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LÖVE 0.9.0 [Baby Inspector]

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@slime73 slime73 released this 12 Jan 17:46

Released: 2013-12-13


* Added better multiplayer networking support via ENet.
* Added --fused command line argument, to simulate fusing.
* Added liblove.
* Added the ability to have exit values.
* Added exit value of 1 in case of error by default.
* Added basic support for the file:// uri scheme.
* Added love.filesystem.isFused.
* Added love.filesystem.getIdentity.
* Added love.filesystem.append.
* Added love.filesystem.getSize.
* Added love.filesystem.mount and love.filesystem.unmount.
* Added optional file search order parameter to love.filesystem.setIdentity.
* Added File:isOpen and File:getMode.
* Added Fie:setBuffer, File:getBuffer, and File:flush.
* Added textinput event for unicode text input.
* Added love.keyboard.setTextInput and love.keyboard.hasTextInput.
* Added previously internal Rasterizer and GlyphData object methods.
* Added support for UTF-8 ImageFonts.
* Added Font:getAscent/getDescent/getBaseline.
* Added Font:setFilter/getFilter.
* Added Font:hasGlyphs.
* Added angle, scale, and shear parameters to
* Added HDR canvas support.
* Added mipmapping support (has isSupported test).
* Added vertex shader support.
* Added boolean support to Shader:send.
* Added Canvas:getPixel.
* Added blend mode "replace".
* Added line join modes.
* Added Mesh objects, allowing for arbitrary textured polygons.
* Added multiple render target support to
* Added
* Added
* Added
* Added
* Added SpriteBatch:getCount and SpriteBatch:getBufferSize.
* Added SpriteBatch:getColor.
* Added ParticleSystem:emit.
* Added ParticleSystem:setInsertMode and ParticleSystem:getInsertMode.
* Added many ParticleSystem getter methods.
* Added DXT compressed texture support via love.image.newCompressedData.
* Added love.image.isCompressed and Image:isCompressed.
* Added Image/Canvas/ImageData:getDimensions.
* Added anisotropic filtering support for Images, Canvases, and Fonts.
* Added Image:refresh.
* Added Image:getData.
* Added SoundData:getDuration and SoundData:getSampleCount.
* Added Source:isPlaying.
* Added Source:setRelative and Source:isRelative.
* Added Source:setCone and Source:getCone.
* Added Source:getChannels.
* Added new Channels API for love.thread.
* Added limited table support to Channel:push.
* Added Thread:getError.
* Added Thread:isRunning.
* Added threaderror event.
* Added love.math module.
* Added a platform-independent (good) random implementation to love.math.
* Added RandomGenerator objects.
* Added BezierCurve objects.
* Added love.math.triangulate and love.math.isConvex.
* Added love.math.noise.
* Added love.timer.getAverageDelta.
* Added Data:getString.
* Added Contact:getChildren.
* Added love.system module.
* Added love.system.getClipboardText and love.system.setClipboardText.
* Added love.system.getOS and love.system.getProcessorCount.
* Added love.window module.
* Added love.window.isVisible.
* Added flags to love.window.setMode.
* Added monitor choosing support to love.window.setMode.
* Added support for resizable, borderless, and non-centered windows.
* Added support for "fullscreen-desktop" mode.
* Added window resize and visible events.
* Added love.window.getDimensions.
* Added love.window.getIcon.
* Added t.window.icon to love.conf.
* Added love.mousefocus and love.window.hasMouseFocus.
* Added custom hardware cursors via love.mouse.newCursor.
* Added love.mouse.setX/setY.
* Added Joystick objects.
* Added love.joystick.getJoystick.
* Added joystick connect and disconnect events.
* Added joystickaxis and joystickhat events.
* Added unified Gamepad API for joysticks which have a similar layout to the Xbox controller.
* Added joystick vibration support, works with most common gamepads.
* OPTIONAL: Added support for Game Music Emu.

* Fixed fused mode in OS X.
* Fixed printing to the console in Windows before love.load is called.
* Fixed the default to not include the time taken by love.load in the first frame's dt.
* Fixed the error screen not always appearing until the next input event.
* Fixed love.event.clear.
* Fixed love.mouse.setPosition when called in love.load.
* Fixed scaling in several love.physics functions.
* Fixed Box2D exception in World:update.
* Fixed many uncaught Box2D / love.physics exceptions for Bodies and Joints.
* Fixed ChainShape:getPoints running out of Lua stack space and crashing.
* Fixed File:read reading past end of file.
* Fixed love.filesystem.setIdentity not removing read access from old directories.
* Fixed possible memory leak in utf-8 decoder.
* Fixed spacing for the last character in an ImageFont.
* Fixed line wrapping in
* Fixed to error if the wrap limit is negative.
* Fixed truncating strings with embedded zeros.
* Fixed crashes with font drawing on some ATI cards.
* Fixed artifacts when drawing lines at huge scale.
* Fixed Fonts and Canvases ignoring default image filter.
* Fixed scissor boxes when a canvas is set after is called.
* Fixed returning incorrect values.
* Fixed on some Windows systems.
* Fixed alpha blend mode.
* Fixed multiplicative blend mode.
* Fixed
* Fixed line numbers in shader errors.
* Fixed Shader:send with Images and Canvases failing sometimes.
* Fixed Shader:send to keep a reference to sent Images and Canvases.
* Fixed crash when binding SpriteBatches multiple times.
* Fixed SpriteBatches with more than 16,384 sprites.
* Fixed particle draw order for ParticleSystems.
* Fixed ParticleSystem:setSizes resetting the size variation.
* Fixed the graphics viewport not matching the window size when using an unsupported fullscreen mode.
* Fixed getMode and friends returning wrong values when using desktop size.
* Fixed keyrepeat settings being lost after (indirect) setMode.
* Fixed the icon being reset after setMode.
* Fixed memory leak in the mp3 decoder.
* Fixed sound issues with some versions of OpenAL soft, by enabling direct channels.
* Fixed 'random' hangs in audio.
* Fixed love.sound.newDecoder not accepting FileData.
* Fixed case (in)sensitivity of sound file extension parsing.
* Fixed looping support in tracker music formats.
* Fixed skipping/looping issues when playing streaming audio Sources.
* Fixed race condition in Source:play.
* Fixed WAVE sound playback.

* Moved love's startup to modules/love.
* Moved window-related functions from to love.window.

* Renamed love's boot script to 'love.boot', which can be required.
* Renamed love.filesystem.mkdir to love.filesystem.createDirectory.
* Renamed love.filesystem.enumerate to love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems.
* Renamed World:setAllowSleeping to World:setSleepingAllowed.
* Renamed ChainShape:setPrevVertex to ChainShape:setPreviousVertex.
* Renamed Joint:enableMotor to Joint:setMotorEnabled.
* Renamed Joint:enableLimit and Joint:isLimitEnabled to Joint:setLimitsEnabled and Joint:hasLimitsEnabled.
* Renamed t.screen to t.window in love.conf.
* Renamed to love.window.setTitle.
* Renamed PixelEffect to Shader (but now with vertex shaders).
* Renamed to
* Renamed ParticleSystem:setSprite to ParticleSystem:setImage.
* Renamed ParticleSystem:setGravity to ParticleSystem:setLinearAcceleration.
* Renamed ParticleSystem:setLifetime/setParticleLife to setEmitter/ParticleLifetime.
* Renamed ParticleSystem:count and all getNum* functions to get*Count.
* Renamed Source:setDistance to Source:setAttenuationDistances.
* Renamed SoundData:getBits and Decoder:getBits to SoundData:getBitDepth and Decoder:getBitDepth.
* Renamed love.mouse.setGrab to love.mouse.setGrabbed.

* Removed release mode.
* Removed love.keyboard.getKeyRepeat (see love.keyboard.hasKeyRepeat).
* Removed the unicode argument from love.keypressed (see love.textinput).
* Removed
* Removed
* Removed
* Removed
* Removed
* Removed (functionality is merged into
* Removed SpriteBatch:addq/setq (functionality is merged into SpriteBatch:add/set).
* Removed Quad:flip.
* Removed ParticleSystem:isFull/isEmpty.
* Removed ParticleSystem:getX/getY.
* Removed
* Removed and friends.
* Removed love.joystick module functions which operated on individual joysticks (see Joystick objects).
* Removed joystick ball support.
* Removed thread names.
* Removed old thread messaging API (see Channels).
* Removed love.timer.getMicroTime.

* Updated functions which return love objects to re-use the Lua-side object instead of always recreating it.
* Updated the windows console, it now tries to re-use an active one first.
* Updated error handling, error handlers now get resolved when the error occurs.
* Updated order of sleep/present in (now draws, *then* sleeps).
* Updated love.filesystem to try to create the appdata directory if it doesn't exist yet.
* Updated the default filesystem identity to omit file extension.
* Updated love.filesystem.newFile to optionally open the file.
* Updated most love.filesystem functions to return nil, error on internal failure.
* Updated love.keyboard.setKeyRepeat to take a boolean argument instead of numbers.
* Updated love.keypressed's second argument to be a boolean indicating key repeat.
* Updated keyboard key constants for some more modern keyboard keys.
* Updated window code to use adaptive vsync when available, if vsync is enabled.
* updated's x and y arguments to default to 0.
* Updated the setFilter and setWrap methods, the second argument is now optional.
* Updated Font and ParticleSystem rendering code, now more performant.
* Updated SpriteBatch code, now more performant when adding/setting and (un)binding.
* Updated Canvas code to support more systems.
* Updated Canvas:getImageData and to be more efficient.
* Updated to create a fully opaque image by default.
* Updated error messages when sending bad values to Shaders.
* Updated to have a default buffer size of 1000.
* Updated ImageData:setPixel to accept a table and default to 255 alpha.
* Updated ImageData:mapPixel, is now more efficient and accepts optional x,y,w,h arguments.
* Updated love.image memory handling, improves errors and thread-safety.
* Updated all love object constructors to optionally accept FileData if they accept a filename.
* Updated allocation for SoundData, it's more efficient and less wasteful.
* Updated SoundData:set/getSample to error for invalid samples.
* Updated Source:set* functions to default z to 0.
* Updated Source:seek to error for negative offsets.
* Updated Thread:start to accept arguments which get passed to the thread.
* Updated love.timer.getFPS to be microsecond-accurate.
* Updated love.timer.getTime to be microsecond-accurate and monotonic.
* Updated Box2D to version 2.3.0.