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This wiki contains a detailed description of the collection repository, where each CSV-file is described in detail. The purpose of this wiki is to give some understanding to what the metadata within the dataset contains.
This wiki contains the same text as the CSV-description file found within the repository.
File name: LSH Github - ObjDaten.csv
File Description: Objects table (original table name: ObjDaten) - The main table with museum object descriptions
Column name - Column Description:
- ObjId - Primary key for object table
- ObjKueId - Foreign key for name/artists table
- ObjTitelOriginalS - Title/keyword(s) of object
- ObjTitelWeitereM - Short description of object
- ObjInventarNrS - Inventory number (non-numeric)
- ObjInventarNrSortiertS - inventory number (numeric)
- ObjReferenzNrS - Hallwyl museum categories (groups)
- ObjJahrVonL - Year, from
- ObjJahrBisL - Year, to
- ObjDatierungS - Date (text)
- ObjTechMatM - Technique / Material
- ObjSignaturM - Signature
- ObjCreditlineM - On display (at the museum) or in storage
- ObjReprorechtM - part of LSH collections or deposit
- ObjReserve01M - Long description of the object(s)
- ObjFeld01M - type of accession (gift, purchase, etc.)
- ObjFeld02M - date of accession
- ObjFeld03M - Accession from
- ObjFeld06M - Provenance
- ObjGeografieS - Historical location (country, city, etc.)
- ObjSystematikS - Classification
- ObjAnzahlS - Number of objects (some of the inventory numbers contain many separate objects)
- AufAufgabeS - Museum/Collection name
File name: LSH Github - ObjMass.csv
File Description: Measurement table (original table name: ObmMass) - Measurements for the objects
Column name - Column Description:
- ObmId - Primary key for measurement table
- ObmObjId - Foreign key for object table
- ObmMasseS - measurement, text
- ObmTypMasseS - measurement, type (height, width, etc.)
- ObmMasseHF - measurement, numeric
- ObmMasseMS - measurement unit
- ObmMasseBemVorS - notes for measurement fields (describes what part of the object the measurement is describing)
- ObmMasseBemNachS - second notes field
File name: LSH Github - ObjMultiple.csv
File Description: Objects, multiple values (original table name: ObjMultiple) - Table containing multiple values for each object (examples: keywords, classification)
Column name - Column Description:
- OmuId - Primary key for multiple-table
- OmuObjId - Foreign key for object table
- OmuTypS - Type of value (is used to classify each value in relation to the object (for instance, type: "keyword" or type: "keyword (english)")
- OmuInhalt01S - For the type "material" this value is the technique used for that specific material (example: broderi (embroidery) in relation to the material: ylle (wool))
- OmuInhalt01M - Value in relation to OmuTypS (could be a material, a keyword, the name of a geographical location, etc.)
- OmuBemerkungM - Notes for the value in OmuInhalt01M (could be a note of where on the object that particular material/technique is applied)
File name: LSH Github - Kuenstler.csv
File Description: Names (original table name: Kuenstler) - related names to the objects (artists, owners, users, institutions etc.)
Column name - Column Description:
- KueId - Primary key for name table
- KueTypS - Type of name (person or organisation)
- KueVorNameS - First name
- KueNameS - Name (second name if nametype is person)
- KueAliasS - Family Name (Dynasty, kin, etc.)
- KueSortierungS - Second name and First name put together
- KueFunktionS - Profession
- KueReserve01M - Biographical text
- KueGeschlechtS - Gender
- KueNationS - Nationality
File name: LSH Github - KuenstlerDatierung.csv
File Description: Dates related to names (year of birth, death, etc.)
Column name - Column Description:
- KudId - Primary Key for Name-date table
- KudKueId - Foreign Key to Name table
- KudArtS - Type of date (lifetime, operation time (for instance if the name is an organisation: period when the organisation was active)
- KudDatierungS - Date value in text
- KudTagVonL - Date, from (day)
- KudMonatVonL - Date, from (month)
- KudJahrVonL - Date, from (year)
- KudTagBisL - Date, to (day)
- KudMonatBisL - Date, to (month)
- KudJahrBisL - Date, to (year)
- KudBemerkungS - Notes for date value
- KudOrtS - Location (in relation to specific date, could be the name of a city (birth place), etc.)
- KudLandS - Location (in relation to specific date, could be the name of a country, etc.)
File name: LSH Github - Obj_Kuenstler.csv
File Description: Relations between names and objects
Column name - Column Description:
- OkuId - primary key for names-objects relation table
- OkuObjId - Foreign key to ObjDaten (objects table)
- OkuKueId - Foreign key to Kuenstler (name table)
- OkuArtS - Type of relation to object (example: owner, manufacturer)
- OkuFunktionS - Note to OkuArtS (notes to type of relation, for instance OkuFunktionS could state: "original" in relation to OkuArtS: "owner")
- OkuBeschreibungS - Further notes to OkuArtS (often a date (in text)
- OkuValidierungS - Validation of value (some relations between objects and names are assumed by tradition, but doesn't necessary have a certain source of fact stating the relation)
File name: LSH GitHub - Ereignis.csv
File Description: Historical events (in relation to objects and names)
Column name - Column Description:
- ErgId - Primary key for Ereignis table
- ErgTypS - Classification of historical event (example: Ceremony, War/Battle etc.)
- ErgArtS - Wikipedia-URL (link to article on the historical event)
- ErgTitelM - Short description of the historical event
- ErgKurztitelS - Title of the historical event
- ErgStelleS - Geographical location for the historical event
- ErgOrtS - Type of event within classification (example: a wedding (ceremony))
- ErgDatierungS - Date of event (text)
- ErgJahrVonL - Year, from
- ErgJahrBisL - Year, to
- ErgBeschreibungM - Description of the event
File name: LSH GitHub - Ereignis_Obj.csv
File Description: Historical events - relations to objects
Column name - Column Description:
- EroId - Primary key for Ereignis_Obj
- EroErgId - Foreign key to Ereignis-table
- EroObjId - Foreign key to ObjDaten-table
- EroArtS - Verification of the relation (if certain, presumed, by tradition, etc.)
- EroTitelS - Relation type between object and historical event (example: an object is War-Booty)
- EroBeschreibungM - Notes to the relation between object and historical event
File name: LSH GitHub - Ereignis_Kuenstler.csv
File Description: Historical events - relations to names
Column name - Column Description:
- ErkId - Primary key for Ereignis_Kuenstler
- ErkErgId - Foreign key to Ereignis-table
- ErkKueId - Foreign key to Kuenstler-table
- ErkArtS - Verification of the relation (if certain, presumed, by tradition, etc.)
- ErkTitelS - role of the name in relation to the object (example: manufacturer)
- ErkBeschreibungM - Notes to the relation between name and historical event