Welcome to the repository of my courses at Softuni! Here you will find educational materials and tasks that I have completed within various web development courses, using various technologies.
- React and JSX
- Components: Basic Idea
- Components: Deep Dive
- Workshop: Components
- Forms
- Routing
- React Hooks
- Advanced Techniques
- Angular and TypeScript
- Components
- DI
- RxJS
- Services
- Modules and Routing
- Forms
- Pipes
- Interceptors and Subjects
- State Management
- Q&A Session
- VueJS Rendering and Styles
- Components
- Forms
- Directives
- HTTP and Routing
- State Management
- Composition API
- Syntax Fundamentals
- Arrays & Strings
- Functions and Statements
- Objects
- Classes DOM and Events
- Asynchronous Programming
- Data Types
- Working Tables
- Basic CRU
- Built-in Functions
- Data Aggregation
- Table Relations
- Subqueries and JOINs
- Database Programmability and Transactions
- Node.js
- Streams and Utilities
- ExpressJS and Templating
- NoSQL and MongoDB
- Session and Authentication
- Validation and Error Handling