Restaurants search by location app developed with React.js, Typescript and Sass
This project consumes Yelp Fusion API for all restaurant information. For development purposes and to solve a general problem of accessibility to the api, use an online helper Cors Anywhere, if when consulting the restaurants the call returns a 403 error, you must access again to the helper link and click on "Request temporary access to the demo server". I took this decision on the use of this helper only for reasons of developing the structure of the project with Redux and using a Fetch Data custom hook with Axios and Typescript, but it is not the best option for a project that is going to real formal production.
The address coordinates are consumed from Google Places Api & React Google Autocomplete
- Add a filter not only to view restaurants, the api also gives the option to query different types of businesses, food types, delivery option, etc.
- Implement the Search component in the restaurants list.
Go to Cors Anywhere & and click on "Request temporary access to the demo server" for to access the Yelp Fusion Api
npm install
npm run start
yarn install
yarn run start
Starts on http://localhost:3000
npm run build
- React.js
- Typescript
- React Router V6
- Redux Toolkit
- Jest & React testing library
- Sass
- Eslint & Prettier
- Axios