Demo microservice solution with crypto forex data.
You need Kubernetes and Helm It has been tested with Docker For Windows, because it includes k8s as well.
Release name is hard coded now (frx
), because of Helm approach (hard to templating in parent chart's values.yaml). Installation of frx
$ helm repo add bitnami
$ helm repo add lsmhun
$ helm dep update
$ helm install frx . --create-namespace -n frxns
Grafana interface is available through NodePort.
$ kubectl expose deployment frx --type=NodePort --name=frxgraf -n frxns
$ kubectl describe service frxgraf -n frxns | grep NodePort:
Then you can visit the page: YOUR_NODE_PORT
Default username and password (admin/admin) is defined in values.yaml .
To uninstall/delete the frx
$ helm delete frx -n frxns
The command removes all the Kubernetes components but PVC's associated with the chart and deletes the release.
To delete the PVC's associated with frx
$ kubectl delete pvc -n frxns data-frx-kafka-0 data-frx-postgresql-0 data-frx-zookeeper-0
Note: Deleting the PVC's will delete postgresql data as well. Please be cautious before doing it.