This is code for the paper Moving-camera Video Surveillance in Cluttered Environments using Deep Features by Bruno Afonso, Lucas Cinelli, Lucas Thomaz, Allan Silva, Eduardo Barros and Sergio Netto.
To download the ResNet50 features extracted from the VDAO dataset run:
sh datasets/ /path/to/data/
This will download the dataset in hdf5 format into the specified directory.
This repository may be useful for handling VDAO
- python 3.6.6
- hdf5 1.10.2
- numpy 1.15.0
- pandas 0.23.4
- tensorflow 1.3.0
- tensorflow-gpu 1.3.0
- keras 2.2.2
- matplotlib 2.2.3
- scipy 1.1.0
- scikit-learn 0.19.1
To train the model on the VDAO dataset using a fully-connected layer as classifier, run:
python --dataset-dir /path/to/data/ --file train_batch_VDAO.h5 -b 32 --save models/mlp --cv-params 'method=leave_one_out' --arch mlp --arch-params 'nb_neurons=[50, 1600]' --optim adamax train --epochs 20 --lr 0.002 --wd 0.005 --val-roc
Or to train using a Random Forest as classifier, run:
python --dataset-dir /path/to/data/ --file train_batch_VDAO.h5 -b 32 --save models/rf --cv-params 'method=leave_one_out' -arch randomforest --arch-params 'nb_trees=100' --optim adamax train --epochs 20 --lr 0.002 --wd 0.005 --val-roc
To get the prediction results from the trained model, run:
python --dataset-dir /path/to/data/ --file 59_videos_test_batch.h5 --load path/to/your/model --arch mlp/randomforest --cv-params 'method=leave_one_out' --save test_results predict --optim-thres
To obtain the Table 1 of our paper, run:
python --file /path/to/test/results --save paper_results --med-filter 5
If you find this useful for your research, please cite the following paper.
author = {B. M. Afonso and L. P. Cinelli and L. A. Thomaz and A. F. da Silva and E. A. B. da Silva and S. L. Netto},
title = {Moving-camera Video Surveillance in Cluttered Environments using Deep Features},
booktitle = {2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)},
year = {2018},
pages = {2296-2300},
doi = {10.1109/ICIP.2018.8451540}