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Latex Notes Template

Since I decided to take all my university notes in Latex, I decided to stop copying files between projects and folder and start making a common template. This package includes all the LaTeX packages that I need and a default empty document.

Latex compilation notes

The compilation of this LaTeX document is slightly problematic due to the intensive use of the tikz library.

If you are using VScode with the LaTeX Workshop extension, and you have Python (3.6+) installed on your computer, you have nothing to worry about, as I have set up the environment to work regardless of the adversities. Just keep in mind that the first compilation might take a while (up to a minute) due to the needed rendering of all the figures.

Otherwise, keep reading. Due to its awesomely user friendly features, the user must:

  • Create an empty folder called tikztemp in the repository root to hold all the temporary files it generates (note that this folder is already in the repository)
  • Have a .tikzstyles file holding, well, all the styles used by tikz
  • Enable a special flag (--shell-escape) on the compiler
  • Compile using latexpdf, as I have not tried anything else

Furthermore, due to the cryptic and mysterious nature of the tikz figures format, I have been using another program called TikZiT to help me draw figure without completely losing my mind. Sadly, this program introduced even more annoyances, like the increased incompatibility of the tikzstyles file it generates with the default, vanilla, tikz library. In order to to fix this, I have created a Python script that will clean the aforementioned file to remove all the fields that TikZit adds.

Shall you ever edit the tikzstyle.tikzsyles file, remember to call the script, or the document won't compile!

Finally, remember that the first compilation, due to the externalization of the images, will take a while. Don't panic!


The document does not compile. Can you help me?

Have you checked the README? Go back to the section above and read it again.

If it still does not work, open an issue.

You made a mistake! How can that be fixed?

If you noticed and you feel kind enough to do the work for me, clone the repo and send me a pull request.

If you aren't feeling it, send me a message via email or open a discussion on GitHub.

The thing you wrote does not make any sense! Can you fix it?

Sometimes I forget how to write as English is not my primary languages and the sentences lose all meaning. If you spot one, follow the same steps as above

Why are you doing this?

I have always liked having clean notes on the courses I take and I do enjoy this process a lot. I figured out that if I was doing this for myself, I could as well share my work with everyone else.

I just hope that these notes will help someone!

Included packages

This template includes the following LaTeX packages:

  • adjustbox
  • amsfonts
  • amsmath
  • amssymb
  • amsthm
  • anyfontsize
  • babel
  • calculator
  • ccicons
  • courier
  • csquotes
  • datetime2
  • enumitem
  • fontawesome
  • fontenc
  • geometry
  • graphicx
  • hyperref
  • inputenc
  • kvoptions
  • listings
  • lmodern
  • mathtools
  • nameref
  • pifont
  • subcaption
  • tabularray
  • tcolorbox
  • tikz
  • titlesec
  • tocloft
  • verbatim
  • wasysym
  • xcolor
  • xfrac
  • xspace


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Latex template for my notes








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