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IBM InfoSphere Information Server Connectors

IBM InfoSphere Information Server is a commercially-available data integration, quality and governance suite from IBM. It is comprised of multiple modules, and this repository contains Egeria connectors for some of those modules:

The project also provides client libraries to ease integration with IBM InfoSphere Information Server even without using Egeria:

Getting started


The quick version (same for all connectors):

  1. Download the latest IBM Information Server connector from:
  2. Download the latest Egeria core from:
  3. Rename the downloaded Egeria core file to egeria-server-chassis-spring.jar.
  4. Download the truststore.p12 file from:
  5. Run the following command to start Egeria from the command-line, waiting for the final line of output indicating the server is running and ready for configuration:
    $ export STRICT_SSL=false
    $ java -Dloader.path=. -jar egeria-server-chassis-spring.jar
     ODPi Egeria
        ____   __  ___ ___    ______   _____                                 ____   _         _     ___
       / __ \ /  |/  //   |  / ____/  / ___/ ___   ____ _   __ ___   ____   / _  \ / / __    / /  / _ /__   ____ _  _
      / / / // /|_/ // /| | / / __    \__ \ / _ \ / __/| | / // _ \ / __/  / /_/ // //   |  / _\ / /_ /  | /  _// || |
     / /_/ // /  / // ___ |/ /_/ /   ___/ //  __// /   | |/ //  __// /    /  __ // // /  \ / /_ /  _// / // /  / / / /
     \____//_/  /_//_/  |_|\____/   /____/ \___//_/    |___/ \___//_/    /_/    /_/ \__/\//___//_/   \__//_/  /_/ /_/
     :: Powered by Spring Boot (v2.2.2.RELEASE) ::
    No OMAG servers listed in startup configuration
    Thu Jan 02 11:30:10 GMT 2020 OMAG server platform ready for more configuration
  6. Follow the detailed instructions for configuring the connector(s) you want to use, either IGC or DataStage.

Obtain the connectors

You can either download the latest released or snapshot version of the connector directly from ODPi, or build the connector yourself. In both cases, once you have the jar file for the connector (egeria-connector-ibm-information-server-package-VERSION-jar-with-dependencies.jar) this needs to be copied to a location where it can be run alongside the OMAG Server Platform from Egeria core itself. For example, this could be placing the file into the /lib directory as /lib/egeria-connector-ibm-information-server-package-VERSION-jar-with-dependencies.jar.

Download from ODPi

To download a pre-built version of the connector, use either of the following URLs (depending on whether you want an officially-released version or the latest snapshot):

Building the connectors yourself

Alternatively, you can build the connector yourself. To do this, you'll need to first clone this repository and then build through Maven using mvn clean install. After building, the connector is available as:


Configure security

There are multiple options to configure the security of your environment for this connector, but this must be done prior to starting up the connector itself (step below).

If you simply want to test things out, and are not concerned about security, the simplest (but most insecure) option is to set the environment variable STRICT_SSL to false using something like the following prior to starting up the OMAG Server Platform:

export STRICT_SSL=false

Note that this will disable all certificate validation for SSL connections made between Egeria and your IGC environment, so is inherently insecure.

Note that in any case, having a truststore.p12 file available to the server chassis is required -- the simplest is to ensure that Egeria's own ( is placed in the directory in which you are running the server chassis.

Startup the OMAG Server Platform

You can startup the OMAG Server Platform with this connector ready-to-be-configured by running the following (this example assumes you've placed the connector jar file in the /lib directory, if you are using a different location simply change the -Dloader.path= to point to the location you have used):

$ java -Dloader.path=/lib -jar server-chassis-spring-VERSION.jar

(This command will startup the OMAG Server Platform, including all libraries in the /lib directory as part of the classpath of the OMAG Server Platform.)

Configure the connector(s) you want to use

See the detailed instructions for configuring the connector(s) you want to use:

License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.


ODPi Egeria IGC Connector







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  • Java 100.0%