Guitar tabs web app for guitar fans, powered by Python/Flask
- Guitar tabs search and browse
- Easy to use for end user and they enjoy it when play with it
- Adapt to common browers(ie, chrome, safari, firefox) and devices(desktop, mobile)
- Language: Python 2.7.5
- Framework: Flask + Blueprint + Flask-Login + Flask-WTF
- Architecture: MVC + RESTful
- UI: Responsive by Bootstrap2/3 + bootflat + FontAwesome + jQuery + jQuery.dataTables + FineUploader + select2 + fancyBox + animate
- Data: SQLAlchemy + SQLite (update to mysql in future)
- IDE & Tools: PyCharm, Fireworks, Photoshop, Terminal, Git, SQLiteManager
- Index page: search box and featured tabs
- Tabs List page: list all tabs by artists, styles, tags and search keyword
- Videos: recommend great guitar videos (not implemented yet)
- Courses: share useful guitar courses materials (not implemented yet)
- Tools -- tuning, chord search, site/app recommended... (not implemented yet)
- Backend Admin: data management, data crawling, application status monitor, logs view, database backup and so on...
- Email:
- QQ: 86626118
- Skype: jinzemin
- LinkedIn:
- Sina Weibo:
- Blog: