The experiments are divided in two steps. The first is related to the base-level and the second to the meta-level performance. To run the measures we need some R packages and the DCoL library.
R version 3.1.2 -- "Pumpkin Helmet"
DCoL Library:
Packages: CORElearn, e1071, FNN, foreign, infotheo, rpart, R.utils, rrcov and mvpart.
Before start to run the measures we need the binary of the DCoL library. Download the code of DCoL Library at and follow the instructions to compile the code in the README file. After that, put the executable (binary file) inside the m2n folder with the name "dcol".
Open the R inside the m2n folder.
Install the packages:
install.packages(c("CORElearn", "e1071", "FNN", "foreign", "infotheo",
"rpart", "R.utils", "rrcov", "mvpart"))
In the base-level folder we have the datasets used in this work, the measures to characterize the datasets and some complementary information about the base-level.
The easiest way to load the datasets (arff files) is with the packages RWeka or foreign:
# load the iris dataset
data = read.arff("base-level/database/iris.arff");
Load the source codes:
# load the complexity measures
# load the characterization measures
Run the functions with the data set as parameter:
# characterization measures
# complexity measures
In the meta-level folder we have the meta-datasets in the rand and pairwise folder and some complementary information about the base-level.
The easiest way to load the datasets (.RData files) is with the dget function:
# load the iris dataset with random noise
data = dget("meta-level/database/rand/iris.RData");
Luis Paulo Faina Garcia - lpfgarcia [at]
University of São Paulo - Campus São Carlos
[1] K. Bache, M. Lichman, UCI machine learning repository, (2013).
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[3] M. Reif, A comprehensive dataset for evaluating approaches of various meta-learning tasks, in: First International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Methods (ICPRAM), 2012.
[4] R Core Team, R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria (2014). URL