NOTE: Kevin Payravi improved the code and converted it to a regular Python script. You can find it here: Some fixes were pulled into the notebook.
Notes on importing content to Mastodon. Very early version. Pull requests welcome. (It's unlikely that I will work on this for long.)
Where it started:
I run a personal Mastodon instance and wanted to import my Tweets without spamming my followers, the local timeline or other instances. In this repo you will find with what I came up. It's not meant for end users but admins who are okay with losing all their data.
Mastodon does not allow the import of posts/toots/statuses, but as admins of our own instance, we can adapt it to our needs.
I decided to add an created_at parameter to the API to allow the creation of backdated posts. Two files need to be changed. My instance uses the linuxserver docker image ( on an Unraid server. The script is adapted to that setup and can be executed from the Unraid console. It changes two files: app/controllers/api/v1/statuses_controller.rb and app/services/post_status_service.rb. After changing those files, you need to restart your server. If you use a different environment, you probably need to change the paths.
def create
@status =
text: status_params[:status],
thread: @thread,
media_ids: status_params[:media_ids],
sensitive: status_params[:sensitive],
spoiler_text: status_params[:spoiler_text],
visibility: status_params[:visibility],
language: status_params[:language],
scheduled_at: status_params[:scheduled_at],
created_at: status_params[:created_at],
application: doorkeeper_token.application,
poll: status_params[:poll],
idempotency: request.headers['Idempotency-Key'],
with_rate_limit: true
def status_params
:sensitive, :spoiler_text, :visibility,
media_ids: [],
poll: [
options: [],
To not spam anyone, posts with a created_at parameter won't be pushed. That's what the changes to post_status_service.rb prevent.
def postprocess_status!
Trends.tags.register(@status)il LinkCrawlWorker.perform_async(
if not @options[:created_at]
PollExpirationNotifyWorker.perform_at(@status.poll.expires_at, if @status.poll
def status_attributes
text: @text,
created_at: @options[:created_at],
media_attachments: @media || [],
ordered_media_attachment_ids: (@options[:media_ids] || []).map(&:to_i) &,
thread: @in_reply_to,
poll_attributes: poll_attributes,
sensitive: @sensitive,
spoiler_text: @options[:spoiler_text] || '',
visibility: @visibility,
language: valid_locale_cascade(@options[:language], @account.user&.preferred_posting_language, I18n.default_locale),
application: @options[:application],
rate_limit: @options[:with_rate_limit],
Now that the API supports a created_at parameter, we can import any content through the API. I am most familiar with Python, so I went with that. The first content I tried was my Twitter archive. That's what the does (I use it in a Jupyter Notebook, but currently too lazy to clean it up, so only fragments.)
Already works:
- Replace @username with
- Upload media (can use higher resolution media from
- Threads are recreated as threads (very fragile because post IDs are only stored in a variable)
- URLs are replaced with the expanded versions
- Retweets (currently, they are skipped because they are often truncated and that would be silly)
- Alt texts (they aren't included in the Twitter archive and we will need to retreive them from the API or website)
- Making import of replies optional
- Edited Tweets (should all versions be imported?)