This blog system is designed to be easy. It is a one person blog system, and anyone can comment on any theme without sign in.
10/23/2017 9:53:19 PM
To do the steps follow,you should have installed the node. The identifying code is used to get security, and it is relied on canvas. You may need to find something about how to install the canvas between differt plat.
git clone
cd myblog
npm install
node bin/www
This website runs with the port 80 default, if you want to modify the port you may modify the config.js.
Assume that you have start the program successfully, and your server ip is, port with 3000, you may visit the homepage with
The administrate page is on:
but you should go to
ahead with the default user/pass:hehe/haha
When you have go into the administrate page successfully, you can delete, edit , new and hide some theme.