This repo consists of professional development environment, made to ease static site generation.
- Pug template engine
- Sass, postcss, autoprefixer
- JavaScript (ECMAScript 2015+)
- 3D models, shaders, images
- Merging WebGL with DOM
- TinyPng-Image-Compression
- WebWorker
- HDRI-to-CubeMap
- Free-PBR-Textures
- 3D-assets-paid-n-free
- glTF-Sample-Models
- three-msdf-text-utils
|-- app
| |-- classes
| |-- components
| | `-- Canvas
| | `-- Models
| |-- pages
| | `-- Home
| `-- utils
|-- data
|-- public
| |-- fonts
| |-- images
| | `-- textures
| `-- models
|-- shared
| |-- images
| | `-- textures
| |-- models
| `-- shaders
|-- styles
| |-- base
| |-- layout
| |-- pages
| | `-- home
| |-- shared
| `-- utils
`-- views
|-- components
|-- layout
`-- pages
`-- home
- webpack production config
- site.manifest
- sitemap.txt
- functions to update json and rebuild the project
- cms?
Made by Avery, Ukrainian developer and designer. Follow on social media: