Managing fixtures is arguably the most difficult and boring process of unit testing in CakePHP. When you start a fresh project it's quite easy to make your fixtures progress along with your code, as the amount of changes are usually small. But once your applications reaches a certain point, it's actually quite hard to implement new features, as changing features would consume a great deal of your time.
Another case where handling fixtures is a daunting task is when trying to test an existing project with no previous tests. Generating the initial set of fixtures is hard as selecting the data that is relevant to the features you want to test.
This plugin allows you to import queries expressed in pure SQL, either as files or by importing directly from a seed database. This helps you use the tools you want for running migrations of your schema, or manipulate your data using SQL so it can be imported again.
Additionally, it provides a console shell to load your existing fixture files in a target database connection, so you can migrate any existing code you have to SQL managed fixtures.
- CakePHP 2.x
There are a few ways to choose from for installing this plugin:
Add the following to your composer.json in the corresponding configuration keys:
"extra": {
"installer-paths": {
"Plugin/Fixturize": ["lorenzo/cakephp-fixturize"]
"require" : {
"lorenzo/cakephp-fixturize": "master"
- Download this:
- Unzip that download.
- Copy the resulting folder to
- Rename the folder you just copied to
[GIT Submodule]
In your app directory type:
git submodule add app/Plugin/Fixturize
git submodule init
git submodule update
[GIT Clone]
In your plugin directory type:
git clone git:// app/Plugin/Fixturize
Enable the plugin your app/Config/bootstrap.php
You can use this plugin in multiple ways, but typically, you'll want to start by importing an existing set of fixtures into a test database.
If you need to load your existing PHP based fixtures into a database (either for migrating them to a SQL based version or for quick visualization) then execute this command in the console:
./Console/cake Fixturize.fixture_loader app.event,app.tag,app.category --datasource test
It will load the comma separated list of fixtures schema and data into the datasource 'test'.
Instead of typing all the fixtures you need you can also simply not specify and, the shell will load all fixtures from the app then
./Console/cake Fixturize.fixture_loader --datasource test
To load all fixtures from a plugin you'll have to specify the plugin as well
./Console/cake Fixturize.fixture_loader --plugin SomePluginName --datasource test
When your amount of data is manageable, it's a good option to load it directly from SQL files that can be migrated, dumped again and managed with a versioning system like GIT.
Fixture SQL files can contain the table creation statement, any alter tables (for example foreign keys) and data inserts. But you can also
manage the schema or the records via the $fields
and $records
property in your fixture as you would normally do if you define them in the
fixture class.
If you choose to have the schema creation statements in the SQL file, make sure the CREATE statement contains IF NOT EXISTS
Files should be stored in app/Test/Fixture/SQL/
or app/YourPlugin/Test/Fixture/SQL
and have the .sql extension.
App::uses('SQLTestFixture', 'Fixturize.TestSuite/Fixture');
* CategoryFixture
class CategoryFixture extends SQLTestFixture {
public $plugin = 'MyPlugin'; // Can be ommited if the sql file is locate in app
public $file = 'overriding_file_name.sql'; // By default it would use categories.sql
And that's all you need!
When the amount of data increases, you might consider having all your fixture data directly in a database, so you can copy schema and data directly from it before running each test. This is also considerably faster than loading fixture from a SQL file.
This requires creating a new database config in app/Config/database.php
to connect to the seed database (the one containing the test data):
public $test_seed = array(
'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql',
'persistent' => false,
'host' => 'localhost',
'login' => 'root',
'password' => 'root',
'database' => 'test_seed',
'prefix' => '',
'encoding' => 'utf8',
Please ensure that you also have a $test
database config that is pointing to a separate database.
contains the seed data whereas $test
is an empty database where the CakePHP Test logic will use to run queries on.
This is an example of using the import data fixture class:
App::uses('TableCopyTestFixture', 'Fixturize.TestSuite/Fixture');
* CategoryFixture
class CategoryFixture extends TableCopyTestFixture {
Yes, as easy as that!