A calorie counting app with built-in journal function!
Sign up to the app. The sign in and start creating your own food journal. Choose your food, set the quantity and calculate your daily macros.
You can also check your BMI and calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) to see how many calories you should consume on a daily basis.
- Vue 2.5.11
- apexcharts 3.7.1
- axios 0.19.
- chart.js 2..0
- vue-apexchart 1.3.5
- vue-resource 1.5.
- vue-router 3.0.
- vuejs-dialog 1..0
- vuelidate 0.7.
- vuex 3.1.1
Try it live here
Feel free to email me: lukasz.mateusz.sliwa@gmail.com