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luc-tielen committed Oct 8, 2023
1 parent 8e75040 commit c09f84f
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Showing 3 changed files with 261 additions and 2 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions eclair-lang.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ test-suite eclair-test
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib/Eclair/LLVM/Symbol.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ mkSymbolIsEqual = do
data1 <- deref dataOf symbol1
data2 <- deref dataOf symbol2
size1' <- zext size1 i64
isDataEqual <- (`eq` bit 0) =<< call memcmpFn [data1, data2, size1']
ret isDataEqual
result <- call memcmpFn [data1, data2, size1']
ret =<< result `eq` bit 0

data Index
= SymbolIdx
Expand Down
258 changes: 258 additions & 0 deletions tests/eclair/Test/Eclair/LLVM/SymbolTableSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
module Test.Eclair.LLVM.SymbolTableSpec
( module Test.Eclair.LLVM.SymbolTableSpec
) where

import Prelude hiding (void, Symbol)
import qualified LLVM.C.API as LibLLVM
import qualified Test.Eclair.LLVM.SymbolUtils as S
import Control.Monad.Morph
import Control.Exception
import Eclair.LLVM.SymbolTable
import qualified Eclair.LLVM.Symbol as S
import qualified Eclair.LLVM.Vector as V
import qualified Eclair.LLVM.HashMap as HM
import Eclair.LLVM.Codegen hiding (retVoid, nullPtr)
import Eclair.LLVM.Externals
import System.Posix.DynamicLinker
import System.Directory.Extra
import System.Process.Extra
import System.FilePath
import Foreign hiding (void)
import Foreign.LibFFI
import Test.Hspec

type Symbol = S.Symbol
type Value = Word32

data Bindings
= Bindings
{ dynamicLib :: DL
, symBindings :: S.Bindings
, withSymTab :: (Ptr SymbolTable -> IO ()) -> IO ()
, bInit :: Ptr SymbolTable -> IO ()
, bDestroy :: Ptr SymbolTable -> IO ()
, bFindOrInsert :: Ptr SymbolTable -> Ptr Symbol -> IO Value
-- NOTE: no need to free returned symbol after lookup
, bLookupSymbol :: Ptr SymbolTable -> Value -> IO (Ptr Symbol)
, bContainsSymbol :: Ptr SymbolTable -> Ptr Symbol -> IO Bool
, bLookupIndex :: Ptr SymbolTable -> Ptr Symbol -> IO Value
, bContainsIndex :: Ptr SymbolTable -> Value -> IO Bool

spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Symbol table" $ aroundAll (setupAndTeardown testDir) $ parallel $ do
it "can be initialized and destroyed" $ \bindings ->
withSymTab bindings $ \st -> do
bInit bindings st
bDestroy bindings st

-- TODO fix this test
it "is possible to add symbols to the table" $ \bindings -> do
let sBindings = symBindings bindings
withSymTab bindings $ \st -> do
bInit bindings st
_ <- S.withSymbol sBindings $ \sym -> do
S.bInit sBindings sym "abcd"
idx <- bFindOrInsert bindings st sym
idx `shouldBe` 0
idx' <- bFindOrInsert bindings st sym
idx' `shouldBe` 0
-- Owned by symbol table now:
-- S.bDestroy sBindings sym

_ <- S.withSymbol sBindings $ \sym -> do
S.bInit sBindings sym "123"
idx <- bFindOrInsert bindings st sym
idx `shouldBe` 1
-- Owned by symbol table now:
-- S.bDestroy sBindings sym

bDestroy bindings st

it "is possible to check if the table contains a key" $ \bindings -> do
let sBindings = symBindings bindings
withSymTab bindings $ \st -> do
bInit bindings st
_ <- S.withSymbol sBindings $ \sym -> do
S.bInit sBindings sym "abcd"
result1 <- bContainsSymbol bindings st sym
_ <- bFindOrInsert bindings st sym
result2 <- bContainsSymbol bindings st sym
S.bDestroy sBindings sym
result1 `shouldBe` False
result2 `shouldBe` True

it "is possible to check if the table contains a value" $ \bindings -> do
let sBindings = symBindings bindings
withSymTab bindings $ \st -> do
bInit bindings st
_ <- S.withSymbol sBindings $ \sym -> do
S.bInit sBindings sym "abcd"
result1 <- bContainsIndex bindings st 0
_ <- bFindOrInsert bindings st sym
result2 <- bContainsIndex bindings st 0
S.bDestroy sBindings sym
result1 `shouldBe` False
result2 `shouldBe` True

it "is possible to lookup a key corresponding to a value" $ \bindings -> do
let sBindings = symBindings bindings
withSymTab bindings $ \st -> do
bInit bindings st
_ <- S.withSymbol sBindings $ \sym -> do
S.bInit sBindings sym "abcd"
-- NOTE: unsafe lookup, don't use it before symbol is inserted
-- sym1 <- bLookupSymbol bindings st 0
idx <- bFindOrInsert bindings st sym
idx `shouldBe` 0
print =<< bContainsSymbol bindings st sym
sym' <- bLookupSymbol bindings st idx
-- Owned by symbol table now:
-- S.bDestroy sBindings sym
result <- S.bIsEqual sBindings sym sym'
result `shouldBe` True

it "is possible to lookup a value corresponding to a key" $ \bindings -> do
let sBindings = symBindings bindings
withSymTab bindings $ \st -> do
bInit bindings st
_ <- S.withSymbol sBindings $ \sym -> do
S.bInit sBindings sym "abcd"
-- NOTE: unsafe lookup, don't use it before symbol is inserted
idx1 <- bLookupIndex bindings st sym
_ <- bFindOrInsert bindings st sym
idx2 <- bLookupIndex bindings st sym
S.bDestroy sBindings sym
idx1 `shouldBe` 0xffffffff
idx2 `shouldBe` 0

setupAndTeardown :: FilePath -> ActionWith Bindings -> IO ()
setupAndTeardown dir =
bracket (setup dir) teardown

setup :: FilePath -> IO Bindings
setup dir = do
createDirectoryIfMissing False dir
compileCode cgExternals cgTestCode dir
loadNativeCode dir

teardown :: Bindings -> IO ()
teardown =
dlclose . dynamicLib

:: ModuleBuilderT IO Externals
-> (Symbol -> SymbolTable -> Externals -> ModuleBuilderT IO ())
-> FilePath -> IO ()
compileCode cgExts cgHelperCode dir = do
ctx <- LibLLVM.mkContext
llvmMod <- LibLLVM.mkModule ctx "eclair"
td <- LibLLVM.getTargetData llvmMod
llvmIR <- runModuleBuilderT $ do
exts <- cgExts
symbol <- hoist intoIO $ S.codegen exts
let cfg = Config Nothing ctx td
symbolDestructor iterPtr = do
_ <- call (S.symbolDestroy symbol) [iterPtr]
vec <- instantiate "test" (S.tySymbol symbol) $ runConfigT cfg $ V.codegen exts (Just symbolDestructor)
hm <- runConfigT cfg $ HM.codegen symbol exts
symTab <- hoist intoIO $ codegen (S.tySymbol symbol) vec hm
cgHelperCode symbol symTab exts
let llvmIRText = ppllvm llvmIR
writeFileText (llFile dir) llvmIRText
callProcess "clang" ["-fPIC", "-shared", "-O0", "-o", soFile dir, llFile dir]

cgExternals :: ModuleBuilderT IO Externals
cgExternals = do
mallocFn <- extern "malloc" [i32] (ptr i8)
freeFn <- extern "free" [ptr i8] void
memcpyFn <- extern "memcpy" [ptr i8, ptr i8, i64] (ptr i8)
memcmpFn <- extern "memcmp" [ptr i8, ptr i8, i64] i32
pure $ Externals mallocFn freeFn notUsed memcpyFn memcmpFn notUsed notUsed

cgTestCode :: S.Symbol -> SymbolTable -> Externals -> ModuleBuilderT IO ()
cgTestCode sym symTab exts = do
let mallocFn = extMalloc exts
freeFn = extFree exts
tySym = S.tySymbol sym
symTabTy = tySymbolTable symTab
_ <- function "eclair_symbol_table_new" [] (ptr symTabTy) $ \[] ->
ret =<< call mallocFn [int32 4096]
_ <- function "eclair_symbol_table_delete" [(ptr symTabTy, "hm")] void $ \[h] ->
call freeFn [h]
let args = [(ptr symTabTy, "symbol_table"), (ptr tySym, "symbol")]
_ <- function "eclair_symbol_table_contains_symbol_helper" args i8 $ \[st, s] -> do
result <- call (symbolTableContainsSymbol symTab) [st, s]
ret =<< result `zext` i8
let args' = [(ptr symTabTy, "symbol_table"), (i32, "value")]
_ <- function "eclair_symbol_table_contains_index_helper" args' i8 $ \[st, v] -> do
result <- call (symbolTableContainsIndex symTab) [st, v]
ret =<< result `zext` i8

S.cgTestCode sym exts

loadNativeCode :: FilePath -> IO Bindings
loadNativeCode dir = do
lib <- dlopen (soFile dir) [RTLD_LAZY]
sBindings <- S.loadNativeCode' lib
fnNew <- dlsym lib "eclair_symbol_table_new"
fnDelete <- dlsym lib "eclair_symbol_table_delete"
fnInit <- dlsym lib "eclair_symbol_table_init"
fnDestroy <- dlsym lib "eclair_symbol_table_destroy"
fnFindOrInsert <- dlsym lib "eclair_symbol_table_find_or_insert"
fnLookupSymbol <- dlsym lib "eclair_symbol_table_lookup_symbol"
fnContainsSymbol <- dlsym lib "eclair_symbol_table_contains_symbol_helper"
fnLookupIndex <- dlsym lib "eclair_symbol_table_lookup_index"
fnContainsIndex <- dlsym lib "eclair_symbol_table_contains_index_helper"
pure $ Bindings
{ dynamicLib = lib
, symBindings = sBindings
, withSymTab = mkWithSymTab fnNew fnDelete
, bInit = mkInit fnInit
, bDestroy = mkDestroy fnDestroy
, bFindOrInsert = mkFindOrInsert fnFindOrInsert
, bLookupSymbol = mkLookupSymbol fnLookupSymbol
, bLookupIndex = mkLookupIndex fnLookupIndex
, bContainsSymbol = mkContainsSymbol fnContainsSymbol
, bContainsIndex = mkContainsIndex fnContainsIndex
mkNew fn = callFFI fn (retPtr retVoid) []
mkDelete fn st = callFFI fn retVoid [argPtr st]
mkWithSymTab fnNew fnDelete =
bracket (castPtr <$> mkNew fnNew) (mkDelete fnDelete)
mkInit fn st = callFFI fn retVoid [argPtr st]
mkDestroy fn st = callFFI fn retVoid [argPtr st]
mkFindOrInsert fn st sym =
fromIntegral <$> callFFI fn retCUInt [argPtr st, argPtr sym]
mkLookupSymbol fn st value =
castPtr <$> callFFI fn (retPtr retVoid) [argPtr st, argCUInt $ fromIntegral value]
mkLookupIndex fn st sym =
fromIntegral <$> callFFI fn retCUInt [argPtr st, argPtr sym]
mkContainsSymbol fn st sym = do
result <- callFFI fn retCUChar [argPtr st, argPtr sym]
pure $ result == 1
mkContainsIndex fn st value = do
result <- callFFI fn retCUChar [argPtr st, argCUInt $ fromIntegral value]
pure $ result == 1

testDir :: FilePath
testDir = "/tmp/eclair-symbol-table"

notUsed :: a
notUsed = panic "Not used"

intoIO :: Identity a -> IO a
intoIO = pure . runIdentity

llFile, soFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
llFile dir = dir </> "symbol-table.ll"
soFile dir = dir </> ""

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