Follow these instructions to setup a personal SonarQube engine and dashboard. With this you have a strong static code analysis tool backing your code changes all before you submit your work for pull requests. Within SonarQube there are plugins for Checkstyle, PMD and Findbugs. The Fingbugs plugin includes rules for vulnerabilities such as the OWASP top 10.
The code analysis tools within your IDE offers similar rules and can find many of the same technical debts, violations, vulnerabilities and anti-patterns. SonarQube provides additional statistics relates to metrics on size and coverage.
This solution is not to be confused with the SonarLint plugin for your IDE. This is another effective way to interact with SonarQube before a pull request.
- Install Minikube (or any other Kubernetes solution)
- Install kubectl and verify
kubectl version
runs correctly - Clone this project with Git
- Apply the Postgres secret. In the k8s directory run:
kubectl create secret generic postgres-pwd --from-file=./password
- Change directory to k8s and run the script. This scripts uses KubeCtl to stand up the cluster containing SonarQube engine and dashboard. On Windows use the Git Bash command prompt to run Bash scripts.
There is an example project called microservices
. Within is a Gradle build that will fully build a
microservice to a Docker registry. The microservice is based on java, Springboot and MyBatis.
The Gradle task sonarqube
will generate and publish results to a SonarQube service.
Using Gradle, run
gradlew$(minikube service sonar --namespace sonar --url)/sonar sonarqube
After the analysis completes, use this next command to navigate to the SonarQube dashboard
minikube service sonar --namespace sonar
When the browser tab appears, append /sonar
to the end of the URL.
Independent of SonarQube, there is a Gradle task check
will generate an extensive list of example analysis reports
in the build directory. These reports are generated from a variety of analysis plugins included within the Gradle build in the microservice
project directory.
- Gradle with the Sonarqube plugin
- SonarQube for Docker
- Postgres for Docker as backing store for SonarQube
- Kubernetes cluster is configures with a PersistentVolume to store the Postgres data in your local operating system user account in the folder "sonarqube-postgres". See improvements section below.
- Visit the No Fluff Just Stuff tour and see this example in action. Static Code Analysis and Team Culture
- SonarQube integration
- SonarCloud Nemo, SonarQube continuous analysis reporting of many open source projects.
- This solution was inspired from this blog, "From Pet to Cattle – Running Sonar on Kubernetes"
- You can configure your local SonarQube to match our team's SonarQube configuration
- TODO: Fix persistence problem to OS file system of the OS hosting VirtualBox. Currently the database is persisted in the virtual machine and not on the OS hosting VirtualBox. This means analysis data will be lost if your virtual box machine is restarted. Once we can get the data persisted locally then data will be restored with any restarts.