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Add tests for runtime hashmap
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luc-tielen committed Oct 7, 2023
1 parent 7dad7e7 commit d96620b
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Showing 5 changed files with 344 additions and 89 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions eclair-lang.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -259,8 +259,10 @@ test-suite eclair-test
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion lib/Eclair/LLVM/HashMap.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -226,4 +226,3 @@ symbolOf = mkPath [int32 0]

valueOf :: Path 'EntryIdx 'ValueIdx
valueOf = mkPath [int32 1]

231 changes: 231 additions & 0 deletions tests/eclair/Test/Eclair/LLVM/HashMapSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
module Test.Eclair.LLVM.HashMapSpec
( module Test.Eclair.LLVM.HashMapSpec
) where

import Prelude hiding (void, HashMap, Symbol)
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Morph
import qualified Test.Eclair.LLVM.SymbolUtils as S
import qualified LLVM.C.API as LibLLVM
import Eclair.LLVM.HashMap
import qualified Eclair.LLVM.Symbol as S
import Eclair.LLVM.Codegen hiding (retVoid, nullPtr)
import Eclair.LLVM.Externals
import Foreign.LibFFI
import Foreign hiding (void)
import System.Posix.DynamicLinker
import System.Directory.Extra
import System.Process.Extra
import System.FilePath
import Test.Hspec

type Value = Word32

data Bindings
= Bindings
{ dynamicLib :: DL
, symBindings :: S.Bindings
, withHashMap :: (Ptr HashMap -> IO ()) -> IO ()
, bInit :: Ptr HashMap -> IO ()
, bDestroy :: Ptr HashMap -> IO ()
, bGetOrPut :: Ptr HashMap -> Ptr S.Symbol -> Value -> IO Value
, bLookup :: Ptr HashMap -> Ptr S.Symbol -> IO Value
, bContains :: Ptr HashMap -> Ptr S.Symbol -> IO Bool

spec :: Spec
spec = describe "HashMap" $ aroundAll (setupAndTeardown testDir) $ parallel $ do
it "can be initialized and destroyed" $ \bindings ->
withHashMap bindings $ \hm -> do
bInit bindings hm
bDestroy bindings hm

it "stores a new value if the requested key was not found" $ \bindings -> do
let sBindings = symBindings bindings
withHashMap bindings $ \hm -> do
bInit bindings hm

withSym sBindings "abcd" $ \sym -> do
value1 <- bGetOrPut bindings hm sym 42
value1 `shouldBe` 42

-- different symbol -> separate entry in the hashmap
withSym sBindings "abcdef" $ \sym' -> do
value3 <- bGetOrPut bindings hm sym' 34
value3 `shouldBe` 34

bDestroy bindings hm

it "retrieves the old value if the requested key was found" $ \bindings -> do
let sBindings = symBindings bindings
withHashMap bindings $ \hm -> do
bInit bindings hm

withSym sBindings "abcd" $ \sym -> do
value1 <- bGetOrPut bindings hm sym 42
value1 `shouldBe` 42
value2 <- bGetOrPut bindings hm sym 100
value2 `shouldBe` 42

-- same symbol -> same entry in the hashmap
withSym sBindings "abcd" $ \sym' -> do
value4 <- bGetOrPut bindings hm sym' 34
value4 `shouldBe` 42

bDestroy bindings hm

it "is possible to lookup keys in the hashmap" $ \bindings -> do
let sBindings = symBindings bindings
withHashMap bindings $ \hm -> do
bInit bindings hm

-- key found
withSym sBindings "abcd" $ \sym -> do
_ <- bGetOrPut bindings hm sym 42
value <- bLookup bindings hm sym
value `shouldBe` 42

-- key not found
withSym sBindings "123" $ \sym -> do
value <- bLookup bindings hm sym
value `shouldBe` 0xffffffff

bDestroy bindings hm

it "is possible to check if a hashmap contains a key" $ \bindings -> do
let sBindings = symBindings bindings
withHashMap bindings $ \hm -> do
bInit bindings hm

-- key found
withSym sBindings "abcd" $ \sym -> do
_ <- bGetOrPut bindings hm sym 42
value <- bContains bindings hm sym
value `shouldBe` True

-- key not found
withSym sBindings "123" $ \sym -> do
value <- bContains bindings hm sym
value `shouldBe` False

bDestroy bindings hm

-- TODO big hashmap test

setupAndTeardown :: FilePath -> ActionWith Bindings -> IO ()
setupAndTeardown dir =
bracket (setup dir) teardown

setup :: FilePath -> IO Bindings
setup dir = do
createDirectoryIfMissing False dir
compileCode cgExternals cgTestCode dir
loadNativeCode dir

teardown :: Bindings -> IO ()
teardown =
dlclose . dynamicLib

:: ModuleBuilderT IO Externals
-> (S.Symbol -> HashMap -> Externals -> ModuleBuilderT IO ())
-> FilePath -> IO ()
compileCode cgExts cgHelperCode dir = do
ctx <- LibLLVM.mkContext
llvmMod <- LibLLVM.mkModule ctx "eclair"
td <- LibLLVM.getTargetData llvmMod
llvmIR <- runModuleBuilderT $ do
exts <- cgExts
let cfg = Config Nothing ctx td
sym <- hoist intoIO $ S.codegen exts
hm <- runConfigT cfg $ codegen sym exts
cgHelperCode sym hm exts
let llvmIRText = ppllvm llvmIR
writeFileText (llFile dir) llvmIRText
callProcess "clang" ["-fPIC", "-shared", "-O0", "-o", soFile dir, llFile dir]

intoIO :: Identity a -> IO a
intoIO = pure . runIdentity

cgExternals :: ModuleBuilderT IO Externals
cgExternals = do
mallocFn <- extern "malloc" [i32] (ptr i8)
freeFn <- extern "free" [ptr i8] void
memcpyFn <- extern "memcpy" [ptr i8, ptr i8, i64] (ptr i8)
memcmpFn <- extern "memcmp" [ptr i8, ptr i8, i64] i32
pure $ Externals mallocFn freeFn notUsed memcpyFn memcmpFn notUsed notUsed

cgTestCode :: S.Symbol -> HashMap -> Externals -> ModuleBuilderT IO ()
cgTestCode sym hm exts = do
let hmTypes = hashMapTypes hm
hmTy = tyHashMap hmTypes
tySym = tyKey hmTypes
mallocFn = extMalloc exts
freeFn = extFree exts

_ <- function "eclair_hashmap_new" [] (ptr hmTy) $ \[] ->
ret =<< call mallocFn [int32 $ 64 * 32] -- 64 vectors long
_ <- function "eclair_hashmap_delete" [(ptr hmTy, "hm")] void $ \[h] ->
call freeFn [h]
let args = [(ptr hmTy, "hashmap"), (ptr tySym, "symbol")]
_ <- function "eclair_hashmap_contains_helper" args i8 $ \[h, s] -> do
result <- call (hashMapContains hm) [h, s]
ret =<< result `zext` i8

S.cgTestCode sym exts

loadNativeCode :: FilePath -> IO Bindings
loadNativeCode dir = do
lib <- dlopen (soFile dir) [RTLD_LAZY]
sBindings <- S.loadNativeCode' lib
fnNew <- dlsym lib "eclair_hashmap_new"
fnDelete <- dlsym lib "eclair_hashmap_delete"
fnInit <- dlsym lib "eclair_hashmap_init"
fnDestroy <- dlsym lib "eclair_hashmap_destroy"
fnGetOrPut <- dlsym lib "eclair_hashmap_get_or_put_value"
fnContains <- dlsym lib "eclair_hashmap_lookup"
fnLookup <- dlsym lib "eclair_hashmap_contains"
pure $ Bindings
{ dynamicLib = lib
, symBindings = sBindings
, withHashMap = mkWithHashMap fnNew fnDelete
, bInit = mkInit fnInit
, bDestroy = mkDestroy fnDestroy
, bGetOrPut = mkGetOrPut fnGetOrPut
, bContains = mkContains fnContains
, bLookup = mkLookup fnLookup
mkNew fn = callFFI fn (retPtr retVoid) []
mkDelete fn hm = callFFI fn retVoid [argPtr hm]
mkWithHashMap fnNew fnDelete =
bracket (castPtr <$> mkNew fnNew) (mkDelete fnDelete)
mkInit fn hm = callFFI fn retVoid [argPtr hm]
mkDestroy fn hm = callFFI fn retVoid [argPtr hm]
mkGetOrPut fn hm sym value =
fromIntegral <$> callFFI fn retCUInt [argPtr hm, argPtr sym, argCUInt $ fromIntegral value]
mkContains fn hm sym = do
result <- callFFI fn retCUChar [argPtr hm, argPtr sym]
pure $ result == 1
mkLookup fn hm sym =
fromIntegral <$> callFFI fn retCUInt [argPtr hm, argPtr sym]

testDir :: FilePath
testDir = "/tmp/eclair-hashmap"

llFile, soFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
llFile dir = dir </> "hashmap.ll"
soFile dir = dir </> ""

notUsed :: a
notUsed = panic "Not used"

withSym :: S.Bindings -> String -> (Ptr S.Symbol -> IO a) -> IO a
withSym bindings str f = do
S.withSymbol bindings $ \sym -> do
S.bInit bindings sym str
result <- f sym
S.bDestroy bindings sym
pure result
89 changes: 1 addition & 88 deletions tests/eclair/Test/Eclair/LLVM/SymbolSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,32 +4,17 @@ module Test.Eclair.LLVM.SymbolSpec
) where

import Prelude hiding (void, Symbol)
import Test.Eclair.LLVM.SymbolUtils
import Control.Monad.Morph
import Control.Exception
import Eclair.LLVM.Symbol
import Eclair.LLVM.Codegen hiding (retVoid, nullPtr)
import Eclair.LLVM.Externals
import Foreign.LibFFI
import Foreign hiding (void, bit)
import System.Posix.DynamicLinker
import System.Directory.Extra
import System.Process.Extra
import System.FilePath
import Test.Hspec
import Foreign.C

type I8 = CUChar

data Bindings
= Bindings
{ dynamicLib :: DL
, withSymbol :: (Ptr Symbol -> IO ()) -> IO ()
, bInit :: Ptr Symbol -> String -> IO ()
, bDestroy :: Ptr Symbol -> IO ()
, bIsEqual :: Ptr Symbol -> Ptr Symbol -> IO Bool
, bLength :: Ptr Symbol -> IO Word32
, bData :: Ptr Symbol -> IO String

spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Symbol" $ aroundAll (setupAndTeardown testDir) $ parallel $ do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,81 +80,9 @@ cgExternals = do
memcmpFn <- extern "memcmp" [ptr i8, ptr i8, i64] i32
pure $ Externals mallocFn freeFn notUsed memcpyFn memcmpFn notUsed notUsed

cgTestCode :: Symbol -> Externals -> ModuleBuilderT IO ()
cgTestCode sym exts = do
let mallocFn = extMalloc exts
freeFn = extFree exts
memcpyFn = extMemcpy exts
symTy = tySymbol sym
_ <- function "eclair_symbol_new" [] (ptr symTy) $ \[] ->
ret =<< call mallocFn [int32 16]
_ <- function "eclair_symbol_delete" [(ptr symTy, "sym")] void $ \[s] ->
call freeFn [s]
let initArgs = [(ptr symTy, "sym"), (i32, "length"), (ptr i8, "data")]
_ <- function "eclair_symbol_init_helper" initArgs void $ \[s, len, str] -> do
-- Needed because "str" is freed afterwards
memory <- call mallocFn [len]
_ <- call memcpyFn [memory, str, len, bit 0]
_ <- call (symbolInit sym) [s, len, memory]
let isEqArgs = [(ptr symTy, "sym1"), (ptr symTy, "sym2")]
_ <- function "eclair_symbol_is_equal_helper" isEqArgs i8 $ \[sym1, sym2] -> do
isEq <- call (symbolIsEqual sym) [sym1, sym2]
ret =<< isEq `zext` i8
_ <- function "eclair_symbol_length" [(ptr symTy, "sym")] i32 $ \[s] -> do
lenPtr <- gep s [int32 0, int32 0]
ret =<< load lenPtr 0
_ <- function "eclair_symbol_data" [(ptr symTy, "sym")] (ptr i8) $ \[s] -> do
lenPtr <- gep s [int32 0, int32 1]
ret =<< load lenPtr 0

loadNativeCode :: FilePath -> IO Bindings
loadNativeCode dir = do
lib <- dlopen (soFile dir) [RTLD_LAZY]
fnNew <- dlsym lib "eclair_symbol_new"
fnDelete <- dlsym lib "eclair_symbol_delete"
fnInit <- dlsym lib "eclair_symbol_init_helper"
fnDestroy <- dlsym lib "eclair_symbol_destroy"
fnIsEqual <- dlsym lib "eclair_symbol_is_equal_helper"
fnLength <- dlsym lib "eclair_symbol_length"
fnData <- dlsym lib "eclair_symbol_data"
let getLength = mkLength fnLength
pure $ Bindings
{ dynamicLib = lib
, withSymbol = mkWithSymbol fnNew fnDelete
, bInit = mkInit fnInit
, bDestroy = mkDestroy fnDestroy
, bIsEqual = mkIsEqual fnIsEqual
, bLength = getLength
, bData = mkData fnData getLength
mkNew fn = callFFI fn (retPtr retVoid) []
mkDelete fn sym = callFFI fn retVoid [argPtr sym]
mkWithSymbol fnNew fnDelete =
bracket (castPtr <$> mkNew fnNew) (mkDelete fnDelete)
mkInit fn sym str = do
let len = fromIntegral $ length str
callFFI fn retVoid [argPtr sym, argCUInt len, argString str]
mkDestroy fn sym = callFFI fn retVoid [argPtr sym]
mkIsEqual fn sym1 sym2 = do
result <- callFFI fn retCUChar [argPtr sym1, argPtr sym2]
pure $ result == 1
mkLength fn sym = do
fromIntegral <$> callFFI fn retCUInt [argPtr sym]
mkData fn getLength sym = do
len <- fromIntegral <$> getLength sym
strPtr <- callFFI fn (retPtr retCChar) [argPtr sym]
peekCAStringLen (strPtr, len)

testDir :: FilePath
testDir = "/tmp/eclair-symbol"

llFile, soFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
llFile dir = dir </> "symbol.ll"
soFile dir = dir </> ""

notUsed :: a
notUsed = panic "Not used"

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