The ROS Navigation Stack is a library used for navigating mobile robots in dynamic environments. It relies on an odometry source, Lidar data (in either 2D or 3D), and a map to enable autonomous navigation. While it can function without a map, the effectiveness of the global planner is compromised in such cases.
This repository demonstrates the usage of a ROS package that employs a TEB Local Planner to construct navigation plans and avoid obstacles encountered along the robot's path. Additionally, a URDF is utilized to represent the robot model accurately, enabling the publication of transformations for peripheral components (such as wheels and sensors) to tf2.
To execute these plans, move_base is used to direct the robot along the trajectory determined by the local planner, with users interfacing through tools like rviz or custom code.
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y \
ros-<ros-distribution>-navigation \
ros-<ros-distribution>-teb-local-planner \
ros-<ros-distribution>-xacro \
ros-<ros-distribution>-gazebo-ros \
ros-<ros-distribution>-joint-state-publisher \
Build the catkin workspace
Launch the program
roslaunch ros_navigation_stack main.launch