as the hostname. Add-Device does not support creating devices with IPv6 Addresses. If you wish to specify an IPv6 Address, this can be done via Set-ObjectProperty

# Create a new device named "dc-1" and change its Host to an IPv6 Address
$device = Get-Probe contoso | Add-Device dc-1
$device | Set-ObjectProperty Hostv6 "2001:db8:370:7334" -PassThru | Start-AutoDiscovery

When -AutoDiscover is specified, one or more device templates may optionally be specified, allowing the initial auto-discovery to be limited in scope

Get-Probe contoso | Add-Device dc-1 -AutoDiscover -Template *wmi*,*rdp*

Device templates supported by PRTG can be viewed with the Get-DeviceTemplate cmdlet.

For scenarios in which you wish to specify advanced properties of a device at the time of device creation (such as the auto-discovery schedule or use IPv6 without having to call Set-ObjectProperty) this can be performed by creating a set of NewDeviceParameters via the New-DeviceParameters cmdlet.

# Create a new device named "dc-1" with an IPv6 Address
$params = New-DeviceParameters dc-1 "2001:db8:370:7334"
$params.IPVersion = "IPv6"
Get-Probe contoso | Add-Device $params

While the PRTG UI allows specifying a vast array of properties on a device at the time of creation, for maintainability purposes PrtgAPI only supports the most critical properties pertinent to device objects. If you wish to modify any other properties of the device, this can be done so after the device is created via the Set-ObjectProperty cmdlet.

By default Add-Device will attempt to resolve the new device created under the parent object. As PRTG does not return the ID of the created object, PrtgAPI achieves this by diffing the devices present under the parent before and after the device is created. While this is generally very reliable, in the event something or someone else creates another new device with the same name under the parent object in the time period between the first and second diff, PrtgAPI will throw an ObjectResolutionException specifying the names and Object IDs of the objects found. If you do not wish to resolve the created object, this behavior can be disabled by specifying -Resolve:$false.


A brand new group can be created under an existing group or probe via the Add-Group cmdlet.

C:\> Get-Probe contoso | Add-Group Servers

Name      Id      Status    Probe      Devices    Up        Down  Down    Warning  Paused
                                                                  Sensors          (Ack)
----      --      ------    -----      -------    --------  ----  -----   -------  ------
Servers   2070    Up        Contoso    0          0         0     0       0        0

For scenarios in which you wish to specify advanced properties of a group at the time of group creation this can be performed by creating a set of NewGroupParameters via the New-GroupParameters cmdlet.

# Add a new group called "Servers" to the Contoso probe with a custom
# tag "awesomeGroup"
$params = New-GroupParameters Servers
$params.Tags = "awesomeGroup"
Get-Probe contoso | Add-Group $params

By default Add-Group will attempt to resolve the new group created under the parent object. As PRTG does not return the ID of the created object, PrtgAPI achieves this by diffing the groups present under the parent before and after the group is created. While this is generally very reliable, in the event something or someone else creates another new groupwith the same name under the parent object in the time period between the first and second diff, PrtgAPI will throw an ObjectResolutionException specifying the names and Object IDs of the objects found. If you do not wish to resolve the created object, this behavior can be disabled by specifying -Resolve:$false.

Notification Triggers

For information on creating new notification triggers please see Notification Triggers.


Sensors, Devices, Groups and Triggers can be cloned with PrtgAPI via the Clone-Object cmdlet.

Clone-Object supports three modes of cloning

  • Clone From: <source> | Clone-Object -DestinationId <destination>
  • Clone To: <destination> | Clone-Object -SourceId <source>
  • Manual: Clone-Object -SourceId <source> -DestinationId <destination>

If neither -DestinationId or -SourceId are specified (i.e. $obj | Clone-Object 1234) Clone-Object will default to Clone From mode.

By default, most cloned objects will be paused by default. Objects can be unpaused by piping the objects to the Resume-Object cmdlet. Alternatively, objects can alternatively be unpaused as they are created by specifying the -Resume parameter to the Clone-Object cmdlet, however note that for large cloning jobs this will result in the whole process running slower than just unpausing everything in one go at the end via Resume-Object.

Clone From

In Clone From mode, one or more source objects are cloned from somewhere to a specified destination ID

# Clone a ping sensor into the device with ID 1001
$newSensor = Get-Sensor ping -count 1 | Clone-Object -DestinationId 1001

When cloning sensors and groups, typically you want the new object to be the same as the old (just present under a new parent). As such, if a custom name is not specified PrtgAPI will automatically use the name of the input object. When cloning devices however you typically wish to modify the device to point to a new system; as such, if a custom device name is not specified PrtgAPI will automatically name the new object Clone of <device name>

# Clone all WMI CPU Load sensors to under the device with ID 1001, naming each
# sensor "CPU"
$newSensors = Get-Sensor -Tags wmicpu* | Clone-Object -DestinationId 1001 "CPU"
# Clone all WMI CPU Load sensors to under the device with ID 1001, naming each
# sensor "CPU (<deviceName>)"
$newSensors = Get-Sensor -Tags wmicpu* | foreach {
    $_ | Clone-Object -DestinationId 1001 "CPU ($($_.Device))"
# Clone the device with ID 1000 into the group or probe with ID 2001 naming the
# device "dc-2" and setting its hostname to "dc-2.contoso.local"
$newDevice = Get-Device -Id 1000 | Clone-Object -DestinationId 2001 "dc-2" "dc-2.contoso.local"

If a host is not specified for a device, PrtgAPI will automatically use the Host property of the input object.

Note: upon resuming a cloned device, PRTG may automatically perform an auto-discovery of the cloned device depending on the auto-discovery mode of the original device. This property can be modified in bulk by setting the AutoDiscoveryMode property to Manual. For more information, see Property Manipulation.

For scenarios in which you simply wish to copy a NotificationTrigger from one object to another, the Clone-Object cmdlet provides a convenience parameter set to save you from first having to wrap the trigger up in a set of TriggerParameters then add the trigger to the new object

# Copy all triggers from the contoso probe to the object with ID 5678
Get-Probe contoso | Get-Trigger | Clone-Object -DestinationId 5678

Clone To

In Clone To mode, a single sensor, device or group is cloned to one or more probes, groups or devices.

# Clone the sensor with ID 2002 to all of your Exchange Servers
Get-Device *exch* | Clone-Object -SourceId 2002

When operating in Clone To mode, you'll typically be cloning your source object similar to those you'll be cloning to (i.e. you created a sensor on one Exchange Server, now want to copy it to all the others). To avoid creating duplicate sensors, you can specify the -SkipParent parameter to skip cloning to the parent of the source object

# Clone the sensor with ID 2002 from the Exchange Server named exch-1
Get-Device *exch* | Clone-Object -SourceId 2002 -SkipParent

PrtgAPI will validate that the specified object ID refers to a valid sensor, device or group, however will not validate that the specified object ID is a valid child for the specified parent. Attempting to clone an object into an invalid parent (such as cloning a group into a device) will generate an error from PRTG, resulting in a PrtgRequestException


Objects types that are not directly supported by Clone-Object can still be cloned via the Manual parameter set. To clone an arbitrary object, a -SourceId and -DestinationId must be specified.

# Clone the Notification Action with ID 300 to under the system "Notifications" object
Clone-Object -SourceId 300 -DestinationId -3

If the -DestinationId is omitted, the source object will automatically be cloned under its parent object. For convenience, -Id can also be used as an alias of the -SourceId parameter

# Clone the Notification Action with ID 300 to under the system "Notifications" object
Clone-Object -Id 300

Object Resolution

When an object has been cloned, by default it will be paused, requiring the object be unpaused either via the PRTG UI or via a call to Resume-Object. As such, Clone-Object will automatically attempt to resolve the object ID of the object created by PRTG into its resultant object that would typically be returned from either Get-Sensor, Get-Device or Get-Probe to use in further processing.

Depending on the speed of your PRTG install, it may take several seconds for the object to be fully created. In the event the object is not created by the time PrtgAPI asks for it, PrtgAPI will send a message to the PowerShell Warning Stream indicating the request failed, as well as the number of further attempts it will make to resolve the object (up to a maximum of 4). PrtgAPI will double the time it waits between each successive retry to give PRTG a chance to fully complete the object. Object resolution can be cancelled at any time by pressing Ctrl+C on your keyboard.

If you wish to disable object resolution, you can specify -Resolve:$false. This will cause PrtgAPI to provide a general overview of the cloned object using the information already available to it.

C:\> Get-Sensor -Id 1001 | Clone-Object -DestinationId 2001 "New Sensor" -Resolve:$false

Id    Name
--    ----
3001  New Sensor

If you wish to suppress the warning message, this can be achieved by specifying -WarningAction SilentlyContinue


Auto-discovery operations can be batch initiated on devices using the Start-AutoDiscovery cmdlet.

# Start an auto-discovery operation on every device in your PRTG Server (don't do this)
Get-Device | Start-AutoDiscovery

Auto-discoveries can be limited in scope to one or more device templates. Device templates can either be specified as one or more search expressions

Get-Device -Id 2041 | Start-AutoDiscovery *wmi*,*rdp*

Or as one or more DeviceTemplate objects returned by the Get-DeviceTemplate cmdlet

$templates = Get-DeviceTemplate *wmi*,*rdp*

Get-Device -Id 2041 | Start-AutoDiscovery $templates

Depending on the size of your PRTG installation, auto-discovery operations can cause significant performance issues on your core server. As such care should be taken when programmatically initiating multiple auto-discovery operations. PRTG will only execute a maximum of 10 auto-discovery operations at once. If more than 10 auto-discovery operations are requested, PRTG will queue all operations and initiate them as slots become available.

The Start-AutoDiscovery cmdlet is capable of executing in PassThru Mode. For more information on PassThru Mode, see PassThru Requests.

See Also

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