bpm4test-bpmn.io-modeler implements a simplified version of bpmn-js's modeler to make BPMN 2.0 process diagrams for model-based testing purposes.
Elements have been removed from the modeler for simplicity. Only the following elements are still present in bpm4test-bpmn.io-modeler:
- Start node
- Task
- Service Task (sub process)
- Exclusive and Parallel Gateway
- Connector
- End node
- Annotation
- Pool
- Lane
You need a NodeJS development stack with npm and grunt installed to build the project.
To install all project dependencies execute
npm install
Build the application (including bpmn-js) using browserify via
You may also spawn a development setup by executing
grunt auto-build
Both tasks generate the distribution ready client-side modeler application into the dist
Serve the application locally or via a web server (nginx, apache, embedded).