Vagrant development environment for Puppet master/client on Ubuntu.
The master is on a precise 32 bit and the three agents are hardy, lucid and precise, all on 32 bit architecture for maximum portability. You can add other hosts as clients and mix them with different roles.
Install GIT
sudo aptitude install git
Install Vagrant
Create a vagrant environment
mkdir ~/vagrant/puppetdev git clone ~/vagrant/puppetdev`
Create config file to get puppet code from your repository
cd ~/vagrant/puppetdev cp puppetmaster-code-repository.conf.template puppetmaster-code-repository.conf`
Edit accordingly to your environment (you can use SVN or GIT) or leave it with suggested default if you want to start playing with an empty puppet master
Create your master instance
vagrant up puppetmaster
Wait until the boot process finish and the puppetmaster starts. Login to the host and verify that
are under/etc/puppet
as expected. -
Create your client instances
vagrant up puppethardy vagrant up puppetlucid vagrant up puppetprecise
Each host will boot and then launch a puppet agent for the first time, generating the SSL certificate that the puppetmaster will firm automatically.