Chat Party is live chat application that allows users to create their own chat rooms and host group chats.
I was interested in creating an application that used some kind of socket framework. I have been reading about Socket IO and it's js library to understand how sockets work and if I could successfully implement it and send events from the front end to the back end. This was a fun journey that hit the project requirements and achieved all the stretch goals.
Note: Socket IO USES websockets but it's not an implementation of websockets.
CRUD(CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE) using REST API, Node.js, Express, Live Chat using SocketIO, MongoDB, Mongoose, User Authentication with Express Session, Local Image Upload using Multer, HTML5, Bootstrap & JQuery.
- Create Chat room
- View All Chat rooms
- Update Chat room
- Delete Chat room
- Create User Account
- Update User Account
- View User Account
- Integrate User Authentication & Authorization
- Integrate SocketIO
- Integrate Image Uploads
- Integrate Avatars and Usernames into live chat window
- Creating Authorization to specific to currentUser
- Creating new chat rooms with one .ejs render
- Sending avatars and usernames via sockets into chat rooms
////// Create An Account /////