Releases: lorol/arduino-esp32fs-plugin
Releases · lorol/arduino-esp32fs-plugin
Update to support Big Sur
Improved espota upload of large image
Changed sysExec() to be based on:
The original way hangs on long uploading.
Added custom partition csv file processing from sketch folder
- If a file named "partition csv" is present in the sketch folder, it will be used instead of an IDE-provided file by selecting a partition scheme from the menu. Note for the sketch build and upload IDE considers the max app size from menu selection, but it uses your custom file.
espressif/arduino-esp32#4551 - Partition csv file line' Offset(Start address) and Size values containing 0x 0X hexadecimal or M,m,K,k bytes are parsing similarly to
as described at
Provided also variant with --no-compress esptool calling until is fixed. See:
Use it if you have problems with large data partitions.
Other assets (mktools) were removed from latest release downloads. Use previous releases if you need them.
Added esp32s2 chip detection
Other assets are removed. Use previous releases if you need them
Added a choice to "Erase All Flash"
Arduino IDE does not offer direct way to erase entire flash of esp32 so I added an entry to this tool that calls esptool to perform flash erase.
2020-11-09: Updated mkfatfs.tar.gz (the old one was with wrong file type, no tar)
Update of mklittlefs, default choice changed to LittleFS
2.0.2 Change first choice (default) of drop-down to LittleFS
Universal tool for SPIFFS, LittleFS and FatFS
Minor typo corrections and tests done with three filesystems
Combined with LITTLEFS and FATFS
jar tool, binaries and modified library
Combined with LITTLEFS
1.0,1 Added message to show found espota, esptool, mklittlefs and mkspiffs …